P. 8

            Thursday 21 sepTember 2017
            Clash over Catalan vote heats up in Spain as police swoop in

            By ARITZ PARRA                                                                                                      The  Catalonia  branch  of
            CIARAN GILES                                                                                                        Spain’s  High  Court  said
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Wednesday  that  some  20
            MADRID (AP) — Thousands                                                                                             people  were  being  inves-
            of  people  supporting  a                                                                                           tigated for alleged disobe-
            contested  referendum  to                                                                                           dience,  abuse  of  power
            split  Catalonia  from  Spain                                                                                       and  embezzlement  relat-
            took to Barcelona’s streets                                                                                         ed to the referendum. Po-
            amid  an  intensifying  gov-                                                                                        lice acting on a judge’s or-
            ernment  crackdown  on                                                                                              ders searched 42 premises,
            the  independence  vote                                                                                             including  six  regional  gov-
            that  included  the  arrests                                                                                        ernment  offices,  officials’
            of  a  dozen  regional  offi-                                                                                       private offices and homes,
            cials  Wednesday  and  the                                                                                          as  well  as  three  compa-
            seizure  of  10  million  ballot                                                                                    nies in Barcelona, the court
            papers.                                                                                                             said in a statement.
            The arrests — the first involv-                                                                                     The  arrests  risked  stoking
            ing  Catalan  officials  since                                                                                      public anger in Catalonia,
            the  campaign  to  hold  an                                                                                         where  pro-independence
            independence  vote  be-                                                                                             passions can run high. Sev-
            gan  in  earnest  in  2011  —                                                                                       eral  thousand  indepen-
            prompted  the  regional                                                                                             dence  supporters  gath-
            government  and  some  of    Demonstrators react as they try to stop the car carrying Xavier Puig, a senior at the Department of   ered to angrily protest the
            its  supporters  to  say  cast-  External Affairs, Institutional Relations and Transparency of the Catalan Government office, after   raids  outside  government
            ing  a  ballot  was  as  much   he was arrested by Guardia Civil officers in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2017. Spanish   offices in Barcelona, which
            about  dignity  as  whether   police arrested 12 people Wednesday in raids on offices of the regional government of Catalonia,   is Catalonia’s capital. Some
            to break away from Spain.    news reports said, intensifying a crackdown on the region’s preparations for a secession vote that   demonstrators sat down in
            Regional  Catalan  officials   Spain says is illegal.                                     (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)  the  street  to  block  police
            so  far  have  vowed  to  ig-                                                                                       cars,  while  a  few  scuffled
            nore a Constitutional Court   rights and an attack to de-  can’t  be  curbed  by  any  cisco Franco’s dictatorship.  with  police  officers.Later,
            order  to  suspend  the  Oct.   mocracy,”  Rajoy  said  in  a  constitution.   The   prime  Spanish Interior Ministry offi-  protesters  rejoiced  when
            1 referendum while judges    televised  appearance  on  minister’s     determination  cials would not identify the   National Police officers left
            assess its legality.         Wednesday night.             to  prevent  the  ballot  has  arrested  regional  officials,   the  headquarters  of  the
            Spanish Prime Minister Mari-  “If you care about the tran-  backing  from  the  main  saying  the  investigation    anti-establishment    CUP
            ano  Rajoy  warned  them     quility  of  most  Catalans,  Spanish  opposition  parties.  was  ongoing.  The  Cata-  political party. The officers
            of  “greater  harm”  if  they   give  up  this  escalation  of  Some  members  of  Rajoy’s  lan  regional  government   waited  hours  for  a  judge
            don’t drop the referendum    radicalism  and  disobedi-   conservative  government  confirmed      that   among     to sign off on a warrant to
            bid, which he called a “to-  ence,”  the  conservative  have  even  referred  to  the  them  were  Josep  Maria     search the premises for ref-
            talitarian act.”             leader  said,  addressing  standoff  as  democratic  Jove,  secretary  general  of     erendum-related    propa-
            “Disobedience  of  the  law   Catalan  officials  directly.  Spain’s  greatest  political  economic affairs, and Lluis   ganda, but the permission
            by  a  part  of  the  political   “You are on time to avoid  crisis  since  1981,  a  failed  Salvado, secretary of taxa-  never came.
            power  is  the  opposite  of   a greater harm.”           coup attempt in the coun-    tion. Jove is the No. 2 to the   Protests  also  occurred  in
            democracy,  it  means  an    Catalan  nationalists  argue  try’s parliament that came  region’s vice president and   other  Catalan  towns  and
            imposition,  an  injustice,   that  self-determination  is  only  three  years  after  the  economy  chief,  Oriol  Jun-  in  Spain’s  capital,  Madrid.
            the  violation  of  people’s   an  inalienable  right  that  official  end  of  Gen.  Fran-  queras.                q

              Election may reflect Germany’s management of migrant influx

            By KIRSTEN GRIESHABER                                                                  Germany  two  years  ago  newcomers  were  arriving
            Associated Press                                                                       are  in  language  and  job  daily  has fallen along with
            COLOGNE,  Germany  (AP)                                                                training  courses.  Students  the number of migrants try-
            —    German     Chancellor                                                             are again playing sports in  ing to enter the country.
            Angela Merkel adopted a                                                                the gyms. Rejected asylum  At  the  same  time,  Merkel
            mantra when citizens ques-                                                             applicants  are  being  de-  has  changed  her  rheto-
            tioned her decision to open                                                            ported.                      ric.  Along  with  working  to
            the  country  to  refugees                                                             A national election on Sun-  streamline  and  improve
            fleeing  wars:  “We’ll  man-                                                           day  could  show  how  well  services  for  new  arrivals,
            age.” She kept repeating it                                                            voters  think  Merkel’s  gov-  she  now  emphasizes  that
            as the lines at immigration                                                            ernment managed the ref-     migrants  not  deserving  of
            offices  circled  city  blocks,                                                        ugee influx.                 asylum  will  be  sent  home
            school  gyms  turned  into                                                             For the chancellor and her  and  that  other  European
            temporary  housing  and                                                                Christian  Democrats,  the  nations  need  to  share  the
            the  questions  devolved                                                               signs are promising. The far-  work  of  assisting  eligible
            into angry criticism.                                                                  right  Alternative  for  Ger-  refugees.
            But  as  Merkel  campaigns                                                             many  party  has  struggled  “Merkel’s     government
            for a fourth term, the Ger-  This  Sept.  10,  2015  photo  shows  German  Chancellor  Angela   to  make  immigration  a  started  a  highly  risky  ma-
            man  obsession  with  “Ord-  Merkel taking a selfie with a refugee at the refugee reception   major  election  issue.  While  neuver with its policy of the
            nung”—  order  —  looks      center in Berlin, Germany. Two years after her controversial de-  the  party  is  expected  to  absolute  opening  of  the
                                         cision  to  open  Germany’s  doors  to  hundreds  of  thousands  of
            to  have  been  assuaged.    migrants, Merkel is on track to winning her 4th term in national   win seats in parliament for  borders,”  University  of  Hei-
            Most  of  the  890,000  asy-  elections this month.                                    the  first  time,  the  support  delberg  political  scientist
            lum-seekers  who  entered                             (Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa via AP)  it drew when thousands of  Manfred Schmidt said. q
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