Page 7 - Aruba-today-15 Sept 2020
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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 15 sepTember 2020

            Venezuela: captured U.S. spy charged in alleged terrorist plot

            By SCOTT SMITH                                                                                                      company.
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)                                                                                             MVM  provided  a  state-
            — Venezuela's chief prose-                                                                                          ment to the AP saying that
            cutor on Monday said a U.S.                                                                                         Heath  is  "not  currently  an
            citizen  recently  arrested  in                                                                                     employee  or  contractor"
            the country as a suspected                                                                                          with the firm.
            spy  has  been  charged  in                                                                                         The  arrest  follows  a  failed
            an  alleged  terrorist  plot  to                                                                                    beach  incursion  in  early
            sabotage oil refineries and                                                                                         May  that  landed  two  ex-
            electrical service in order to                                                                                      Green  Beret  soldiers  in  a
            stir unrest.                                                                                                        Venezuelan jail for alleged-
            The  man,  alleged  to  have                                                                                        ly  participating  in  a  failed
            CIA  ties,  had  help  from                                                                                         attempt  to  overthrow  the
            three  Venezuelan  conspir-                                                                                         socialist government.
            ators,  who  were  arrested                                                                                         The two former U.S. special
            with  him  last  week  near  a                                                                                      forces  soldiers  were  arrest-
            pair  of  oil  refineries  on  the                                                                                  ed along with more than 80
            country's  north  Caribbean                                                                                         rebel  Venezuelan  fighters
            coast,  Venezuela's  Chief                                                                                          who staged a failed beach
            Prosecutor  Tarek  William                                                                                          attack  called  Operation
            Saab  said  on  state  televi-                                                                                      Gideon aimed at arresting
            sion.                                                                                                               Maduro.
            The office gave the U.S. sus-   In this March 12, 2020 file photo, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro speaks at the Miraflores   The  operation  mounted
            pect's  name  as  Matthew    presidential palace in Caracas, Venezuela.                                             from   makeshift   training
            John Heath.                                                                                        Associated Press  camps  in  neighboring  Co-
            Authorities  said  cellphones                                                                                       lombia  left  several  rebels
            taken  from  the  men  when  to  open  a  drug  trafficking  oil,  has  been  gripped  by  He  is  accused  of  enter-  dead.  It  was  orchestrat-
            they  were  arrested  last  route through Venezuela.      a  deep  gasoline  shortage  ing Venezuela illegally, the  ed  by  Jordan  Goudreau,
            week  include  images  of  President  Nicolás  Maduro  that has sparked mile-long  prosecutor  said,  adding  an  American  citizen  and
            suspected  targets,  includ-  announced  on  Friday  that  lines to fuel up, even in the  that he didn't have a pass-  three-time  Bronze  Star  re-
            ing  a  large  bridge  in  Zulia  an  unnamed  suspected  capital  of  Caracas.  Vene-  port but rather had a copy  cipient  who  served  in  Iraq
            state,  military  installations  U.S.  spy  had  been  cap-  zuela also struggles to pro-  of  it  hidden  in  one  of  his  and Afghanistan.
            and dilapidated oil refiner-  tured, saying he was a Ma-  vide electricity to residents,  shoes.  The  three  Venezu-  The ex-Green Berets in Gou-
            ies in Falcon state. The pros-  rine and former CIA opera-  especially  in  Zulia  state,  elans  accused  of  conspir-  dreau's force — Luke Den-
            ecutor  showed  pictures  tive in Iraq.                   once  a  major  hub  of  the  ing  with  Heath  include  a  man Airan Berry Venezuela
            of  equipment  allegedly  Heath  has  been  charged  nation's vast oil production.  military  officer,  Saab  said.  — have been sentenced to
            seized  from  the  group,  in-  with  terrorism,  trafficking  Heath is accused of target-  The investigation also land-  20  years  in  prison.  Authori-
            cluding a grenade launch-    illegal  weapons  and  con-  ing  the  Amuay  and  Car-   ed  the  arrest  of  four  other  ties  say  the  two  men  con-
            er, plastic explosives, a sat-  spiracy, authorities said.   don refineries — part of the  Venezuelans  accused  of  fessed to being part of the
            ellite phone and a bag of  U.S.  authorities  have  not  massive  Paraguana  Refin-    helping him sneak into the  plot.
            U.S. dollars.                commented  on  the  case.  ery  Complex  on  Venezu-      country  from  Colombia,  While  the  Trump  adminis-
            "Everything   here   could  The  Associated  Press  was  ela's  northern  Caribbean  authorities said.              tration denied having any-
            qualify as a lethal weapon  unable to make immediate  coast.  However,  the  refin-    Saab  said  Heath  had  thing  to  do  with  the  bun-
            designed  to  cause  harm  contact with Heath, an at-     eries have ceased produc-    worked  in  Iraq  as  a  com-  gled  May  incursion,  Wash-
            and  to  promote  assas-     torney  or  a  relative  repre-  ing  gasoline,  and  Venezu-  munications   specialist  ington  backs  Venezuelan
            sinations,  crimes  against  senting  him  for  comment  ela depends on shipments  three  months  each  year  opposition  politician  Juan
            the  people  of  Venezuela,"  on the accusations.         from  Iran,  despite  having  from 2006 to 2016 for MVM  Guaidó as the country's le-
            said  Saab,  who  also  ac-  The  arrest  surfaced  as  this  the  world's  largest  oil  re-  Inc.,  a  Virginia-based  pri-  gitimate leader in place of
            cused the man of planning  nation, once wealthy from  serves.                          vate  security  contracting  Maduro.q

             First U.S. spring flight to Antarctica aims to keep out virus

            By NICK PERRY                carrying  106  passengers  Francisco  for  four  days
            Associated Press             and  crew,  said  Tony  Ger-  and  then  spent  another
            WELLINGTON, New Zealand  man,  the  U.S.  Antarctic  five weeks isolated in New
            (AP)  —  The  first  U.S.  flight  program's representative in  Zealand,  undergoing  sev-
            into  Antarctica  following  New Zealand.                 eral  virus  tests  along  the
            months  of  winter  darkness  He said the new arrivals will  way.  Upon  their  arrival  at
            arrived Monday with crews  start  getting  ready  for  the  McMurdo Station, the facil-
            taking extra precautions to  summer and swap out with  ity  entered  Code  Yellow,
            keep out the coronavirus.    skeleton  crews  who  have  meaning  everybody  will
            Antarctica is the only conti-  spent  the  Southern  Hemi-  wear masks for two weeks.
            nent without the virus, and  sphere winter in Antarctica.  "We  are  being  meticulous
            there  is  a  global  effort  to  The  flight  was  delayed  for  to  ensure  nothing  hap-
            make sure incoming scien-    three weeks by big storms,  pens," German said.
            tists and workers don't bring  resulting in an extended six-  If the virus was to break out
            it with them.                week  quarantine  for  those  at the station, he said, they   A U.S. Air Force C-17 takes off from Christchurch Airport in the
            The U.S. Air Force flight left  aboard.                   have protocols in place to   season's first flight to McMurdo Station in Antarctica, Monday,
            Monday  from  the  gate-     German  said  the  crews  test  and  isolate  anybody     Sept. 14, 2020.
            way  city  of  Christchurch  were  first  isolated  in  San  who is infected. q                                                 Associated Press
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