P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 9 august 2017

            Machado’s grand slam upstages

            Trout, Orioles beat Angels 6-2

            By The Associated Press      innings.  He  is  winless  in  14
            ANAHEIM,  California  (AP)   consecutive starts at Kauff-
            — Mike Trout got his 1,000th   man  Stadium  since  beat-
            career  hit  and  also  hom-  ing Minnesota on Aug. 20,
            ered  on  his  26th  birthday,
            but Manny Machado hit a        Baltimore Orioles’ Manny
            tiebreaking  grand  slam  in   Machado, right, celebrates
            the  seventh  inning  of  the   his grand slam with Welington
                                           Castillo in front of Los Angeles
            Baltimore  Orioles’  6-2  vic-  Angels catcher Martin Mal-
            tory  over  the  Los  Angeles   donado during the seventh
            Angels on Monday night.        inning of a baseball game,
            Trout  doubled  down  the      Monday, Aug. 7, 2017, in
            left-field  line  in  the  fourth   Anaheim, Calif.
            inning to become the 11th                 Associated Press
            player with 1,000 hits in an
            Angels  uniform.  The  two-  2016.
            time AL MVP also tied it in   Mike  Moustakas,  Eric  Hos-
            the sixth by homering on his   mer  and  Brandon  Moss
            birthday for the fourth time   homered  for  Kansas  City,
            in his six-year career, send-  which  has  dropped  six  of
            ing  his  23rd  of  the  season   eight.
            high off the left-field pole.  TWINS 5, BREWERS 4
            Machado connected mo-        MINNEAPOLIS  (AP)  —  Ed-
            ments  later  against  J.C.   die Rosario doubled home
            Ramirez (10-10)  for his fifth   the tying run in the seventh
            career grand slam.           inning and scored the win-
            Dylan Bundy (11-8) record-   ning run for Minnesota on a
            ed a career-high 10 strike-  balk.
            outs  while  pitching  seven   After   Eduardo   Escobar
            innings  of  five-hit  ball  for   drew a leadoff walk, Rosa-
            the Orioles.                 rio hit a smash to right field
            Baltimore won the opener     that  fooled  Domingo  San-
            of a three-game series be-   tana,  who  took  two  steps
            tween  two  teams  on  the   in before watching the ball
            fringe  of  the  AL  wild-card   sail over his head. Escobar
            race. The Orioles have won   scored to tie the game at
            eight of 10, while Los Ange-  4.
            les  has  followed  up  a  6-1   Rosario was still at third with
            stretch  with  three  straight   two out when the Brewers
            losses.                      employed a dramatic shift
            CARDINALS 11, ROYALS 3       on  left-handed  hitting  Ja-
            KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP)   son Castro. With no fielder
            —  Matt  Carpenter  hit  a   near third base to hold him
            three-run homer in St. Louis’   on,  Rosario  danced  half-
            six-run  fourth  inning,  help-  way  down  the  baseline,
            ing the Cardinals earn their   causing  Oliver  Drake  (3-4)
            third consecutive victory.   to step off the rubber.
            Paul  DeJong  and  Kolten    When     Drake    stepped
            Wong     also   connected    back  on  the  rubber,  Ro-
            for  the  Cardinals,  who  re-  sario made another break
            turned to .500 at 56-56. Car-  for  home.  This  time  Drake
            los  Martinez  (8-9)  pitched   flinched and plate umpire
            eight  innings  of  two-run   Bill  Welke  called  a  balk,
            ball for just his second win   sending Rosario home.
            in his last nine starts.     Buddy Boshers (1-0) retired
            Royals        right-hander   one  batter  in  the  seventh
            Ian  Kennedy  (4-8)  was     to  earn  the  victory.  Matt
            charged  with  seven  runs,   Belisle worked the ninth for
            six earned, and six hits in six   his second save.q
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