P. 11
WORLD NEWS Wednesday 9 august 2017
South Africa’s president survives no-confidence motion again
began singing shortly be- confidence motion need-
fore the results were an- ed 201 votes to succeed.
nounced, while supporters Dozens of ANC members
outside started to dance. A ended up supporting the
jubilant Zuma, who would no-confidence motion, as
have had to resign with his the ruling party holds 249 of
Cabinet if the motion had the 400 parliament seats,
succeeded, promised the five of them currently va-
ANC would win the next cant. Some party members
election in 2019 “in a big denounced those who vot-
number once again.” He ed against Zuma as sellouts,
dismissed “propaganda” and chief whip Jackson
that said his party no longer Mthembu said the party
has the people’s support. would consider disciplining
Then he broke into song. them. The main opposition
“We will never endorse or Democratic Alliance party
vote in favor of any mo- said after the vote that
tion that seeks to cripple “the majority of the ANC
our country,” the ANC said, have chosen corruption,
calling the vote an attempt looting” over the country’s
to remove the party from interests. Its no-confidence
power. Of the 384 votes motion said Zuma had “lost
cast, 177 were in favor of all sense of rationality and
South African President, Jacob Zuma, jubilates after surviving a no-confidence vote by MP’s in the no-confidence motion sound judgment,” harming
parliament in Cape Town South Africa, Tuesday Aug. 8, 2017. Zuma survived the vote which was and 198 were against, with the country’s poorest citi-
the most serious attempt yet to unseat him after months of growing anger over alleged corruption
and a sinking economy. nine abstentions. The no- zens. q
(AP Photo)
By KRISTA MAHR South Africa over alleged ballot after parliamentary
Associated Press corruption and a sinking speaker Baleka Mbete
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — economy. But his African made the surprise decision
President Jacob Zuma National Congress party, to allow it. Opposition par-
survived a no-confidence which has ruled since the ties hoped it would encour-
vote Tuesday in the sev- end of apartheid, contin- age ANC legislators to vote
enth and most serious at- ued to fracture. The latest against Zuma without fear
tempt to unseat him after vote to try to dislodge Zuma of retaliation. Instead, ANC
months of growing anger in was the first held by secret members in the chamber
At Press Time:
Kenya early vote results show president ahead
By The Associated Press of the presidential race will The Somalia-based rebel
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — be declared far sooner, group, al-Shabab, has
Preliminary results show possibly within one or two been operating in the
Kenyan President Uhuru days. dense Boni Forest in Lamu
Kenyatta ahead with 55.4 Both police and the elec- despite months of opera-
percent of the vote in Tues- tion commission say the tions by the military and po-
day’s election while chal- vote was largely calm. lice to flush them out. The
lenger Raila Odinga has Kenya has nearly 20 million insurgents had urged Lamu
43.9 percent. registered voters out of a residents not to vote and
Votes from nearly one- population of more than 40 threatened to disrupt the
quarter of 40,883 polling million. elections, increasing at-
stations have been count- Officials say residents of Ke- tacks ahead of Tuesday’s
ed, according to Kenya’s nya’s coastal Lamu County vote.
election commission. came out to vote in large The group is blamed for
By law, election officials numbers despite the threat bombing an electricity py-
have up to a week to an- of an Islamic extremist at- lon that caused a day-long
nounce results. Many ana- tack which delayed the blackout the day before
lysts believe the outcome start of the voting process. the election.q