Page 28 - MIN TTC AUG 08
P. 28


                 According to Parliament member Chris Dammers

“2014 was a huge year for Aruba’s tourism I can         with 172.4 million in 2014 which is a 6.4% increase  ba’s cordial and hospitable community.
                                                        compared to 2013 which amounts to a total of 2.85
say that with assurance after analyzing Aruba’s tour-   billion florins in 2014.                                     “Aruba is country that knows
ism figures for the last 5 years so from 2009 to 2014.                                                                    how to treat their tourists,
Our tourism has increased tremendously these past       The first 6 months of 2015 also show that the tour-                      in Aruba a tourist is
5 years. This can be seen from documents published      ism still hasn’t stopped growing for example the                     ‘Everybody’s Business”
by independent institutions such as Central Bank        amount of stay-over tourists have increased
of Aruba, Financial Supervision Commission, Stan-       with 16.2% in the first half of 2015 to                                            According to Parliament
dard and Poor’s, Fitch Ratings, IMF, etc. All confirm   a total of 569.153 and the RevPar                                                   member Chris Dammers.
that Aruba’s tourism has increased to a more stable     has increased with 8.6% which is
level and the management of the tourism sector has      very close to the amount that the
improved these past 6 years and is contributing to      Minister of Tourism and AHATA
Aruba’s economy growing.                                agreed on which is 9%.

The total airline passengers that visited Aruba in      This has all been made possible
2014 were 1.072.082. The total airline passengers       through the efforts made by Min-
that visit Aruba have grown from 812.623 to an im-      ister of Tourism Mr. Otmar Odu-
pressive amount of 1.072.082 passengers which is an     ber, AHATA who invested more
increase of 32%.                                        than US$100 million in improv-
                                                        ing their properties and making
The RevPar which is the revenue per available room      sure their employees give the best
is a performance metric in the hotel industry that      professional service possible and the
is calculated by dividing a hotel’s total guestroom     Minister of Infrastructure who is still
revenue by the room count and the number of days        investing a lot in improving
in the period being measured. This was US$ 127, 02      Aruba as a product but
in 2009 and has grown to a total of US$ 185, 46 in      most importantly this
2014 which is an increase of 46%.                       has been made
                                                        possible be-
The RevPar has grown from 2013 to 2014 with 20.6%       cause of
which once more confirms the high effectiveness of      Aru-
our country’s tourism management.
This has surpassed the goals written in the protocol
signed between Minister Oduber and AHATA, which
states that they will work hard towards a 9% RevPar
increase every year.

In 2009 the room occupation percentage was 72%
this grew to 79.3% by 2014 which is an increase of

If we analyze all the information regarding the
tourist industry’s income we notice a 6.4% increase
by 2014 according to Central Banks’ figures shown
in their 2014 Annual Statistics Digest which was
recently published.

In 2013 the amount of money invested by tourists
in our economy increased with 177.7 million florins
which is a 7.1% compared to 2012 which amounts to
a 2.69 billion in 2013. This same amount increased

4 LOCAL                                                                                                      Friday, August 7 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
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