P. 21
SPORTS Thursday 21 sepTember 2017
Joe Maddon wins in
return to Tropicana Field
ST. PETERSBURG, Florida (AP) ANAHEIM, California (AP) stepped a bouncing pitch
— Mike Montgomery took — Jay Bruce had a triple from Brach that enabled
a no-hit bid into the sixth in- and a double among his Bradley to score without a
ning, Kyle Schwarber hit his three hits, Austin Jackson throw.
28th home run and the Chi- singled four times and the Joe Kelly (4-1) worked the
cago Cubs extended their incredible Cleveland Indi- 10th and Matt Barnes got
winning streak to a season- ans notched their 25th vic- three outs for his first save.
high seven games by beat- tory in 26 games. The Orioles have lost 11 of
ing the Tampa Bay Rays Roberto Perez added a 13 to fall out of contention.
2-1 on Tuesday in manager solo home run for the AL YANKEES 5, TWINS 2
Joe Maddon’s return to Central champions to sup- NEW YORK (AP) — CC Sa-
Tropicana Field. port a strong outing by bathia recovered from a
Maddon managed Tampa Mike Clevinger (11-5). shaky start to pitch six in-
Bay from 2006-14, then left Los Angeles’ offense strug- nings, Brett Gardner had
for Chicago and last year gled for the third consecu- a pair of tying hits and the
led the Cubs to their first tive game as the Angels Yankees clinched their sixth
World Series title since 1908. missed a chance to gain straight series win.
Chicago holds a 3½-game ground on Minnesota in With their ninth victory in
lead over second-place their bid for the final Ameri- 11 games, the Yankees
Milwaukee in the NL Cen- can League playoff berth. opened six-game lead
tral. RED SOX 1, ORIOLES 0, 11 over the Twins for the top
A crowd of 25,046, the larg- INNINGS AL wild card. Minnesota,
est at the Trop since open- BALTIMORE (AP) — Jack- which started the night 1
ing day, gave Maddon ie Bradley Jr. scored the 1/2 games ahead of the
a standing ovation in the game’s lone run on a wild Los Angeles Angels for the
middle of the first inning. pitch by Brad Brach in the second AL wild card, has Chicago Cubs’ Kyle Schwarber scores after hitting a solo home
Montgomery (7-8) allowed 11th inning, helping the lost four of five. run off Tampa Bay Rays starter Chris Archer during the second
one hit in six innings, a one- Red Sox improve to 15-3 in Pitching on seven days’ inning of a baseball game, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017, in St. Peters-
out homer in the sixth by extra-inning games. rest in a game that started burg, Fla. Associated Press
Brad Miller. The left-hander Boston has won 10 of 13 65 minutes late because of
struck out six and walked to move a season-high 23 a downpour, Sabathia (12-
one. games over .500 (87-64) 5) allowed two runs and helping the Blue Jays to the tion projects to 6,139.
Pedro Strop, Carl Edwards and draw closer to clinch- six hits. Aroldis Chapman victory. Barney went 2 for 3 with
Jr. and Wade Davis each ing a postseason berth. worked a scoreless ninth for Alex Gordon’s solo drive for three RBIs as the Blue Jays
followed with an inning of The Red Sox stayed three his 20th save in 24 chances. Kansas City in the eighth opened their final home-
perfect relief to complete games ahead of the sec- Minnesota right-hander was the majors’ 5,694th stand on a winning note.
the one-hitter. Davis struck ond-place Yankees in the Jose Berrios (12-8) yielded homer of the season, Stroman (12-8) allowed
out the side and remained AL East. three runs in 3 1/3 innings. breaking the record set in one run and four hits, and
perfect in 32 save chances. With a runner on second BLUE JAYS 5, ROYALS 2 2000 at the height of the Roberto Osuna got his 37th
Javier Baez hit an RBI dou- and two outs in the 11th, TORONTO (AP) — Marcus Steroids Era. There were save.
ble against Chris Archer (9- Brach (4-5) walked Andrew Stroman pitched seven in- 5,610 homers last year, an Royals right-hander Ian
11), who gave up four hits Benintendi and Mookie nings to win for the first time average of 2.31 per game, Kennedy (4-12) was
in six innings. Betts to load the bases for in six starts and Darwin Bar- and this year’s average of charged with two runs in
INDIANS 6, ANGELS 3 Mitch Moreland, who side- ney hit a two-run homer, 2.53 entering Tuesday’s ac- five-plus innings.q
WBC heavyweight champion Wilder to face Ortiz Nov. 4
Ortiz offered his own pre-
NEW YORK (AP) — Unde- of the world and I am the diction for the outcome.
feated heavyweights De- man. Nobody is stronger “Wilder should sign his
ontay Wilder and Luis Ortiz physically, mentally and death sentence,” he said.
will fight at Brooklyn’s Bar- spiritually. They are all “I’m very different than
clays Center on Nov. 4. scared of me. anybody else that he’s
The fight will be televised “I’m the heavyweight in fought. I punch harder
by Showtime as part of the the division with real knock- than anybody else. I’m
Premier Boxing Champions out power. I put grown men going to teach him not to
series. It will be the sixth title down easily. On November mess with Cubans.
defense for the 31-year-old 4, Ortiz is going down. Af- “Some skeptics are talking
WBC champion Wilder (38- ter that, you already know about my age, but look at
0, 37 knockouts), and he’s who is next. I’m ready to (Floyd) Mayweather. I still
already touting a poten- unify.”The 38-year-old Or- have my speed and my
tial matchup with Anthony tiz is 27-0 with 23 knock- quickness.”
Joshua after Ortiz. outs. If he wins, the 6-foot- Joshua holds three heavy-
“When I knock him out, 4, 240-pounder would In this Feb. 25, 2017, file photo, boxer Deontay Wilder raises his weight belts and will fight
I want my due respect,” become the first Cuban glove before his heavyweight title fight against Gerald Washing- Bulgarian boxer Kubrat
Wilder said at a news con- heavyweight champion. ton in Birmingham, Ala. Associated Press Pulev on Oct. 28. Joseph
ference on Wednesday. Wilder has long stated his Parker defends his WBO
“I’m the only American goal of unifying the heavy- 228-pound Alabama na- heavyweight fights in a title Saturday night against
heavyweight champion weight division. The 6-7, tive calls it “one of the best long time.” Hughie Fury.q