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Wednesday 9 august 2017 U.S. NEWS

                  Utah man charged with murder after 2 more bodies identified

            By REBECCA BOONE                                                                       conference Tuesday after-    home in May, and the cou-
            Associated Press                                                                       noon.                        ple  was  in  the  process  of
            BOISE,  Idaho  (AP)  —  Pros-                                                          His  car  was  found  July  12  moving to Idaho from Utah
            ecutors   have    charged                                                              in  a  remote  campground  when one of Bullinger’s rel-
            a  missing  Utah  man  with                                                            near  the  Grand  Teton  Na-  atives called police to ask
            three counts of first-degree                                                           tional Park in Wyoming. Do-  for  a  welfare  check,  say-
            murder after two addition-                                                             nahue  said  Tuesday  that  ing the family hadn’t been
            al  bodies  found  in  a  shed                                                         the  department  has  been  heard from for a few days.
            near  a  rural  Idaho  farm-                                                           receiving  tips  nearly  every  The  sheriff’s  deputy  re-
            house  were  identified  as                                                            day.                         sponding to the home no-
            14-year-old  Payton  Med-                                                              Still,  he  said,  to  his  knowl-  ticed  signs  that  something
            ley and her mother, Nadja                                                              edge  no  one  has  actu-    was  amiss  and  so  began
            Medley, 48.                                                                            ally seen Bullinger in recent  looking  around  the  tiny
            A  third  victim,  Cheryl  Bak-                                                        weeks. Bullinger is a trained  farmhouse  and  wooded
            er,  57,  was  identified  on                                                          pilot  but  so  far,  investiga-  lot. That’s when the deputy
            June  30.  All  three  women                                                           tors have received no indi-  discovered  a  gruesome
            were  from  Ogden,  Utah.                                                              cation  that  he  flew  some-  scene: A shed on the prop-
            Each had been shot once,      This undated file photo provided by the Canyon County Sher-  place  or  left  the  country,  erty  held  three  badly  de-
            and their bodies were hid-    iff’s office shows Gerald Bullinger. Prosecutors have charged the   the sheriff said.  composed  bodies,  each
            den in the shed outside a     missing Utah man with three counts of first-degree murder after   “Three  weeks  in  a  case  laying   side-by-side   and
            Caldwell, Idaho home that     two additional bodies found near a rural Idaho farmhouse were   like  this,  that’s  a  big  jump  hidden  under  some  sort
            had  been  recently  pur-                                 (Canyon County Sheriff via AP)  on  law  enforcement,”  Do-  of  covering.  Several  dead
            chased  by  Baker  and  her                                                            nahue  said  during  a  press  birds  and  dogs  —  likely
            husband,  Gerald  Michael                                                              conference  in  Caldwell  family  pets  —  were  also
            Bullinger.                                                                             Tuesday  afternoon.  “We  found on the property, and
            Bullinger,  a  60-year-old  pi-  thorities have released few  “In  our  opinion,  he  has   look  at  this  case  as  any-  other living animals includ-
            lot and outfitter, has been   details  about  the  crime,  shown  a  propensity  to    thing  is  possible,  and  our  ing a snake, rat and some
            the  subject  of  a  nation-  but  said  Bullinger  should  commit violence,” Canyon   net is very broad.”          rabbits   were   removed
            wide  manhunt  since  the     be considered armed and  County Sheriff Kiernan Do-      Bullinger  and  Baker  had  during    the   subsequent
            bodies  were  found.  Au-     dangerous.                  nahue  said  during  a  press   just  purchased  the  Idaho  investigation.q

                Officer-killing suspect eludes dozens of police in manhunt

            By MARGARET STAFFORD         his  car,  apparently  for  officers are safe, while also  we’ve   searched   buses,  that  McCarthy  has  fled
            Associated Press             a   registration   violation.  making sure no one else is  we’ve  searched  wooded  Henry  County  but  are
            KANSAS  CITY,  Mo.  (AP)  Investigators          believe  hurt.”                       areas,   we’ve   searched  “fairly  certain”  he’s  still  in
            —  Police  scoured  fields,  McCarthy,    39,   jumped  Authorities       converged  another  home  in  Clinton,”  the  area.  The  search  all
            forests,       abandoned  from  his  vehicle  and  shot  Tuesday     afternoon    on  Lowe  said.  “This  is  no  the  more  difficult  because
            buildings,   homes     and  the  37-year-old  Michael,  a  home  in  Chilhowee,  different.        We’re    doing  few  people  in  the  Clinton
            even  empty  school  buses  before  driving  a  short  Missouri, about 25 miles  (40  everything  we  can  to  find  area   know     McCarthy
            Tuesday, hunting for a man  distance,     crashing   his  kilometers)  northwest  of  him.”                         and  he  has  no  immediate
            accused of gunning down  vehicle and fleeing on foot.     Clinton  after  fielding  a  tip  About 30 law enforcement  family there, Lowe said. The
            a  western  Missouri  police  The   different   types   of  that  McCarthy  might  be  agencies     in   counties  Clinton  police  department
            officer  who  has  eluded  terrain  require  a  variety  of  hiding there. But Lowe said  surrounding  Clinton  are  also  had  little  involvement
            authorities for two days.    search  methods  and  put  that  search  also  proved  augmenting  officers  from  with McCarthy and there is
            About  100  local,  county  extra  pressure  on  officers,  fruitless.                 Clinton,   Henry   County  no evidence that he knew
            and state law enforcement  said Missouri State Highway  Lowe  told  reporters  there  and  the  patrol.  Federal  Michael.
            officers have been looking  Patrol Sgt. Bill Lowe.        that search was no different  agencies   have    made  “That      compounds      the
            for  Ian  McCarthy  since  “And when you are dealing  than         other    searches  informal  offers  to  help  but  problem, when someone is
            late  Sunday,  when  he  is  with someone who is armed  conducted       during   the  have  not  officially  joined  able to not have any ties to
            believed  to  have  shot  and dangerous, it makes it  day,  The  Kansas  City  Star  the search, Lowe said.         a certain area, that makes
            Clinton  police  officer  Gary  more complex,” Lowe said.  reported.                   Lowe    said   investigators  the   investigation   more
            Michael who had stopped  “We have to make sure our  “We’ve searched a school,  are  hunting  for  evidence  difficult,” Lowe said.q
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