P. 19
SPORTS Wednesday 9 august 2017
Machado’s grand slam upstages
Trout, Orioles beat Angels 6-2
By The Associated Press innings. He is winless in 14
ANAHEIM, California (AP) consecutive starts at Kauff-
— Mike Trout got his 1,000th man Stadium since beat-
career hit and also hom- ing Minnesota on Aug. 20,
ered on his 26th birthday,
but Manny Machado hit a Baltimore Orioles’ Manny
tiebreaking grand slam in Machado, right, celebrates
the seventh inning of the his grand slam with Welington
Castillo in front of Los Angeles
Baltimore Orioles’ 6-2 vic- Angels catcher Martin Mal-
tory over the Los Angeles donado during the seventh
Angels on Monday night. inning of a baseball game,
Trout doubled down the Monday, Aug. 7, 2017, in
left-field line in the fourth Anaheim, Calif.
inning to become the 11th Associated Press
player with 1,000 hits in an
Angels uniform. The two- 2016.
time AL MVP also tied it in Mike Moustakas, Eric Hos-
the sixth by homering on his mer and Brandon Moss
birthday for the fourth time homered for Kansas City,
in his six-year career, send- which has dropped six of
ing his 23rd of the season eight.
high off the left-field pole. TWINS 5, BREWERS 4
Machado connected mo- MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Ed-
ments later against J.C. die Rosario doubled home
Ramirez (10-10) for his fifth the tying run in the seventh
career grand slam. inning and scored the win-
Dylan Bundy (11-8) record- ning run for Minnesota on a
ed a career-high 10 strike- balk.
outs while pitching seven After Eduardo Escobar
innings of five-hit ball for drew a leadoff walk, Rosa-
the Orioles. rio hit a smash to right field
Baltimore won the opener that fooled Domingo San-
of a three-game series be- tana, who took two steps
tween two teams on the in before watching the ball
fringe of the AL wild-card sail over his head. Escobar
race. The Orioles have won scored to tie the game at
eight of 10, while Los Ange- 4.
les has followed up a 6-1 Rosario was still at third with
stretch with three straight two out when the Brewers
losses. employed a dramatic shift
CARDINALS 11, ROYALS 3 on left-handed hitting Ja-
KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP) son Castro. With no fielder
— Matt Carpenter hit a near third base to hold him
three-run homer in St. Louis’ on, Rosario danced half-
six-run fourth inning, help- way down the baseline,
ing the Cardinals earn their causing Oliver Drake (3-4)
third consecutive victory. to step off the rubber.
Paul DeJong and Kolten When Drake stepped
Wong also connected back on the rubber, Ro-
for the Cardinals, who re- sario made another break
turned to .500 at 56-56. Car- for home. This time Drake
los Martinez (8-9) pitched flinched and plate umpire
eight innings of two-run Bill Welke called a balk,
ball for just his second win sending Rosario home.
in his last nine starts. Buddy Boshers (1-0) retired
Royals right-hander one batter in the seventh
Ian Kennedy (4-8) was to earn the victory. Matt
charged with seven runs, Belisle worked the ninth for
six earned, and six hits in six his second save.q