P. 17

                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 9 august 2017



             South Africa’s Wayde Van
             Niekerk crosses the line to
             win the gold medal in the
             Men’s 400m final during the
             World Athletics Champion-
             ships in London Tuesday,
             Aug. 8, 2017.
                        Associated Press

              With challenger

               not admitted,
                Van Niekerk

             cruises to victory

            By EDDIE PELLS
            AP National Writer
            LONDON  (AP)  —  If  it
            seemed  as  though  there
            were     miles    between
            Wayde  van  Niekerk  and
            his   closest   competition
            on  Tuesday  —  well,  that
            wasn’t so far from the truth.
            On  a  chilly  evening  in
            which  the  South  African
            sprinter  eased  up  before
            the finish line and still won
            his second straight 400-me-
            ter  world  title  by  .43  sec-
            onds,  the  man  who  was
            expected  to  give  him  the
            toughest  test  wasn’t  even
            allowed in the stadium.
            The stomach virus that hit a
            number  of  athletes  at  the
            world  championships  ear-
            lier  in  the  week  morphed
            into  a  full-fledged  mess  a
            few  hours  before  the  400
            final, when video surfaced
            of  Isaac  Makwala  of  Bo-
            tswana — who has pushed
            Van  Niekerk  in  races  all         Trout picks up 1,000th  career hit on his birthday
            season  —  being  escorted
            away  from  the  athletes’
            entrance to the stadium.                                Los Angeles Angels’ Mike Trout hits a solo home run during the sixth
                                                                    inning of a baseball game against the Baltimore Orioles, Monday,
                                                                    Aug. 7, 2017, in Anaheim, Calif.
                Continued on Page 21                                                                            Associated Press
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