P. 12

Wednesday 9 august 2017 WORLD NEWS

            New Venezuela assembly declares itself superior govt branch

                                                                                                   sembly has already ousted  Smolansky, for the same al-
                                                                                                   the   nation’s   outspoken  leged crimes.
                                                                                                   chief  prosecutor,  estab-   Muchacho’s  whereabouts
                                                                                                   lished  a  “truth  commis-   were    not   immediately
                                                                                                   sion”  expected  to  target  known, but he denounced
                                                                                                   Maduro’s foes and passed  the ruling on Twitter, saying
                                                                                                   decrees pledging “support  that  “all  of  the  weight  of
                                                                                                   and solidarity” with the un-  the  revolutionary  injustice
                                                                                                   popular president.           has fallen on my shoulders”
                                                                                                   Opposition lawmakers said  for  merely  acting  to  guar-
                                                                                                   they were barred from en-    antee  the  constitutional
                                                                                                   tering the gold-domed leg-   right to protest.
                                                                                                   islative  palace  after  secu-  The  constitutional  assem-
                                                                                                   rity forces led by Rodriguez  bly’s   meeting   Tuesday
                                                                                                   broke  into  congress  late  came amid mounting criti-
                                                                                                   Monday.                      cism  from  foreign  govern-
                                                                                                   “This  government  invades  ments that have refused to
                                                                                                   the  spaces  that  it  is  not  recognize  the  new  super-
                                                                                                   capable  of  legitimately  body.  More  than  a  dozen
                                                                                                   winning,”  Stalin  Gonzalez,  Latin   American   leaders
                                                                                                   an  opposition  lawmaker,  were  gathering  in  Peru  to
                                                                                                   wrote on Twitter of the as-  discuss how to force Mad-
                                                                                                   sembly’s  takeover  of  the  uro  to  back  down.  Peru’s
                                                                                                   chamber  the  opposition  president  has  been  vocal
                                                                                                   has  controlled  since  win-  in  rejecting  the  new  Ven-
             Venezuela’s Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez, center right, accompanied by a group of   ning 2015 elections.  ezuelan  assembly,  but  the
             military commanders, arrives for a session of the Constitutional Assembly at the National Assembly   Earlier  Tuesday,  Venezu-  region  has  had  trouble
             building in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017. The government-backed assembly that
             is recasting Venezuela’s political system filed into the stately domed chamber where congress   ela’s  pro-government  Su-  agreeing on collective ac-
             normally meets. In two previous sessions, the 545-member assembly met in an adjacent, smaller   preme  Court  sentenced  tions.
             building.                                                                             a  Caracas-area  mayor  at  In  response,  Maduro  con-
                                                                         (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)  the  center  of  recent  pro-  vened a meeting of foreign
            By JOSHUA GOODMAN            playing images of the late  Isturiz, the constitutional as-  tests to 15 months in prison  ministers from the Bolivarian
            FABIOLA SANCHEZ              President Hugo Chavez.       sembly’s first vice president.  for  not  following  an  order  Alliance,  a  leftist  coalition
            Associated Press             The order bars anti-govern-  “We are looking for ways to  to  remove  barricades  set  of  11  Latin  American  na-
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)  ment  lawmakers  in  con-        coexist.”                    up during anti-government  tions.
            —  Venezuela’s  new  con-    gress  from  taking  any  ac-  Embattled  President  Nico-  demonstrations.            Venezuelan  Foreign  Minis-
            stitutional  assembly  took  tion  that  would  interfere  las  Maduro  convoked  the  Ramon  Muchacho  is  the  ter Jorge Arreaza told rep-
            over  the  halls  of  the  en-  with the laws passed by the  constitutional  assembly  in  fourth  opposition  mayor  resentatives  from  nations
            dangered, opposition-con-    newly  installed  assembly,  what  he  contends  is  an  whose arrest the high court  including Cuba and Bolivia
            trolled  congress  on  Tues-  Delcy Rodriguez, the super-  attempt to resolve the na-  has sought in the past two  Tuesday  that  longstanding
            day,  issuing  a  decree  de-  body’s leader, declared to  tion’s political standoff, but  weeks.  The  court  also  or-  U.S. aggressions against his
            claring  itself  superior  to  all  unanimous approval.   opposition leaders insist it is  dered an investigation into  troubled  South  American
            other  branches  of  govern-  “We  are  not  threatening  a  power grab.  Since  its  in-  another   prominent   Ca-  nation  have  “entered  a
            ment  and  prominently  dis-  anyone,”  said  Aristobulo  stallation on Friday, the as-  racas-area  mayor,  David  much stronger phase.”q

             Cuba orders closure of fast-growing accounting cooperative

            By ANDREA RODRIGUEZ          consulting   services,   will  Duenas called the decision  The  suspension  included  President    Raul    Castro
            Associated Press             have  until  Dec.  31  to  an “error” that has no place  the growing field of private  expanded  an  opening  of
            HAVANA  (AP)  —  Cuban  completely  liquidate,  the  in  the  policy  of  economic  teachers  as  well  as  street  the  economy  to  private-
            authorities  have  ordered  cooperative’s founder and  opening  announced  by  vendors           of   agricultural  sector  employment  in  200
            the  closure  of  one  of  the  director  Luis  Duenas  told  Cuban officials.         products,     dressmakers  categories  of  business  in
            island’s    fastest-growing  The Associated Press.        On     Tuesday,    Cuba’s  and  the  relatively  recent  2010.    The   government
            cooperatives,  days  after  Duenas said the Ministry of  government  said  it  would  profession  of  real  estate  says    nearly     570,000
            announcing     that   they  Finances  and  Prices  told  suspend  the  issuance  of  broker. The announcement  people  are  employed  in
            would  stop  issuing  new  him  the  decision  to  close  permits  for  a  range  of  did not say when the issuing  the  enterprises,  including
            permits  for  some  private  Scenius  was  “based  on  occupations and ventures,  of  permits  would  resume  hundreds of restaurants and
            enterprise.                  an  analysis  of  our  social  including  restaurants  and  and  said  that  enterprises  guest  houses.  It  later  also
            Scenius,  which  provides  purpose, or of the activities  renting out rooms in private  already  in  operation  can  legalized   nonagricultural
            accounting  and  business  that we have approved.”        homes.                       continue.                    cooperatives.q
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