Page 28 - Bon dia 3 Sept 2020
P. 28

A28    world news
                Diahuebs 3 september 2020

                          Turkey criticizes U.S. decision to lift Cyprus arms embargo

            By  SUZAN  FRASER  and                                                                                              Mitsotakis  to  pull  back  and
            MENELAOS  HADJICO-                                                                                                  talk things out.
            STIS                                                                                                                "We're  urging  everyone  to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    stand  down,  to  reduce  ten-
            ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —                                                                                               sions and begin to have dip-
            Turkey called on the United                                                                                         lomatic  discussions  about
            States to reconsider a decision                                                                                     the conflicts ... in the eastern
            to partially lift a 33-year-old                                                                                     Mediterranean,"    Pompeo
            arms  embargo  against  Cy-                                                                                         said.  "It  is  not  useful  to  in-
            prus,  saying  Wednesday  that                                                                                      crease military tension in the
            the  move  disrupts  "equal-                                                                                        region. Only negative things
            ity and balance" between the                                                                                        can flow from that."
            Turkish  Cypriot  and  Greek                                                                                        On  Wednesday,  Greece  car-
            Cypriot  communities  on                                                                                            ried out a bond auction as part
            the  ethnically  divided  island                                                                                    of  efforts  to  boost  cash  re-
            nation.  Turkish  Vice  Presi-                                                                                      serves for additional support
            dent Fuat Oktay said Ankara                                                                                         to  pandemic-hit  businesses
            would continue to take steps                                                                                        as well as defense spending to
            to guarantee the security and                                                                                       face the crisis with Turkey.
            welfare  of  the  self-declared                                                                                     Cyprus  government  spokes-
            Turkish Cypriot state and of                                                                                        man  Kyriakos  Koushos  told
            the  Turkish  Cypriot  people                                                                                       The Associated Press that the
            "against  such  positions  that                                                                                     Trump  administration's  ac-
            increase the risk of confron-                                                                                       tion  with  the  arms  embargo
            tation in the region."                                                                                              was less about bolstering the
            Oktay  said  that  Turkey  and   In this photo provided on Monday, Aug. 31, 2020, by the Greek Defense Ministry, warships from   country  militarily  than  un-
            the  breakaway  Turkish  Cy-  Greece, Italy, Cyprus and France, participate in a joint military exercise which was held from 26-  derscoring  the  significant
            priot  state  are  "aware  of  the   28 of August, south of Turkey in eastern Mediterranean sea.                    role  that  Washington  attri-
            games  that  are  being  played                                                                    Associated Press   butes to Cyprus in helping to
            against them."                                                                                                      strengthen  regional  security
            The  embargo,  imposed  in  to reunify Cyprus, "poisons"  NATO allies have been shad-  report that claimed that Pres-  and stability.
            1987,  was  designed  to  pre-  regional  stability  and  goes  owing  each  other  in  recent  ident  Recep  Tayyip  Erdogan  U.S.  Ambassador  to  Cyprus
            vent an arms race that would  against the "spirit of alliance"  weeks as Turkish survey ves-  had ordered the Turkish mil-  Judith  Garber  said  the  lift-
            hinder  U.N.-facilitated  re-  between the U.S. and Turkey.  sels  and  drill  ships  continue  itary to sink a Greek warship  ing of the embargo strength-
            unification  efforts  for  Cy-  U.S. Secretary of State Mike  to prospect for hydrocarbons  or to down Greek jet but that  ens the U.S.-Cyprus security
            prus.  It  was  directed  against  Pompeo  informed  Cypriot  in  waters  where  Greece  and  Turkish generals refused.   partnership  while  boosting
            the southern, Greek Cypriot  President Nicos Anastasiades  Cyprus  claim  exclusive  eco-  Turkish  Foreign  Ministry  regional  security.  She  said
            part of the island, where Cy-  in a telephone call late Tues-  nomic rights.           spokesman    Hami    Aksoy  Washington informed Turkey
            prus'  internationally  recog-  day that the U.S. was partial-  "It's  been  a  long  time  com-  also  slammed  a  Greek  gov-  of  the  embargo  lifting  late
            nized government is seated.  ly  lifting  the  arms  embargo  ing,"  Pompeo  said  during  a  ernment  spokesman  who  Tuesday and urged that "there
            Cyprus  split  in  1974  when  against  Cyprus  for  one  year  media  briefing  on  Wednes-  claimed that the report "high-  not  be  an  over-reaction  to
            Turkey  invaded  following  a  — with the option of renewal  day. "We've been working on  lights who is causing instabil-  this decision."
            coup by supporters of union  — to let it procure non-lethal  this for an awfully long time.  ity" in the region. He called  Garber  said  the  aim  of  the
            with Greece. Turkey, the only  equipment.                 We  know  that  this  decision  the words of the spokesman  embargo  lifting  is  to  make
            nation  to  recognize  a  Turk-  The move came at a time of  was  announced  in  light  of  in Athens, Stelios Petsas, an-  Cyprus a "more capable part-
            ish  Cypriot  declaration  of  increased  friction  between  heightened  tensions  in  the  other  example  of  Greece's  ner" in dealing with challeng-
            independence in the island's  Turkey and its eastern Medi-  eastern  Mediterranean,  but  "provocative" policies.   es  like  terrorism,  weapons
            north,  maintains  more  than  terranean  neighbors,  Greece  we  thought  it  was  the  right  Pompeo  said  U.S.  President  trafficking  and  maritime  se-
            35,000 troops there.  Turkey's  and  Cyprus,  over  offshore  thing."  Turkey  meanwhile,  Donald  Trump  has  urged  curity without having to sell
            Foreign  Ministry  said  the  energy  explorations  rights.  denied as a "figment of imagi-  both  Erdogan  and  Greek  the the country lethal weap-
            U.S.  decision  harms  efforts  Warships  from  the  two  nation" a German newspaper  Prime  Minister  Kyriakos  ons. q

                                                                                   German police raid 50 homes

                                                                                      in child porn investigation

                                                                      By    KIRSTEN       GRIE-    abuse through networks such  "What's  important  is  that
                                                                      SHABER                       as social media and messen-  we are seeing a new kind of
                                                                      Associated Press             ger  services,  Michael  Esser,  crime," Esser said. "The per-
                                                                      BERLIN  (AP)  —  A  thou-    director  of  criminal  investi-  petrators  are  not  acting  on
                                                                      sand  police  officers  in  Ger-  gations  for  the  Cologne  po-  their own, but are part of big-
                                                                      many raided the homes of 50  lice, said. None of them are  ger networks which are using
                                                                      people as part of a nationwide  suspected of directly abusing  the structures of online com-
                                                                      crackdown  on  the  online  any  children,  according  to  munication."
                                                                      sharing  and  distribution  of  the current state of the inves-  Police received a lot of sup-
                                                                      child  pornography,  Cologne  tigation.                   port  in  their  investigation
                                                                      police said Wednesday.       "Behind every picture there is  from one specific messenger
                                                                      None of the 48 men and two  a victim of sexual abuse," Es-  service  operator,  Esser  said
                                                                      women suspected of involve-  ser said. "We will never give  He  declined  to  say  which
                                                                      ment  was  arrested  during  up the fight against pedophile  one.
                                                                      Tuesday's  raids,  but  investi-  criminals."             Investigators  are  looking
                                                                      gators  seized  around  2,000  The  raids  took  places  in  12  quickly  through  the  seized
             A map of Germany shows the number of raid places at a press   phones, computers and other  states,  with  a  focus  on  Ba-  images to see if they can find
             conference  at  the  police  department  in  Cologne,  Germany,   devices  upon  which  images  varia.  They  were  part  of  an  evidence indicating that chil-
             about nationwide child pornography raids, Wednesday, Sept.   were stored, police said.   investigation  that  began  in  dren  are  still  being  abused
             2, 2020.                                                 The  suspects  are  accused  of  October 2019 and has so far  and if so, they will try to find
                                                     Associated Press  sharing images of child sexual  identified 207 suspects.  and rescue the victims.q
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