Page 4 - KPA 24 OCT 2015
P. 4

                                                                                                         Saturday 24 October 2015

Major drug tunnel found

on US-Mexico border in

California                      Attorney Laura Duffy. “Just       This photo released by Mexico’s Federal Police shows an underground tunnel that police say was
                                when they think they’re           built to smuggle drugs from Tijuana, Mexico to San Diego in the United States. Mexican federal
ELLIOT SPAGAT                   ready to move, we put it          police said the tunnel extends about 2,600 feet (800 meters) and is lit, ventilated, equipped with a
Associated Press                out of business. We con-          rail car system, and lined with metal beams to prevent collapse.
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Authori-       tinue to make good on
ties seized 12 tons of mari-    our promise to relentlessly                                                                                                       (Mexico Federal Police via AP)
juana and arrested 22 peo-      pursue and shut down any
ple after discovering one       tunnel as soon as it opens.”
of the longest cross-border     The San Diego-Tijuana re-
tunnels between the U.S.        gion is popular because
and Mexico, officials said      its clay-like soil is relatively
Thursday.                       easy to dig with shovels
The passage connecting          and pneumatic tools, and
warehouses in San Diego         both sides of the border
and Tijuana, Mexico, was        have warehouses that pro-
about 2,400 feet long and       vide cover for trucks and
30 feet deep. It was lit, ven-  heavy equipment.
tilated and equipped with       It was unclear which drug
a rail system — hallmarks of    trafficking organization
the most sophisticated tun-     orchestrated the latest
nels found along the bor-       passage but the region is
der. Near-simultaneous po-      largely controlled by Mex-
lice stings on Wednesday        ico’s Sinaloa cartel, whose
resulted in six arrests in San  leader Joaquin “El Chapo”
Diego and 16 in Mexico.         Guzman escaped from a
Authorities recovered two       maximum-security prison in
tons of marijuana in the U.S.   Mexico in July through an
and 10 tons in Mexico.          elaborate tunnel.
U.S. authorities said smug-     Mexican federal police
glers tried to move the first   said in a news release that
load of drugs through the       those arrested on suspicion
tunnel on Wednesday but         of drug trafficking told au-
that nothing got through        thorities that they had ties
undetected.                     to a criminal group that
The sting came after an         operates in the state of
undercover agent for U.S.       Jalisco — an apparent ref-
Homeland Security Investi-      erence to the Jalisco New
gations agreed to provide       Generation cartel, which
the drug smugglers with         controls that part of west-
drivers and use of a ware-      ern Mexico.
house in exchange for a         The Mexican suspects were
$10,000 payment for each        caught off-guard when
truckload of drugs moved,       authorities arrived at the
according to a probable         Tijuana warehouse with
cause statement.                a search warrant, police
The discovery demon-            said. No shots were fired.
strates the enduring ap-        The drugs found were
peal of tunnels to smug-        wrapped in 873 packages
glers, despite the significant  covered with plastic and
time and money required         tape.
to build one. Dozens of         On the U.S. side, the tunnel
tunnels have been found         entry point in a warehouse
along the U.S.-Mexico bor-      near the Otay Mesa bor-
der in recent years, some       der crossing had no stairs
equipped with hydraulic         or ladder. Duffy said smug-
lifts and electric rail cars.   glers were believed to be
“We see a super tunnel          using pulleys.
open for business once
every year or so,” said U.S.
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