P. 13

                                                                                                                           Thursday 21 sepTember 2017

              Authentic Peruvian Dining Experience Awaits at ‘Asies mi Peru’

            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Inspired  cial  functions  with  the
            by Peruvian born Roxanna  accent  on  the  Peruvian
            Salinas,  the  latest  culinary  Asian kitchen with 16 seats
            triumph at Paradise Beach  only.  In  the  19th  century
            Villas  is  “Asies  mi  Peru”,  thousands  of  Chinese  im-
            which  features  a  genuine  migrants  came  to  Peru  to
            Peruvian  Cuisine.  One  of  work  on  the  sugar  planta-
            the  star  items  is  ceviche:  tions and mines. Eastern in-
            Ceviche,  with  fresh  fish  fluence soon found its way
            marinated  in  lime  juice,  is  into  traditional  Andean
            the  Peruvian  national  dish  dishes, and over time, CHI-
            and  it’s  prepared  with  an  FA emerged as a new kind
            assortment  of  just-caught  of authentic Peruvian food.
            seafood,    tomatoes,   to-  Peruvian  chefs  began  to
            stada  chips,  crisp  onion,  use  products  used  in  tra-
            salt  and  hot  pepper,  the  ditional  Chinese  cooking
            world  famous  aji  amarillo.  such as ginger, soy sauce,
            The  tart  and  salty  ceviche  scallions,  and  a  variety  of
            is  accompanied  by  sides  other  ingredients  which
            of  boiled  corn  or  creamy  made  their  way  into  daily
            sweet  potatoes,  and/or  Peruvian  cuisine.  So  Chi-
            crunchy toasted corn, cre-   nese culture and cuisine is
            ating a symphony of tastes.  actually  a  deeply  rooted
            The  Ceviche  menu  also  part of Peruvian history.
            serves  Tiradito,  a  variation  For  the  fifth  consecutive
            of ceviche and reminiscent  year, Peru has been named
            of  Japanese  sushi,  deli-  South  America’s  Leading
            ciously  marinated  with  a  Culinary Destination by the
            smoky aji amarillo.          World Travel Awards (WTA),
            The restaurant gazebo fea-   heralded  by  many  media
            tures a genuine, colorful Pe-  as the ‘Oscars of the trav-
            ruvian  marketplace  where  el  industry.  “We  do  want
            you  can  buy  typical  Peru-  to  be  an  Ambassador  for
            vian  crafts,  with  a  portion  just  good,  authentic,  deli-
            of  the  proceeds  donated  cious  Peruvian  food”,  Rox-
            to Aruba’s cancer founda-    anna  Salinas  was  quoted.
            tion. Inside, the restaurant is  “Come and join us and find
            a more formal dining room  out why Peru scores so high
            featuring  the  food  that  on the World’s culinary lad-
            made  Peru  famous:  Lomo  der”.
            Saltado  (a  stewed  beef),  Asi es mi Peru restaurant is
            Aji  de  Gallina  (a  creamy  located at Paradise Beach
            chicken dish), and a num-    Villas  (next  to  la  Cabana)
            ber of typical preparations  and is accessible from the
            for potatoes, with Papas a  street  adjacent  to  la  Ca-
            la  Huancaina  and  Causa,  bana. Reservations by call-
            topping the list.            ing  588-3958,  or  525-4000
            On  the  second  floor  soon  ext.  172  or  through  reser-
            to  develop  a  Chifa,  a  pri-  vations@asiesmiperuena-
            vate  dining  room  for  spe- q
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