Page 2 - Aruba-today-15 Sept 2020
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               Tuesday 15 sepTember 2020
            Continued from Front                                                                                                of  resources  to  see  those
            The  virus  and  the  steps                                                                                         plans through can lead to
            meant  to  contain  it  have                                                                                        "a period of limbo.''
            thrown  millions  of  Ameri-                                                                                        "Urban  areas  like  the  sub-
            cans out of work.                                                                                                   urbs  of  Portland  --  they'll
            Fire  wiped  out  much  of                                                                                          probably  recover  pretty
            the  small  community  of                                                                                           quickly," Nielsen-Pincus said
            Phoenix,  in  southern  Ore-                                                                                        in  an  interview.  "But  these
            gon,  including  downtown                                                                                           rural  communities  that  are
            businesses  like  La  Tapa-                                                                                         impacted  by  nearby  fires
            tia,  a  Mexican  restaurant                                                                                        --  this  could  be  a  drag  on
            opened in 1992.                                                                                                     their  economy  that  lasts
            "Good places like our own                                                                                           months or years.''
            La  Tapatia,  but  so  many                                                                                         He said poor rural commu-
            other  family  run  business-                                                                                       nities, like those in Oregon's
            es,  (were)  destroyed  by                                                                                          hard-hit  Santiam  Canyon
            the  massive  fire,"  its  own-                                                                                     east  of  Salem,  will  need
            ers  informed  patrons  in  a                                                                                       federal and state aid.
            Facebook  post,  adding                                                                                             The number of wildfires de-
            there  was  "lots  to  do"  but   A view of downtown Portland from the East Bank Esplanade is seen on Monday, Sept. 14, 2020.  clared disasters by the Fed-
            they  hoped  to  some  day                                                                         Associated Press  eral  Emergency  Manage-
            reopen. Five hours away in                                                                                          ment  Agency  has  grown
            coastal  Lincoln  City,  Ore-  The  Bakers  were  among  restaurateur  friends  who  fires  actually  generated  in  recent  years.  FEMA,  for
            gon, the Autobahn 101 sur-   thousands  of  Oregonians  managed to stay open are  short-term economic gains  instance, declared 43 Cali-
            vived, but the couple who  who  evacuated;  dozens  now  struggling  with  smoke  in  small  communities  as  fornia        wildfires   disasters
            own the German-style pub  are  missing  and  feared  that  makes  outdoor  seat-       firefighters checked into lo-  from 1980 to 1999 — but 300
            lost their home, their chick-  dead.  In  California,  nearly  ing  impossible.  "It's  like  ev-  cal hotels and ate at local  from 2000 to 2019. Oregon
            ens  and  nearly  all  of  their  17,000  firefighters  are  bat-  ery day is something new,''  restaurants.  Local  laborers  had  no  such  wildfires  from
            personal belongings to fire.  tling  29  major  wildfires.  she said.                  cleared roads and helped  1980  to  1999  but  63  over
            They sleep in a back room  Since mid-August the blaz-     Wildfires once did little eco-  rebuild.                  the past 20 years, accord-
            of the roadside business.    es  have  destroyed  4,100  nomic  damage  because  But such economic bumps  ing to FEMA data analyzed
            The pub had already scaled  buildings and killed 24 peo-  they  occurred  in  remote  are  usually  short-lived.  By  by  the  insurance  website
            back hours because of the  ple in the state. Fires have  forests.  But  Americans  in-  spring,  affected  econo-   QuoteWizard.  Only  a  frac-
            pandemic,  but  co-owner  engulfed  3.3  million  acres  creasingly  have  moved  mies  typically  lost  momen-     tion  of  wildfires  are  desig-
            Roy  Baker  was  optimistic  of  land  in  California  this  into what was once wilder-  tum  and  fell  into  a  period  nated disasters by FEMA.
            about its future and still has  year  --  desolation  greater  ness,  leaving  themselves,  of slower growth that could  All five of the costliest fires in
            dreams of opening a small  in size than Connecticut.      and  their homes  and  busi-  last up to 18 months. Tour-  U.S. history, measured by in-
            brewery  inside  a  shipping  "This is like living through an  nesses more vulnerable.  ism  could  suffer  because  sured losses, have occurred
            container out back.          apocalypse,"  said  Sarah  In 2014, Max Nielsen-Pincus,  "visitors  may  not  want  to  in the last three years, all in
            "We're  getting  back  on  Trubnick  from  San  Francis-  chair  of  the  environmen-  return fearing a blackened  California,  according  to
            our  feet,"  said  Baker,  who  co, where smoke from the  tal  science  and  manage-   landscape,''  according  to  the  Insurance  Information
            temporarily reopened Sun-    fires has blotted out the sun.  ment  department  at  Port-  the paper published in the  Institute.  That  includes  the
            day after rewiring the pub's  Trubnick  had  to  temporar-  land  State  University,  and  journal  Forest  Policy  and  November 2018 Camp Fire
            electricity   and   discard-  ily close her restaurant and  researchers  from  the  Uni-  Economics.  And  econom-  that  destroyed  Paradise,
            ing food that spoiled after  wine bar, the Barrel Room,  versity  of  Oregon  and  the  ic  activity  such  as  logging  California,  and  left  more
            days  without  power.  "Ev-  in the city's financial district  U.S.  Forest  Service  studied  can be wiped out.    than 80 people dead and
            erybody's coming together  two  weeks  ago  because  the  economic  impact  of  Rebuilding can kick start a  up to $10.7 billion in insured
            and helping each other."     of the pandemic. Even her  wildfires.  They  found  the  local economy, but a lack  losses.q

            Judge chastises government for not producing census records

            By MIKE SCHNEIDER            Monday  for  failing  to  pro-  Koh said she was "very dis-  sued  a  temporary  restrain-  census, leading to an inac-
            ORLANDO,  Fla.  (AP)  —  A  duce     documents      that  appointed and surprised."    ing  order  prohibiting  the  curate count.
            federal  judge  chastised  showed how the U.S. Cen-       When  Koh  asked  govern-    Census  Bureau  from  wind-  During  Monday's  virtual
            government        attorneys  sus  Bureau  made  its  deci-  ment  attorneys  whether  ing down 2020 census filed  hearing, Koh also expressed
                                         sion to cut short by a month  they  would  ever  be  able  operations until a hearing is  concern  for  residents  dis-
                                         the  head  count  of  every  to produce the documents  held Thursday on a request  placed  by  wildfires  in  the
                                         U.S. resident.               before the end of the head  for a preliminary injunction.  West and hurricanes along
                                         U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh  count on Sept. 30, govern-  The  temporary  restraining  the  Gulf  Coast.  She  asked
                                         in  San  Jose  told  govern-  ment attorney Brad Rosen-   order  was  requested  by  a  the  government  attorneys
                                         ment  attorneys  that  they  berg said, "We are not in a  coalition of cities, counties  to  provide  details  on  how
                                         weren't  complying  with  position  to  make  that  kind  and civil rights groups that  the Census Bureau plans to
                                         her  order  to  produce  ad-  of statement."              had  sued  the  Census  Bu-  continue  counting  house-
                                         ministrative  records  during  Government  attorney  Al-  reau. They are demanding  holds in disaster areas, not-
                                         a hearing in a lawsuit over  exander  Sverdlov  said  the  it restore its previous plan for  ing  she  was  in  San  Jose
                                         whether  the  once-a-de-     attorneys  had  been  ham-   finishing  the  census  at  the  where  there  have  been
                                         cade  census  will  finish  at  pered  by  trying  to  review  end  of  October,  instead  health  warnings  against
                                         the end of September — or  more  than  8,000  docu-       of  using  a  revised  plan  to  going  outside  for  almost  a
                                         the end of October.          ments in a short amount of  end operations at the end  month because of wildfires.
                                         The  documents  that  gov-   time.                        of  September.  The  coali-  "Are  you  saying,  'We  are
                                         ernment attorneys had pro-   "We  have  been  working  tion had argued the earlier  cutting  our  losses  and  we
                                         duced so far were already  around the clock on these  deadline  would  cause  the  don't  care?'"  Koh  said.
                                         publicly  available,  for  the  issues," Sverdlov said.   Census Bureau to overlook  "What is the Census Bureau
                                         most part, she said.         Earlier  this  month,  Koh  is-  minority communities in the  planning to do?"q
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