P. 20

            Thursday 21 sepTember 2017
             Alex Gordon hits MLB’s record-setting 5,694th HR of season

            By IAN HARRISON                                                                                                     1992,  then  started  rising
             Associated Press                                                                                                   during  the  second  half  of
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Kansas                                                                                            the 2015 season.
            City’s  Alex  Gordon  broke                                                                                         “My  biggest  take  on  it  is
            Major  League  Baseball’s                                                                                           that  players  are  trying  to
            season  home  run  record                                                                                           hit  more  home  runs,”  San
            with  12  days  to  spare,  hit-                                                                                    Francisco  manager  Bruce
            ting the 5,694th long ball of                                                                                       Bochy  said.  “Their  philoso-
            2017 on Tuesday night.                                                                                              phy  overall,  a  lot  of  these
            Gordon’s home run off To-                                                                                           position  players,  is  to  get
            ronto reliever Ryan Tepera                                                                                          the ball in the air and also
            broke a mark set in 2000 at                                                                                         pull  the  ball  and  get  the
            the  height  of  the  Steroids                                                                                      ball in the air and hit it as
            Era. The drive, which drove                                                                                         far  as  you  can.  So  you’re
            in the last run in the Royals’                                                                                      increasing  the  launch  an-
            5-2 loss, was his eighth this                                                                                       gle,  whatever  you  want
            season and the 159th of his                                                                                         to call this, stay away from
            11-year big league career.                                                                                          the  groundballs.  And  so
            “A pretty cool thing to be                                                                                          they’re sacrificing a little bit
            a part of,” Gordon said. “I                                                                                         more contact to do a little
            didn’t  hit  many  this  year,                                                                                      bit more damage.”
            but  I  guess  I  made  one                                                                                         When  the  previous  record
            count.”                                                                                                             of  5,693  was  set  in  2000,
            It  was  the  17th  home  run                                                                                       Sammy Sosa led the major
            of  the  night  in  the  major                                                                                      leagues with 50 home runs
            leagues  and  came  just                                                                                            and Barry Bonds hit 49.
            after  Detroit’s  Alex  Pres-                                                                                       Miami’s Giancarlo Stanton
            ley  tied  the  record  when                                                                                        leads  the  major  leagues
            he  connected  at  home                                                                                             with 55 home runs this year,
            against  Oakland’s  Daniel                                                                                          followed by New York Yan-
            Gossett.                      In this Tuesday, April 18, 2017 file photo, Kansas City Royals’ Alex Gordon advances to third base   kees  rookie  Aaron  Judge
            Gordon  said  he  heard      on a fly out by Lorenzo Cain during the first inning of a baseball game against the San Francisco   with 44.
            talk  of  the  record  on  a   Giants in Kansas City, Mo.                                                           Yost  said  he  doesn’t  be-
            clubhouse  television  after                                                                       Associated Press  lieve  more  players  are
            Toronto’s  Darwin  Barney                                                                                           swinging  for  the  fences
            homered in the sixth.        “I’m going to give it to Coo-  2.31  per  game,  and  this  being hit.”                than in years past.
            “I  was  kind  of  aware  that   perstown,”  Gordon  said  .  year’s  average  of  2.53  Blue  Jays  manager  John   “You’re   always   looking
            we  were  getting  close  to   “I  figured  they’d  probably  entering   Tuesday’s   ac-  Gibbons  has  noticed  the   to  elevate,”  Yost  said.
            it,” he said. “After I walked   have  much  more  reason  tion projects to 6,139. That  surge in homers but doesn’t   “You’re not going to make
            back to the dugout. I kind   to have it than I do. I don’t  would  be  up  47  percent  have an explanation.        a  whole  lot  of  money  hit-
            of forgot about it.”         really  want  to  remember  from 4,186 in 2014.           “It really looks like the ball is   ting the ball on the ground
            Holding the ball he hit over   too  much  about  this  sea-  “I don’t know what to make  flying,” he said.          in this league because the
            the  right-field  wall,  Gor-  son, so I’ll probably just give  of it,” Royals manager Ned  Power  subsided  after  the   defenders  are  so  quick
            don said he didn’t plan to   it away and let them take  Yost said. “Guys are bigger  start  of  drug  testing  with   and  athletic.  You’ve  got
            keep the historic memento    care of it.”                 and guys are stronger. but  penalties in 2004. The home   to get the ball in the air, I
            or  anything  else  from  the   There  were  5,610  homers  so  are  the  pitchers.  There  run  average  dropped  in   think, if you’re going to be
            game.                        last  year,  an  average  of  sure are a lot of home runs  2014 to its lowest level since   successful.”q

            Dumoulin tops Roglic, Froome for cycling time trial title

            BERGEN,  Norway  (AP)  —                                                                I felt really, really good.”  here  and  get  a  bronze
            Giro d’ Italia champion Tom                                                            It started to rain for Dumou-  than be at home wonder-
            Dumoulin won the time trial                                                            lin’s  ride,  but  that  hardly  ing,  ‘What  if?’”  he  said.
            world title on Wednesday,                                                              slowed  him  down.  He  fin-  “The question has been an-
            beating  runner-up  Primoz                                                             ished 58 seconds ahead of  swered and now it’s time to
            Roglic and Tour de France                                                              Slovenian  star  Roglic  and  put my feet up.”
            and Vuelta de Espana win-                                                              1:21 ahead of Froome, who  Dumoulin, who earned the
            ner Chris Froome to cap a                                                              added a bronze medal to  bronze medal at the world
            remarkable season.                                                                     a  historic  summer  for  the  championships three years
            Dumoulin    covered    the                                                             Brit  that  included  back-to-  ago, was also part of Team
            31-kilometer  route  featur-                                                           back Grand Tour triumphs.    Sunweb’s    gold   medal-
            ing  the  grueling  climb  of                                                          “A massive congratulations  winning  effort  in  Sunday’s
            Mount  Floyen  in  44  min-                                                            to Tom.                      team trial.
            utes,  41  seconds.  His  ride                                                           I’m  just  glad  I’ve  got  no  “Doing the double is amaz-
            was  so  dominant  that  he   Tom Dumoulin of The Netherlands competes in the UCI Cycling   regrets,” said Froome, who  ing. Last Sunday it was a bit
            was  the  fastest  at  every   Road World Championships men elite individual time trial in Ber-  decided to race the world  of  a  surprise  that  we  won
            checkpoint  and  nearly      gen, Norway, Wednesday Sept. 20, 2017.                    championships      despite  with  the  team,”  he  said.
            caught Froome, who is one                                             Associated Press  coming off the three-week  “Today  is  less  surprising
            of the world’s best against   “I can’t believe it,” said Du-  Tour.  “I  thought  my  power   Vuelta.               —  I  was  one  of  the  favor-
            the clock and had started    moulin,  who  also  won  the  meter  was  off  because  it   “I gave it everything I had  ites. But in some ways that
            90 seconds ahead of him.     overall  at  the  BinckBank  was so high.                 and  I’d  much  rather  be  makes it harder.” q
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