Page 6 - Aruba-today-15 Sept 2020
P. 6

               Tuesday 15 sepTember 2020

            U.S. envoy lauds Pakistan's role in Afghan peace talks process

            By MUNIR AHMED                                                                                                      ghan Taliban, but the sec-
            ISLAMABAD (AP) — The U.S.                                                                                           ond  round  of  the  sched-
            peace  envoy  for  Afghani-                                                                                         uled  talks  collapsed  when
            stan  was  in  Pakistan  on                                                                                         the  Afghan  government
            Monday to express his grat-                                                                                         announced  the  death  of
            itude for Islamabad's role in                                                                                       Taliban founder Mullah Mo-
            helping  launch  the  much-                                                                                         hammed Omar.
            awaited  negotiations  be-                                                                                          The        announcement
            tween the Taliban and Af-                                                                                           strained  ties  between  Ka-
            ghan  representatives,  the                                                                                         bul  and  Islamabad  at  the
            Pakistani military said.                                                                                            time. But since then, Wash-
            The  historic  negotiations                                                                                         ington  has  pressed  Islam-
            kicked  off  over  the  week-                                                                                       abad to help convince the
            end in Qatar, a Middle East                                                                                         Taliban  to  meet  with  the
            nation  where  the  Taliban                                                                                         U.S.  and  Afghan  officials.
            have maintained a political                                                                                         Last  month,  a  Taliban  po-
            office  for  the  past  several                                                                                     litical team led by the insur-
            years.  The  start  of  nego-                                                                                       gents political chief Mullah
            tiations  was  the  latest  in  a                                                                                   Abdul  Ghani  Baradar,  vis-
            flurry of diplomatic accom-                                                                                         ited  Islamabad  to  consult
            plishments  by  the  Trump   In this photo released Pakistan's military information wing 'Inter Services Public Relations', a U.S.   with Pakistani officials.
                                         delegation headed by peace envoy for Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, third left, hold talks with
            administration  ahead  of    Pakistan's army chief, Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa, second right, in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Monday,   The Taliban were ousted in
            the  U.S.  presidential  elec-  Sept. 14, 2020.                                                                     2001 by a U.S.-led coalition
            tion in November.                                                                                  Associated Press  for  harboring  Osama  bin
            While  the  start  of  the  talks                                                                                   Laden, the architect of the
            on  Saturday  was  mainly  the  disarming  of  tens  of  The  U.S.  team  met  with  support."                      Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on
            about ceremony, the hard  thousands  of  Taliban  fight-  Pakistan's army chief, Gen.  Islamabad has for the past  America.
            negotiations  on  agreeing  ers and militias loyal to war-  Qamar Javed Bajwa, in the  several  years  maintained  In Afghanistan, meanwhile,
            to a  road map  for a  post-  lords, some of them aligned  garrison  city  of  Rawalpindi  that  its  influence  over  the  scores of friends and fami-
            war  Afghanistan  will  be  with the government.          on Monday.                   Taliban  is  overstated  but  lies  of  those  killed  on  Af-
            held  behind  closed  doors  Washington's peace envoy  A  military  statement  said  that  it  would  do  whatever  ghan battlefields gathered
            and over a number of ses-    Zalmay Khalilzad and a U.S.  the   visiting   delegation  is possible for peace in Af-  at a cemetery on Monday
            sions.                       delegation  visiting  Paki-  "greatly appreciated" Paki-  ghanistan,  saying  that  a  to  call  for  a  permanent
            The  sides  will  be  tackling  stan  praised  its  assistance  stan's  role  in  the  ongoing  stable Kabul was in its own  countrywide   cease-fire,
            tough    issues,   including  in  efforts  aimed  at  finding  peace   process,   saying  interests.                which  is  expected  to  be
            the  terms  of  a  permanent  a  peaceful  solution  to  the  that "it could not have suc-  In 2015, Pakistan hosted the  first  on  the  agenda  of  the
            cease-fire,  the  rights  of  17-year war in Afghanistan,  ceeded  without  Pakistan's  first ever face-to-face talks  intra-Afghan  negotiations
            women and minorities, and  the  Pakistani  military  said.  sincere  and  unconditional  between Kabul and the Af-  in Qatar.q

            Report says Yemen's warring sides 'severely restricting' aid

                                                                      ternationally   recognized  denied  obstructing  aid,  shortages, a new fuel crisis,
                                                                      government     and    their  saying  groups  that  made  mainly in Houthi-held areas,
                                                                      southern separatists.        the allegations were follow-  has  further  reduced  Ye-
                                                                      That  aid  includes  food,  ing  "political  orders"  from  menis' access to food, hos-
                                                                      health care supplies, water  the  United  States.  Yemen's  pital  care,  and  water  sup-
                                                                      and  sanitation  support  to  internationally   backed  plies, Human Rights Watch
                                                                      people in need in the Arab  government and the south-     said.
                                                                      world's poorest nation.      ern  separatists  did  not  re-  Yemen   has   confirmed
                                                                      "Millions of Yemenis depend  spond to requests for com-   more  than  2,000  cases  of
                                                                      on  the  authorities  letting  ment  from  The  Associated  the  coronavirus,  including
                                                                      aid  flow  freely  for  health  Press.                    584  deaths.  However,  the
                                                                      care and other necessities,"  The  obstructions  partly  led  actual  tally  is  believed  to
                                                                      said  Gerry  Simpson  of  Hu-  to a collapse in donor sup-  be  much  higher  as  testing
                                                                      man Rights Watch.            port  to  U.N.  aid  agencies  capabilities  are  severely
                                                                      Yemen  is  home  to  the  in  June.  A  top  U.N.  official  limited  and  the  Houthis
             In this Aug. 22, 2020 file photo, tribesmen loyal to Houthi rebels   world's  worst  food  crisis,  warned  last  month  that  have stopped issuing statis-
            hold their weapons as they ride in a vehicle during a gather-
            ing against the agreement to establish diplomatic relations be-  mostly due to the civil war  Yemen  is  sliding  toward  tics from areas they hold.
            tween Israel and the United Arab Emirates, in Sanaa, Yemen.  that  pits  the  Houthis  in  the  famine  as  the  coronavirus  Human Rights Watch called
                                                     Associated Press   north  against  a  Saudi-led  spreads  and  its  economy  for the U.N. to establish an
                                                                      coalition and its allies in the  implodes.                independent  inquiry  into
            By SAMY MAGDY                group warned on Monday.      south,  including  separatist  Some 24 million Yemenis, or  the  extent  of  obstruction
            Associated Press             Human      Rights   Watch  forces.  The  Houthis  seized  80% of the country's popu-   and  shortcomings  in  the
            CAIRO (AP) — Warring par-    said  international  donors  Saana  in  September  2014.  lation,  require  some  form  humanitarian  community's
            ties  in  Yemen's  yearslong  slashed  their  funding  in  The  coalition  entered  the  of assistance or protection,  response. It also urged war-
            conflict  are  "severely  re-  June  partly  because  of  war  in  March  2015  on  be-  according  to  the  U.N.  Al-  ring parties to immediately
            stricting"  the  delivery  of  the  "systemic  interference"  half of Yemen's internation-  ready, 75% of U.N. aid pro-  end the obstructions.
            desperately needed aid as  in  relief  operations  by  the  ally  recognized  govern-  grams for the country have  However,  multiple  U.N.  re-
            the  country  slides  toward  Houthi rebels who hold Ye-  ment.                        closed or reduced their op-  ports and appeals have yet
            famine  amid  the  corona-   men's  capital,  Sanaa,  as  The    New     York-based  erations.                      to see an end to the crisis in
            virus  pandemic,  a  rights  well as by the country's in-  watchdog said the Houthis  Added  to  the  funding  Yemen. q
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