Page 32 - Bon dia 3 Sept 2020
P. 32

A32    world news
                Diahuebs 3 september 2020

                           Former Italian premier Berlusconi tests positive for COVID

            ROME  (AP)  —  Italy's  for-                                                                                        sible win of the center-right
            mer  prime  minister  Silvio                                                                                        opposition.
            Berlusconi  has  tested  posi-                                                                                      "(Berlusconi)  will  continue
            tive  for  COVID-19  after  a                                                                                       to  support  Forza  Italia  and
            precautionary check and will                                                                                        center-right candidates at the
            quarantine at home, his press                                                                                       regional  and  administrative
            office said on Wednesday.                                                                                           elections,  with  daily  inter-
            Berlusconi, who is 83, is cur-                                                                                      views on papers, TV and so-
            rently  isolated  in  his  Arcore                                                                                   cial media," his office said in
            residence near Milan, his of-                                                                                       a statement.
            fice said, adding that he will                                                                                      As  Italy  continues  to  battle
            continue to work from there                                                                                         against the coronavirus pan-
            as he completes the necessary                                                                                       demic  –  which  killed  more
            quarantine period.                                                                                                  than  35,400  people  nation-
            His personal doctor, Alberto                                                                                        wide  –  the  political  leader
            Zangrillo,  said  that  the  for-                                                                                   known around the world for
            mer  premier  is  "asymptom-                                                                                        his personal life was back at
            atic," Italian media reported.                                                                                      the  center  of  both  political
            Reports said Berlusconi con-                                                                                        action and summer gossip.
            firmed the news in a private                                                                                        He  made  headlines  last
            Zoom conversation with the                                                                                          month  after  Italian  tabloids
            women's movement of Forza                                                                                           published  pictures  of  him
            Italia, his centrist party.                                                                                         walking hand-in-hand in Sar-
            The three-time premier and                                                                                          dinia with his new girlfriend,
            media  tycoon  had  been  re-                                                                                       Forza  Italia  lawmaker  Marta
            cently  pictured  in  Sardinia                                                                                      Fascina,  who  is  53  years  his
            with an old friend, business-  ing positive to COVID-19 in  Berlusconi   has   recently  of  regional  elections  in  late  junior.  Berlusconi  split  in
            man  Flavio  Briatore,  who  mid  August.  Berlusconi  had  gained  new  attention  on  September, when Forza Italia  March  from  his  long-time
            was  hospitalized  after  test-  tested negative at the time.  Italy's  political  scene  ahead  could prove crucial for a pos-  partner Francesca Pascale.q

                      Germany says Soviet-era nerve agent used on Russia’s Navalny

                                                                      the international community  mal  requests  from  the  Rus-  they had ruled out poisoning.
                                                                      to  hold  those  in  Russia  ac-  sian  prosecutor  general's  of-  "The problem is that even if
                                                                      countable, wherever the evi-  fice and doctors who treated  Mr Navalny were to survive
                                                                      dence leads," Ullyot said.   Navalny.    Peskov  reiterated  there may be lingering long-
                                                                      The  European  Union's  for-  that  Russian  doctors  didn't  term  neurological  issues,"
                                                                      eign affairs chief, Josep Bor-  find  any  poisonous  sub-  Sella said.  Navalny's allies in
                                                                      rell, said any use of chemical  stances  in  Navalny's  system.  Russia  have  insisted  he  was
                                                                      weapons was "a breach of in-  Russian  Foreign  Ministry  deliberately  poisoned  by  the
                                                                      ternational law."            spokeswoman  Maria  Zakha-   country's  authorities,  accu-
                                                                      Navalny,  a  politician  and  rova charged on state TV that  sations that the Kremlin has
                                                                      corruption  investigator,  fell  Germany  preferred  "public  rejected as "empty noise."
                                                                      ill on a flight to Moscow on  statements  without  provid-  "To  poison  Navalny  with
                                                                      Aug.  20  and  was  taken  to  a  ing  any  facts  whatsoever"  to  Novichok  in  2020  would
                                                                      hospital  in  the  Siberian  city  "a thorough investigation."  be  exactly  the  same  as  leav-
                                                                      of Omsk after the plane made  The  German  government  ing  an  autograph  at  a  crime
                                                                      an emergency landing.        said it would inform its part-  scene,  like this  one," Naval-
                                                                      He was moved two days later  ners in the European Union  ny's longtime ally and strate-
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Rus-        term  effects  on  his  health  to  Berlin's  Charite  hospital,  and NATO about the test re-  gist  Leonid  Volkov  said  in  a
            sian opposition leader Alexei  from the poisoning.        where doctors last week said  sults and would consult them  tweet that featured a photo of
            Navalny  was  poisoned  with  The  German  government  initial tests indicated Navalny  on a response. Germany also  Putin's name and a signature
            the  same  type  of  Soviet-era  said that testing by a German  had been poisoned.     will contact the Organization  next to it.
            nerve  agent  used  in  a  2018  military  laboratory  showed  German  Foreign  Minister  for the Prohibition of Chem-  It would not be the first time
            attack  on  a  former  Russian  "proof  without  doubt  of  a  Heiko Maas said the Russian  ical Weapons.           a prominent, outspoken Rus-
            spy, the German government  chemical  nerve  agent  from  ambassador  was  summoned  Shortly  after  the  test  results  sian  was  targeted    in  such  a
            said  Wednesday,  provoking  the Novichok group." British  to  his  ministry  Wednesday  were announced, the Charite  way  —  or  the  first  time  the
            outrage  from  Western  lead-  authorities  identified  Novi-  after the latest findings.  hospital  said  that  Navalny  Kremlin  was  accused  of  be-
            ers who demanded Moscow  chok  as  the  poison  used  on  Russia's deputy U.N. ambas-  is  still  in  intensive  care  but  ing behind it.
            provide an explanation.      former spy Sergei Skripal and  sador, Dmitry Polyansky, dis-  "continues to improve."  Navalny's allies have also ac-
            The  findings  —  which  ex-  his daughter in England.    missed the finger pointing as  "Recovery  is  likely  to  be  cused  Russian  authorities  of
            perts  say  point  strongly  to  "There are very serious ques-  a  knee-jerk  reaction.  "Today  lengthy,"  it  said  in  a  state-  delaying  his  transfer  out  of
            Russian  state  involvement  tions now that only the Rus-  accusing #Russia is a must-  ment. "It is still too early to  the country after the poison-
            — added to tensions between  sian government can answer,  do for any Western country,"  gauge  the  long-term  effects,  ing. It took much wrangling
            Russia and the West. German  and  must  answer,"  Merkel  he said in a tweet.          which may arise in relation to  and 48 hours to move Naval-
            Chancellor  Angela  Merkel  said.    The  United  Kingdom  In Moscow, Russian authori-  this severe poisoning."     ny to Berlin. Local doctors at
            called  Navalny's  poisoning  and Italy also called on Rus-  ties were quick to blame Ger-  Andrea  Sella,  a  professor  of  the time said he was too un-
            attempted murder, meant to  sia to explain what happened,  many for not sharing its find-  inorganic  chemistry  at  Uni-  stable to be transported, and
            silence one of Russian Presi-  with  British  Prime  Minister  ings.                   versity College London, said  the Kremlin said it would de-
            dent Vladimir Putin's fiercest  Boris  Johnson  calling  the  Kremlin  spokesman  Dmitry  Navalny's  prognosis  is  hard  fer to the physicians.
            critics.                     use  of  a  chemical  weapon  Peskov said Russian authori-  to predict. He said that "very  The  Siberian  medical  team
            The  Berlin  hospital  treat-  "outrageous." In Washington,  ties are "ready and interested  swift action" is needed to sta-  relented  only  after  a  charity
            ing the dissident said he re-  National  Security  Coun-  in  full  cooperation  and  ex-  bilize  patients  in  poisoning  that had organized a medevac
            mains on a ventilator though  cil  spokesman  John  Ullyot  change of information" with  cases and noted the "signifi-  plane  revealed  that  German
            his condition is improving. It  tweeted  that  it  was  "com-  Germany  but  added  that  cant  delay,"  given  that  Na-  doctors  who  examined  the
            said it expects a long recovery  pletely reprehensible."  Berlin  still  hasn't  provided  valny  was  initially  cared  for  politician  said  he  was  stable
            and still can't rule out long-  "We will work with allies and  any  official  response  to  for-  by Russian doctors who said  enough to be moved. q
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