P. 4

Wednesday 9 august 2017 U.S. NEWS

            Torrential rains bring widespread flooding to Houston area

            By JUAN A. LOZANO                                                                                                   said.  A  lack  of  heavy  rain
            Associated Press                                                                                                    through Tuesday afternoon
            HOUSTON  (AP)  —  Heavy                                                                                             had helped return all bay-
            rains  that  caused  flooding                                                                                       ous  and  creeks  to  within
            in  some parts  of the Hous-                                                                                        their banks and cleared all
            ton  area  and  prompted                                                                                            reported  high  water  loca-
            about two-dozen water res-                                                                                          tions  along  Houston  road-
            cues  on  Tuesday  seemed                                                                                           ways.
            to  have  stopped  just  be-                                                                                        Many  of  the  streets,  road-
            fore getting worse but with                                                                                         ways  and  neighborhoods
            more  rain  expected  au-                                                                                           that  got  flooded  on  Tues-
            thorities  remain  on  guard                                                                                        day  were  locations  that
            and  residents  should  stay                                                                                        have  had  flooding  in  the
            prepared, officials said.                                                                                           past, Lindner said.
            “Unfortunately,  this  is  one                                                                                      “This is one of the more kind
            of those Texas flood events                                                                                         of  marginal  rain  events,
            that’s part of living in South-                                                                                     where the rain stopped just
            east  Texas,”  said  Michael                                                                                        an  inch  or  two  before  we
            Walter,  a  spokesman  for                                                                                          really got into serious prob-
            Houston’s  Office  of  Emer-                                                                                        lems  and  potential  to  af-
            gency Management.                                                                                                   fect a lot of homes,” Lind-
            While  thunderstorms  that   A motorists drives through floodwaters on West Mount Houston Road near Interstate 45 North, in   ner said. For the most part,
            dropped up to 5 to 6 inch-   Houston. Torrential rains have brought more flooding to the Houston area as emergency officials   the  area’s  system  of  bay-
            es  of  rain  in  some  parts  of   urge motorists to stay home until the water recedes.                            ous  and  other  man-made
            Houston    overnight   had                                           (Godofredo A. Vasquez/Houston Chronicle via AP)  channels  that  dispatch
            mostly  moved  out  of  the  and  barricades  in  differ-  the  greatest  potential  for   foot of water that flooded  storm  runoff  to  the  Gulf  of
            area  Tuesday,  additional  ent  areas  of  Houston  just  heavy  rain  was  expected   his  North  Houston  resale  Mexico  “did  a  good  job
            storms could pop up Tues-    in  case  expected  rainfall  in areas east of Houston.   shop  and  moving  soggy  even  though  the  ground
            day  evening,  which  could  Tuesday  afternoon  and  Jeff  Lindner,  a  meteorolo-    merchandise, including fur-  was  wet  and  the  rainfall
            cause  additional  flooding  evening  becomes  prob-      gist  with  the  Harris  County   niture,  suitcases  and  small  was  very  intense  over-
            in  areas  already  saturat-  lematic, Walter said.       Flood  Control  District,  said   appliances, outside to dry.  night,”  Lindner  said.  Ac-
            ed  by  rainfall.  “We  don’t  The  National  Weather  Ser-  he  expects  some  homes   Ruiz,  53,  said  he  will  likely  cording  to  the  flood  con-
            want  anyone  to  let  their  vice  has  issued  a  flash-  and structures will be flood-  have  to  throw  away  at  trol district, only a few local
            guard  down  just  because  flood watch for the region  ed but that tally is still being   least $2,000 in merchandise  bayous  had  overflowed
            it stopped raining for now,”  until  Wednesday  morning.  determined.  Houston  is  lo-  and is now looking to move  their  banks  and  caused
            Walter said.                 The  weather  service  said  cated in Harris County.      his  business,  which  has  some  flooding  of  homes
            Authorities  plan  to  pre-  additional rainfall was fore-  Jose  Luis  Ruiz  spent  Tues-  flooded  twice  before  and  and  businesses.  Both  Lind-
            stage  emergency  vehicles  cast  for  Tuesday  night  but  day sweeping out about 1   is located behind a bayou  ner and Walter said recent
                                                                                                   that  overflowed  from  its  heavy rain events in Hous-
                                                                                                   banks on Tuesday.            ton  in  May  2015  —  when
                                                                                                   “It’s very sad because this  seven  people  were  killed
                                                                                                   is a small business. It’s not a  — and April 2016 — when
                                                                                                   grand thing but it’s our liv-  eight  people  were  killed
                                                                                                   ing. When this happens, it’s  —  were  more  serious  and
                                                                                                   a blow to you because you  caused hundreds of millions
                                                                                                   have  to  start  over,”  Ruiz  of dollars in damage.q

                                                                                                   Wreckage of US military aircraft
                                                                                                   found off Australia; three dead

                                                                                                   SYDNEY  (AP)  —  The  sub-   shortly  after  the  ship’s  ar-
                                                                                                   merged  wreckage  of  a  rival,  Australian  Defense
                                                                                                   U.S.  military  aircraft  was  Minister Marise Payne said
                                                                                                   found  on  Monday,  two  in a statement.
                                                                                                   days  after  it  crashed  into  An  Australian  navy  dive
                                                                                                   the sea off the east coast  team  was  helping  to  re-
                                                                                                   of Australia and left three  cover the aircraft, the U.S.
                                                                                                   U.S. Marines dead, Austra-   Marine base Camp Butler
                                                                                                   lia’s defense minister said.  in Japan said.
                                                                                                   An  Australian  navy  ship  Three    Marines    missing
                                                                                                   arrived  in  Shoalwater  Bay  since  the  crash  were  de-
                                                                                                   in  Queensland  state  Sun-  clared dead on Tuesday.
                                                                                                   day night to help the U.S.  Camp  Butler  said  they
                                                                                                   military hunt for the MV-22  were:  Marine  1st  Lt.  Ben-
                                                                                                   Osprey, which the Marines  jamin Cross, 26, of Oxford,
                                                                                                   said was conducting reg-     Maine;    Cpl.   Nathaniel
                                                                                                   ularly  scheduled  opera-    Ordway,  21,  of  Sedg-
                                                                                                   tions  on  Saturday  when  wick,  Kansas;  and  Pfc.
                                                                                                   it  crashed  into  the  water.  Ruben Velasco, 19, of Los
                                                                                                   The  wreckage  was  found  Angeles.q
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