Page 3 - KPA 24 OCT 2015
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U.S. NEWSSaturday 24 October 2015

Feds confiscate lethal-injection drugs imported by 2 states

A fence surrounds the state prison in Florence, Ariz. Arizona has joined a number of states that                                        Arizona paid nearly $27,000    Tennessee brought back
have tried to illegally import a lethal injection drug that’s not approved in the U.S., according to                                    for the sodium thiopental,     the electric chair and Utah
documents obtained by The Associated Press.                                                                                             which federal agents inter-    the firing squad.
                                                                                                                                        cepted when it arrived at      Other states also have
                                                                                                                       (AP Photo/File)  the Phoenix airport in July,   looked into buying drugs
                                                                                                                                        according to documents         internationally.
ASTRID GALVAN                  pounds the nation’s severe stop the heart. The anes-                                                     obtained by The Associ-        Ohio, which halted execu-
                                                                                                                                        ated Press.                    tions until at least 2017 be-
JUSTIN PRITCHARD               shortage of execution thetic currently has no le-                                                        Texas and FDA authorities      cause of drug shortage,
                                                                                                                                        gave fewer details about       told the FDA earlier this
Associated Press               drugs.                        gal uses in the U.S.                                                       the confiscation there.        month it believes it can ob-
                                                                                                                                        Texas is the nation’s busiest  tain a drug overseas with-
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Fed- The Food and Drug Admin- “Courts have concluded                                                               death penalty state, with      out violating any laws.
                                                                                                                                        about 250 death row in-        Nebraska ran afoul of
eral authorities have con- istration said Friday that it that sodium thiopental for                                                     mates and 530 executions       the FDA in May when the
                                                                                                                                        carried out over the past      agency said it could not
fiscated shipments of a impounded orders of so- the injection in humans is                                                              four decades. It has not       legally import sodium thio-
                                                                                                                                        used sodium thiopental in      pental and a second le-
lethal-injection chemical dium thiopental, an anes- an unapproved drug and                                                              recent years.                  thal-injection chemical it
                                                                                                                                        The national shortage has      bought for $54,400 from
that Arizona and Texas tried thetic that has been used may not be imported into                                                         become more acute over         Harris Pharma, a distributor
                                                                                                                                        the past few years, ever       in India. That shipment ap-
to bring in from abroad, in past executions in com- the country,” FDA spokes-                                                           since European companies       parently never made it to
                                                                                                                                        started refusing to sell cer-  the United States.
saying such imports are il- bination with drugs that man Jeff Ventura said in a                                                         tain drugs to the U.S. Death   “Just wanted to let you
                                                                                                                                        penalty states have been       know have a few states
legal — a move that com- paralyze the muscles and statement.                                                                            scrambling to secure sup-      who have already ordered
                                                                                                                                        plies, a search that in at     sodium thiopental. Would
                                                                                                                                        least one case led to India    Nebraska be interested as I
                                                                                                                                        and a forlorn-looking busi-    will have a few thousand vi-
                                                                                                                                        ness in a residential neigh-   als extra,” Chris Harris, CEO
                                                                                                                                        borhood. States have had       of Harris Pharma, wrote in
                                                                                                                                        to change drug combina-        April to Nebraska officials,
                                                                                                                                        tions or put executions on     who released the corre-
                                                                                                                                        hold while they look for       spondence under a public
                                                                                                                                        other options. As backups,     records request.

Trail hiker pleads guilty to wire fraud in embezzling case 

Associated Press               in a scheme the FBI said      time. He said he under-                                                    and wearing an orange-         the questions lingering for
CINCINNATI (AP) — A Ken-       began 17 years ago.           stood. FBI agents arrested                                                 and-white jail jumpsuit.       the family of his late first
tucky accountant who           U.S. District Judge Susan J.  Hammes in May at an inn                                                    He told Dlott during ques-     wife, though her sister,
spent much of six years as     Dlott accepted the plea       in Damascus, Virginia, dur-                                                tioning that he was taking     Jane Ryan, of Springfield,
a fugitive hiking the Appa-    after asking him a series     ing the annual Trail Days                                                  medication for depression.     Illinois, said they are skep-
lachian Trail pleaded guilty   of questions, including       festival. The inn’s opera-                                                 He smiled and mouthed          tical of any explanations
Friday to a wire fraud count   whether he was pleading       tor and fellow hikers say                                                  greetings to a friend in the   from Hammes. “He’s such
and agreed to pay back         guilty because he is, “in     he was known by the trail                                                  courtroom. She refused         a liar about everything,”
money embezzled in an          fact, guilty.” “Yes, I am,”   name Bismarck, an affable,                                                 to talk with a reporter.       she said Friday by tele-
$8.7 million case.             Hammes, 53, replied.          bushy-bearded hiker who                                                    Hammes also smiled at Ron      phone. “Whatever he says
Federal authorities will drop  Dlott said she would sen-     often appeared in photos                                                   Vissing, a Lexington man       is meaningless.” Ryan is one
74 other counts of wire        tence him after reviewing     and online posts with other                                                who said he used to play       of four siblings of Joy John-
fraud and money laun-          results of a presentencing    hikers along the more than                                                 racquetball with him. Viss-    son, of Waverly, Illinois. Her
dering against James T.        investigation that could      2,000-mile trail stretching                                                ing said he wanted to learn    sister met Hammes when
Hammes under an agree-         take several months. She      from Georgia to Maine.                                                     more about what hap-           both attended college in
ment that includes explain-    warned him that she could     Hammes’ hair was long,                                                     pened. “We all assumed         Springfield, and they were
ing what happened to the       still impose the maximum      but his beard was trimmed                                                  he had left the country,”      married with a daughter
millions diverted from his     sentence of 20 years, even    neatly Friday when he was                                                  Vissing said of Hammes’        when Joy died at 40 in 2003
employer, a Cincinnati-        though his deal with the      led into the courtroom,                                                    hiker life.                    after a fire in their Lexington
based Pepsi-Cola bottler,      government called for less    hands and legs shackled                                                    Why he didn’t is among         home.
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