Page 5 - KPA 24 OCT 2015
P. 5
Saturday 24 October 2015
Serbia, Croatia to speed up refugee flow across their border
RADUL RADOVANOVIC directly from Serbia to Cro- national Office for Migra- kan route into Western Eu- register when they enter
Associated Press atia so they won’t have to tion says Greece over the rope shifted when Hungary Serbia and will be able to
BAJAKOVO, Croatia (AP) — cross on foot, often trekking last week experienced the decided to close its border cross into Croatia without
Shocked into action, Serbia kilometers (miles) in the rain largest single weekly influx with Serbia to migrants on any delays, which should
and Croatia agreed Friday and cold weather. of migrants this year, an Oct. 17. speed up the process sig-
to increase the flow of asy- “We have agreed to stop average of 9,600 people nificantly, the ministers said.
lum-seekers over their bor- this torture,” said Croatian per day compared to be- Refugees still cross from Further west, thousands of
der after thousands were Interior Minister Ranko Os- tween 4,000 and 6,000 per Turkey to Greece to Mace- migrants aiming to reach
forced to spend a muddy tojic. day in September. donia to Serbia, but now northern Europe walked
night out in the open in “There will be no more EU officials have called a go via Croatia and Slove- out of refugee camps on
near-freezing tempera- rain and snow, they will summit for Sunday of sever- nia instead of Hungary, the border between Slo-
tures. go directly from camp to al EU and Balkan leaders to which has erected high, venia and Austria on their
The two nations’ interior camp.” focus on the migrant crisis. razor-wire fences along its own, frustrated after wait-
ministers said they will start The surge is showing no Tensions have been build- borders with Serbia and ing long hours in over-
shipping migrants by train signs of abating. The Inter- ing this week after the Bal- Croatia. crowded facilities.q
In the future, refugees will
Hundreds at candlelight vigil for Swedish school stabbings
DAVID KEYTON 10 million, known for its wel- People stand outside Kronan school after Thursday’s attack, in Trollhattan, Sweden, Friday, Oct. 23,
MATTI HUUHTANEN coming attitude toward 2015. It was a racially motivated, carefully planned rampage, police say.
Associated Press migrants, was shocked by
TROLLHATTAN, Sweden (AP) the violence in the south- (Bjorn Larsson Rosvall/TT News Agency via AP)
— Hundreds of people lit ern industrial town near
candles Friday in the yard Sweden’s second largest
of a Swedish school where city, Goteborg.
police said a 21-year-old “This is a black day for Swe-
masked man with a sword den,” Prime Minister Stefan
and a knife went on a ram- Lofven said of the country’s
page a day earlier, stab- deadliest school attack. “It
bing two to death and seri- is a tragedy that hits the
ously wounding two others entire country.”
before being shot by po- Although violent crime is
lice. relatively rare in Sweden,
Police described the Thurs- there has been a spate of
day attack as a carefully arson attacks on asylum
organized, racist hate centers in recent weeks
crime by a young man as an influx of refugees
who methodically selected has surged. Immigration
his victims in Trollhattan’s officials estimate some
Kronan school, where most 190,000 asylum-seekers will
of the students are foreign- arrive this year, second
born. only to Germany in West-
The Scandinavian nation of ern Europe.
43 killed in fiery bus-truck collision in French wine region
BOB EDME prosecutor for Libourne in Four other people were testimony from survivors, mangled remains of both
GREG KELLER southwest France’s wine re- badly injured. including the bus driver, to vehicles on a narrow, curv-
Associated Press gion, said “it’s impossible at Auger said investigators’ try to understand the cause ing road surrounded by
PUISSEGUIN, France (AP) — this stage” to say why the top priority in the coming of the crash, Auger said in trees.
A French investigator says tourist bus and the empty days is to identify the vic- a televised news confer- Eight people, including the
it’s far too early to know truck crashed on a wind- tims, a task made difficult ence. driver, escaped after the
the cause of a fiery crash ing road near the village by the charred state of Images on French televi- driver opened the bus door,
between a truck and a bus of Puisseguin, 50 kilometers their remains. Experts ex- sion showed the carcass but others were trapped as
full of retirees that killed 43 (30 miles) east of Bordeaux. pect it will take three weeks of the bus — a collapsing, flames quickly consumed
people Friday morning — The crash killed 41 bus pas- before all victims are identi- charred frame engulfed the vehicles, Puisseguin
France’s deadliest road sengers, the truck driver fied. by smoke near Puisseguin, Mayor Xavier Sublett told
accident in more than 30 and his 3-year-old son, who In the meantime, experts its seats nothing but empty i-Tele television. He told RTL
years. was riding in the truck with will begin analyzing the metal frames. radio the truck driver lost
Christophe Auger, the his father. wreckage and collecting Aerial views showed the control of the vehicle.q