P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 9 august 2017

            No explosives found in car halted by Brussels police

                                                                                                   BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  Belgian  as  a  precaution  while
                                                                                                   prosecutors said no explo-   heavily  protected  army
                                                                                                   sives  were  found  in  a  car  bomb  disposal  experts
                                                                                                   stopped by police gunfire  were  called  in  to  assess
                                                                                                   after  a  high-speed  chase  the situation.
                                                                                                   in  the  flash-point  Brussels  Unprotected  police  and
                                                                                                   suburb of Molenbeek.         forensic experts were later
                                                                                                   Police chased the car af-    at  the  scene,  taking  ob-
                                                                                                   ter  the  driver  ran  a  red  jects from the car and ex-
                                                                                                   light  and  the  vehicle  amining them.
                                                                                                   was  involved  in  two  colli-  “Nothing  suspicious  was
                                                                                                   sions  before    it  was  finally  found in the vehicle,” Van
                                                                                                   brought to a halt, Ine Van  Wymersch said.
                                                                                                   Wymersch,  spokeswoman  The all-clear was given just
                                                                                                   for  the  Brussels  prosecu-  over three hours after the
                                                                                                   tor’s office, said.          car was stopped. No one
                                                                                                   “When the person got out,  was injured.
                                                                                                   he  immediately  claimed  Brussels  has  been  on  high
                                                                                                   that there were explosives  alert  since  suicide  bomb-
                                                                                                   inside,”  Van  Wymersch  ers  killed  32  people  in  at-
                                                                                                   said. She declined to iden-  tacks  on  the  city’s  airport
                                                                                                   tify  the  suspect,  but  said  and subway on March 22,
                                                                                                   he  was  a  Rwandan  na-     2016.
            A  police  vehicle  blocks  a  road  in  front  of  a  bomb  disposal  robot  in  the  Molenbeek   tional  born  in  1981  who  Many  suspects  linked  to
            suburb of Brussels, Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017. Brussels police say that they opened fire on   was  not  previously  known  those attacks and the No-
            a vehicle after a high-speed chase in Molenbeek and the driver told officers there are   to police.                 vember  2015  massacre  in
            explosives inside.                                                                     A  few  hundred  people  Paris  lived  in  or  transited
                                                                       (AP Photo/Olivier Matthys)  were kept in nearby shops  through Molenbeek.q

            Gazan travelers face new restrictions from Israel

            By FARES AKRAM               headaches in the struggles  possible,” he said. “This af-  following  year.  Israel,  the  to  travel  abroad  for  busi-
            Associated Press             of daily life in Gaza.       fects  you  in  all  directions,  U.S. and much of the West  ness, medical care, studies
            GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP)  “My  work  laptop  that  has  professionally,  unfortunate-  consider  Hamas  a  terrorist  or to see relatives.
            —  New  Israeli  restrictions  all my work files that I can’t  ly.”                    group,  and  Israel  says  the  Yet Israel, accusing Hamas
            on  Palestinians  exiting  the  take  back  with  me  is  a  The ban, which took effect  blockade is needed to iso-  of trying to exploit travelers
            blockaded  Gaza  Strip,  in-  big  problem  for  me,”  said  on Aug. 1, applies to all Pal-  late Hamas and prevent it  to carry money or informa-
            cluding  a  ban  on  laptop  Ahmed  Abu  Shahla,  an  estinians who want to travel  from  smuggling  in  weap-      tion  to  its  agents  abroad,
            computers,  hard-shell  suit-  employee of an intellectual  to Israel, or through Israel to  ons.                   has  imposed  a  series  of
            cases  and  even  shampoo  property  firm  in  the  United  the  West  Bank  and  neigh-  The  Rafah  crossing  on  the  restrictions  in  recent  years
            and  toothpaste,  have  fur-  Arab Emirates who was re-   boring  Jordan.  With  Israel  Egyptian  border  has  tradi-  that has limited the flow of
            ther disrupted travel for the  turning to the Gulf after vis-  and  Egypt  maintaining  a  tionally  been  Gaza’s  main  people across the border.
            lucky few who are allowed  iting relatives in Gaza.       tight  blockade  on  Hamas-  gateway  to  the  outside  Israel  allows  only  small
            to  cross  the  border  into  Is-  As he boarded a bus at the  ruled Gaza, the Erez cross-  world. But Egypt keeps the  numbers of people in  spe-
            rael. Israel is citing unspeci-  border,  he  was  forced  to  ing is virtually the only way  crossing  closed  for  months  cial  categories,  such  as
            fied  security  concerns  as  leave his laptop behind. He  out of the territory.       at  a  time.  The  last  time  it  students,  aid  workers  and
            the  reason  for  forcing  en-  said he didn’t bother to put  Israel  and  Egypt  imposed  opened  for  travelers  was  medical  patients,  to  cross
            gineers, journalists, business  his  projects  on  flash  drives  the blockade after Hamas  in March, and tens of thou-  through  the  border,  and
            people  and  human  rights  because  he  feared  they  won  parliamentary  elec-       sands of people are on wait  all  travelers  go  through  a
            workers to leave their elec-  would be confiscated.       tions  in  2006  and  routed  lists  to  travel  once  Egypt  heavily  fortified  terminal
            tronic  work  tools  behind.  “My  loss  is  high  because  forces loyal to the interna-  opens the crossing.       where  they  pass  through
            For  those  affected,  the  re-  you  have  to  move  all  the  tionally recognized govern-  The  Egyptian  closure  has  scanners,  can  have  their
            strictions  are  unfair,  inex-  data by email or any other  ment  of  Palestinian  Presi-  made  Israel’s  Erez  crossing  luggage  opened  and  are
            plicable  and  mean  new  means  which  is  almost  im-   dent Mahmoud Abbas the  vital  to  Gazans  who  need  subject to strip searches.q
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