P. 18

            Thursday 21 sepTember 2017
            DeMaurice Smith re-elected as head of NFL players’ union

            By BARRY WILNER                                                                        2,100 players and 32 player  league’s  lockout  of  them
             AP Pro Football Writer                                                                reps who have been disen-    in  2011.  That  summer,  the
            DeMaurice Smith has been                                                               franchised;  26  clubs  didn’t  sides  reached  agreement
            re-elected as executive di-                                                            even  have  a  representa-   on a new 10-year CBA that
            rector of the players’ union                                                           tive on the executive com-   included,  among  other
            in  a  special  committee                                                              mittee.                      things,  reductions  in  prac-
            vote.                                                                                  “I  talked  to  a  number  of  tice  and  meeting  times
            Under  guidelines  passed                                                              player  reps  who  were  not  and in how much contact
            since his last election as NFL                                                         on  the  executive  commit-  was allowed in those prac-
            Players Association head in                                                            tee and the feedback was  tices.
            2015, a 14-player selection                                                            they  want  a  competition.  The  deal  also  allowed
            committee could bypass a                                                               Overwhelmingly,  they  said  NFL  Commissioner  Roger
            full membership election.                                                              that  I  am  a  serious  candi-  Goodell  to  keep  his  pow-
            That committee, made up                                                                date.                        ers in overseeing fines and
            of  the  11  members  of  the   This Jan. 1, 2017, file photo, shows DeMaurice Smith, Executive   “No one I talked to remem-  suspensions  in  a  variety  of
            NFLPA  executive  commit-    Director  of  the  NFL  Players  Association,  walking  along  the   bers having a big constitu-  areas,  including  personal
            tee plus the three longest-  sidelines before an NFL football game between the Washington   tional discussion about this  conduct.  Smith  and  the
            serving  player  represen-   Redskins and the New York Giants, in Landover, Md.        (change),  so  it’s  kind  of  a  union have claimed nearly
            tatives,  reviews  the  sitting                                       Associated Press  mystery  behind  what  hap-  ever since that Goodell has
            executive  director.  That  mittee  has  unanimously  But  attorney  Cyrus  Mehri,  pened  with  the  amending  abused those powers, and
            group can then call for an  selected  DeMaurice  Smith  who had launched a cam-        of the constitution.         they  currently  are  fighting
            election  to  keep  the  in-  to  continue  in  the  role  of  paign to oppose Smith in a  “I also feel the union has lost  the  league  in  court  over
            cumbent in office, and the  executive  director.  Con-    general election in March,  a  lot  because  they  don’t  Cowboys  running  back
            vote must be unanimous.      gratulations to De and we  called  the  re-election  “a  have  a  leader  with  legiti-  Ezekiel Elliott’s six-game sus-
            The  14-0  vote  took  place  know there is more work to  non-democratic  process”  macy  because  this  was  a  pension under the personal
            Tuesday night.               be done.”                    and  vowed  to  continue  non-democratic process.”        conduct policy.
            “After  a  comprehensive  Added  Smith:  “The  union  working  toward  having  a  A  union  spokesman  de-          But league spokesman Joe
            and professional process in  centered  on  player  lead-  full  election  of  the  mem-  clined  to  respond  to  Meh-  Lockhart  on  Wednesday
            line  with  our  constitution,”  ership.  I  am  proud  of  their  bership in March.   ri’s comments.               congratulated Smith on his
            NFLPA  President  Eric  Win-  commitment,  humbled  by  “This  was  a  very  closed  Smith     was   elected   to  re-election  while  avoiding
            ston  said  in  a  statement,  their  trust  in  me  and  hon-  process,” Mehri said.  “This  the  post  in  2009  and  led  getting  into  the  politics  of
            “the NFLPA selection com-    ored to serve.”              is  less  about  me  than  the  the  players  through  the  it.q
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