P. 22

Wednesday 9 august 2017 SPORTS
                                                                      Weak Blood

                                         ing the anemia, other signs  are iron-overloaded. Many  Countless     Arubans   and  Come in for a consultation
                                         and symptoms may occur,  African  decedents  have  Americans  can  trace  our  to  find  the  root  cause  of
                                         such  as  jaundice  (yellow-  this  condition.  They  need  family  tree  to  Portuguese,  your anemia.q
                                         tinged  skin),  dark  tea-col-  iron   removed   despite  Spanish,  Italian  and  Greek
                                         ored  urine,  easy  bruising  the  anemia.    The  anemia  roots.  Many  decedents  GIVE  THE  GIFT  OF  HEALTH:
                                         or  bleeding,  and  enlarge-  should  be  treated  with  B  from  Mediterranean  coun-  Gift  Certificates  and  Or-
                                         ment of the spleen or liver.   vitamins, especially B12, B6  tries  have  inherited  �Glu-  ganic  Products  available
                                         Unfortunately,  many  doc-   and  folic  acid.    However,  cose-6-phosphate   dehy-   at Viana Center.
                 By: Dr. Carlos Viana    tors don’t discover anemia  B  vitamins  should  always  drogenase  (G6PD)  defi-
                                         until they run blood tests as  be  taken  as  a  complete  ciency.                     CARLOS  VIANA,  Ph.  D.    is
            People  in  the  same  fam-  part  of  a  routine  physical  B  complex,  with  specific  B  The red blood cells of peo-  an  Oriental  Medical  Doc-
            ily  are  related  by  blood   examination. A �complete  vitamins  added  on  an  in-  ple  with  this  condition  ei-  tor (O.M.D.) having studied
            and “blood is thicker than   blood  count  may  indicate  dividual basis by a trained  ther  do  not  make  enough  in China; a US Board Cert.
            water”  says  that  fam-     that  there  are  fewer  red  Clinical  Nutritionist.    Blood  of the enzyme G6PD or the  Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.),
            ily  (“blood”)  relations  are   blood  cells  than  normal.  banks  especially  seem  to  enzyme  that  is  produced  an  Addiction  Professional
            more  important  than  rela-  Other diagnostic tests may  believe  that  hemoglobin  is  abnormal  and  does  not  (C.Ad.),  Chairperson  of
            tions with friends. “Blood is   include  a  blood  smear  and  iron  are  the  same.   work  well.  When  someone  the  Latin  American  Com-
            thicker  than  water”  com-  which  can  sometimes  in-   They have prepared lists of  born  with  the  deficiency  mittee  of  the  International
            pares  the  thickness  of    dicate  the  cause  of  the  high iron foods to give out  has an infection, takes any  Academy of Oral Medicine
            blood  (family  relationship)   anemia.  When  your  blood  to  donors  with  low  hemo-  sulfa  medicine,  is  exposed  and Toxicology (IAOMT), a
            to  the  thickness  of  water   tests indicate that the total  globin.  They invariably tell  to the smell of camphor, or  Rejuvenating Cell Therapist
            (friendships)  and  says  that   serum  iron  and  ferritin  lev-  these people:  “Your iron is  eats fava beans the body’s  specializing  in  Age  Man-
            our  family  relations  are   els,  which  help  determine  low.”                      red blood cells suffer extra  agement,  has  a  weekly
            more important (“thicker”)   whether  your  anemia  is  Many  of  our  grass-  roots  stress.  Without  adequate  radio  program,  writes  and
            than all others.             due to iron deficiency is on  clinic  patients  who  are  G6PD  to  protect  them,  lectures  extensively.    For
            Interestingly,   there   are   the  low  side,  most  doctors  anemic have type A blood.  many  red  blood  cells  are  information:  VIANA  HEAL-
            no  quotations  on  “weak    will  prescribe  iron  supple-  People  with  type  A  blood  destroyed   prematurely.  ING  CENTER,  Kibaima  7,  St
            blood”,  as  in  not  enough   mentation. This is a mistake  have a deficiency in stom-  Iron  supplementation  will  Cruz TEL: 585-1270 Web Site:
            red blood cells, also known   that  only  gives  you  consti-  ach  acid  that  prevents  not help; it hurts by stressing
            as  anemia.  One  of  the    pation.                      them  from  absorbing  the  the  red  blood  cells  more.   “Prescriptions  from  Para-
            more common blood disor-     Regrettably,  many  doc-     iron  from  their  food.  The  There is a simple blood test  dise”  -  International  Book
            ders, anemia, occurs when    tors do not appreciate that  other  nutritional  disaster  to  check  if  you  have  this  Award  Winner,  Alterna-
            the number of healthy red    your  blood  has  a  narrow  is  milk  products.  Milk  does  many  times,  undetected  tive  Health  -  ta  optenible
            blood  cells  decreases  in   range of iron that it can use  no body good, but for the  condition.                  na    Aruba  na  Viana  Heal-
            the body. The disc-shaped    to help produce red blood  vast majority of the world’s  Get  The  Point!  I  have  four  ing Center, Tur libreria, Gift
            red blood cells contain he-  cells.  Correctly,  a  lack  of  people it is a public health  close  friends  that  I  would  shops y centro nan di salud
            moglobin,  a  unique  mol-   iron  can  cause  anemia.  disaster.  No  other  ani-     choose over my siblings in a  di  calidad.    tambe  ta  dis-
            ecule  that  carries  oxygen   Similarly, too much iron also  mal  drinks  cow’s  milk,  not  heartbeat.  There is a Ven-  ponibel den forma do print
            to the body’s tissues.       causes what looks like ane-  even calves once they are  ezuelan  proverb  that  says  y  pa    Kindle  download
            The  most  common  sign  of   mia.  The  immediate  reac-  weaned. The late Dr. Benja-  “Blood  is  inherited  and  vir-  pa  nos  amigo  nan  pa  fo
            anemia  is  mild  paleness   tion of doctors to prescribe  min Spock, the U.S.’s lead-  tue is acquired”. The blood  di  Aruba  na    www.ama-
            of the skin, along with de-  iron can be dangerous!       ing authority on child care,  type A, or those of you who    Pa  anuncio  nan
            creased  pinkness  of  the   Hemoglobin is not iron!  Un-  spoke  out  against  feeding  have  inherited  iron  over-  acerca di mas evento nan
            lips,  the  lining  of  the  eye-  fortunately  physicians  pre-  “cow’s  glue”  to  children,  load  or  G6PD  deficiency  y firmamento di buki check
            lids,  and  the  nail  beds.   scribe iron to anemic peo-  saying  it  can  cause  ane-  can  acquire  the  virtue  of  , check  corant nan local,
            Other  common  signs  of     ple  who  test  with  low  he-  mia,  allergies,  and  diabe-  health  by  learning  how  to  radio  y  television  tambe
            anemia  may  include:  ir-   moglobin.  Yes, the patients  tes and in the long term, will  be your best doctor. If you  como    riba    www.viana-
            ritability,  fatigue,  dizziness,   are  anemic,  but  the  iron  set kids up for obesity and  have been diagnosed with y  join e discusion
            lightheadedness,  and  a     can  be  collecting  in  stor-  heart  disease,  the  number  “weak  blood”  do  not  set-  riba nos  Facebook pagina:
            rapid  heartbeat.  Depend-   age  instead  of  going  into  one cause of death of chil-  tle  for  iron  supplements,  it
            ing on the condition caus-   hemoglobin.  These people  dren in the United States.     could  be  killing  you  faster.  scriptionsformparadise q
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