P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 9 august 2017

              Van Niekerk                ing to bar you from the sta-  race  again.  Her  status  for
                                                                      the relays Friday and Satur-
                                         The  innocent  bystander  day was to be determined.
                                         was Van Niekerk, who, truth  Also missing was David Rud-
                                         be told, would’ve been fa-   isha of Kenya, the world-re-
               Continued from Page 17
                                         vored to win this race had  cord  holder  at  800  meters
                                         Makwala  been  there  any-   who  pulled  out  last  week
            Makwala  insisted  he  felt   way. He is the world-record  with a leg injury — a move
            fine. But he vomited Mon-    holder and Olympic cham-     that  turned  the  event  into
            day before the heats of his   pion and is being touted as  a free-for-all.
            other race, the 200 meters,   the planet’s greatest sprint-  Pierre-Ambroise  Bosse  of
            and the IAAF said doctors    er in a post-Bolt world.     France wound up with the
            checked  him,  determined    Van Niekerk won the race  gold.
            he had norovirus and, per    in   a   pedestrian-for-him  Other winners were no sur-
            the  recommendation  of      43.98  seconds,  which  was  prise:  Conseslus  Kipruto  of
            health regulators in Britain,   still two full paces ahead of  Kenya in the steeplechase
            told him he had to stay off   silver and bronze medalists  and  Barbora  Spotakova
            the premises for 48 hours.   Steven  Gardiner  and  Ab-   of  the  Czech  Republic  in
            “I came here for a medal,”   dalelah Haroun.              the javelin — a victory that
            a healthy looking Makwa-     “It  was  just  definitely  a  came a decade after her
            la said in an interview with   heartbreaking   moment,”  last world title.
            BBC Sports. “Some people     Van  Niekerk  said.  “I  saw  America’s  brightest  mo-
            force you to withdraw. I’m   him just before the 200-me-  ment came from Sam Ken-
            OK  to  run,  but  someone’s   ter heat and the only thing  dricks,  who  was  the  only
            saying you can’t run. It’s a   I  could  think  of  was  wrap-  pole  vaulter  to  clear  5.95
            bad thing.”                  ping  my  arms  around  him  meters  and  captured  his
            The  IAAF  put  out  its  own   and telling him to get well  country’s third gold medal   United States’ Sam Kendricks competes in the final of the Men’s
            statement       defending    soon. As much as you want  of the meet.                   pole vault during the World Athletics Championships in London
            the  decision,  saying  it  “is   to leave with gold medals,  Third-place  finisher  Ren-  Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017.
            very  sorry  that  the  hard   you  want  to  go  out  there  aud  Lavillenie  of  France                                       Associated Press
            work  and  talent  of  Isaac   with the best guys also out  — booed mercilessly at last
            Makwala won’t be on dis-     there.”                      year’s  Olympics  when  he   the best pure competition,  did not.
            play  tonight  but  we  have   Makwala  wasn’t  the  only  set the bar at a height that   but the evening will also be  “I have sympathy for him,”
            to think of the welfare of all   top runner missing.      would’ve  won  him  gold     remembered for the show-     he said. “I wish I could give
            athletes.”                   Minutes  before  her  heat  over  a  Brazilian  favorite  —   down that never transpired:  him my medal.”
            But  that  was  hardly  the   in  the  200  meters  was  to  also  used  his  final  attempt   Makwala vs. Van Niekerk.  He  might  have  one  to
            end of the debate.           start,  Tori  Bowie  withdrew.  this  year  to  go  for  the  win   “As an athlete, as a broth-  spare. With Bolt not racing
            Social media erupted with    The  American  was  in  the  at 6.01 instead of trying for   er,  I  would’ve  liked  to  see  in the 200, and Makwala —
            second-guessing  and  hy-    stadium and went through  second at 5.95.                 my brother given a chance  who  would’ve  contended
            potheticals,     including:   warm-ups, but the scrapes  “Silver or bronze, it’s almost   and do whatever he could  at  that  distance,  too  —
            What would the IAAF have     and  bruises  on  her  hip  the  same,”  Lavillenie  ex-  do  best,”  said  Nijel  Amos,  unable to get to the start-
            done if this had been Usain   from the dive over the line  plained.  “You  have  one   an  800-meter  finalist  from  ing  line,  the  odds  of  Van
            Bolt?  And,  What’s  the  use   in  her  100-meter  victory  champion  and  two  other   Botswana.                  Niekerk  completing  the
            of  telling  someone  you’re   two  nights  before  hadn’t  medalists.”                Hard to argue with that —  200-400  double  just  keep
            sick  when  they’re  just  go-  healed  enough  for  her  to  Pole vault may have been   and  Van  Niekerk  certainly  getting better.q

             Manziel hopes to stay in sports, maybe

             as college coach

            By The Associated Press      “I’d do something involved   like to coach, Manziel said
            Former  NFL  quarterback  with sports,” the 2012 Heis-    “probably college.”
            Johnny  Manziel  wants  to  man  Trophy  winner  said.    The  24-year-old  coached
            remain in the sports world,  “I  can’t  get  away  from  it.   at an Elite 11 quarterbacks
            possibly   as   a   college  I’ve had to ask myself that   camp in Miami in February.
            coach.                       a  little  bit  as  of  late  over
            In an interview with Outkick  the  past  year,  but  at  the    In this Dec. 20, 2015, file
            the Coverage at the Inter-   same time, I’d want to be    photo, Cleveland Browns
            national  Football  Betting  involved  in  sports  in  some   quarterback Johnny Manziel
                                                                      speaks with media members
            Conference in Costa Rica,  way,  whether  it’s  coach-    following the team’s 30-13
            Manziel  said  he’s  thought  ing,  whether  it’s  doing   loss to the Seattle Seahawks
            about  what  he  would  do  something  like  that.  So  I   in an NFL football game, in
            if he fails to resume his NFL  think that’d be my route.”  Seattle.
            playing career.              Asked  which  level  he’d                Associated Press
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