P. 5

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 21 sepTember 2017

             Witnesses yell ‘he can’t hear you’ as cop shoots deaf man

            By KEN MILLER                He said Sanchez was hold-
            Associated Press             ing a metal pipe that was
            OKLAHOMA  CITY  (AP)  —      approximately  two  feet
            Oklahoma  City  police  of-  (0.6 meters) long and that
            ficers  who  opened  fire    had a leather loop on one
            on  a  man  in  front  of  his   end  for  wrapping  around
            home  as  he  approached     one’s  wrist.  Lindsey  called
            them holding a metal pipe    for backup and Barnes ar-
            didn’t  hear  witnesses  yell-  rived,  at  which  point  San-
            ing  that  he  was  deaf,  a   chez  left  the  porch  and
            department  official  said   began  to  approach  the
            Wednesday.                   officers, Mathews said.
            Magdiel     Sanchez,    35,   Witnesses  could  hear  the
            wasn’t  obeying  the  offi-  officers  giving  Sanchez
            cers’  commands  before      commands,  but  the  of-
            one  shot  him  with  a  gun   ficers  didn’t  hear  the  wit-
            and the other with a Taser   nesses  yelling  that  San-
            on  Tuesday  night,  police   chez  couldn’t  hear  them,
            Capt. Bo Mathews said at     Mathews  said.  When  he
            a  news  conference.  He     was  about  15  feet  (4.5
            said witnesses were yelling   meters) away from the of-
            “he  can’t  hear  you”  be-  ficers,  they  opened  fire  —
            fore  the  officers  fired,  but   Lindsey  with  his  Taser  and
            they didn’t hear them.       Barnes  with  his  gun,  ap-  Oklahoma City Police Capt. Bo Mathews answers a question during a news conference in Okla-
            “In  those  situations,  very   parently   simultaneously,   homa City, Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2017. Mathews said that Oklahoma City police officers who
            volatile   situations,   you   Mathews  said.He  said  he   opened fire on a man who was approaching them holding a metal pipe didn’t hear witnesses
            have  a  weapon  out,  you   didn’t  know  how  many      yelling that the man was deaf.
            can get what they call tun-  shots were fired, but that it                                                               (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)
            nel vision, or you can really   was  more  than  one.When   Sanchez’s father, who was  drove  off.  It  wasn’t  a  per-  os told The Oklahoman on
            lock  in  to  just  the  person   asked  why  Barnes  used   driving  the  hit-and-run  ve-  son  that  he  struck.A  man  Wednesday  that  in  addi-
            that has the weapon that’d   a  gun  instead  of  a  Taser,   hicle,  confirmed  after  the  who  saw  Oklahoma  City  tion  to  being  deaf,  San-
            be the threat against you,”   Mathews  said  he  didn’t   shooting  that  his  son  was  police  officers  open  fire  chez was developmentally
            Mathews  said.  “I  don’t    know.  He  said  it’s  possible   deaf,  Mathews  said.  He  on Sanchez says his neigh-  disabled and didn’t speak,
            know exactly what the of-    Barnes  wasn’t  equipped     said  Sanchez  wasn’t  in  bor  was  developmentally  communicating           mainly
            ficers were thinking at that   with  a  Taser.  Neither  offi-  the  vehicle  when  his  fa-  disabled  and  also  didn’t  through hand movements.
            point.”Sanchez,  who  had    cer  had  a  body  camera.   ther  struck  something  and  speak.Neighbor  Julio  Ray-  q
            no  apparent  criminal  his-
            tory, died at the scene. The  Government:
            officer  who  fired  the  gun,
            Sgt. Chris Barnes, has been   Prison fits Weiner’s sex crime on teen victim
            placed  on  administrative
            leave  pending  an  investi-
            gation.                      By LARRY NEUMEISTER          A  Manhattan  judge  is  tions  with  adult  women  typed  words  on  a  lifeless
            Mathews  said  the  officers   Associated Press           scheduled to sentence the  before  encountering  the  cellphone  screen  with  a
            were investigating a report-  NEW YORK (AP) —             New  York  Democrat  on  teenager online in January  faceless  stranger.  ...  Trans-
            ed  hit-and-run  at  around   Former  U.S.  Rep.  Anthony  Monday for transferring ob-  2016.                       mitting obscenity to a minor
            8:15 p.m. Tuesday. He said   Weiner is more than a serial  scene material to a minor.  Prosecutors  said  his  con-  to induce her to engage in
            a witness told Lt. Matthew   digital philanderer — he’s a  The   government    urged  duct  “suggests  a  danger-   sexually  explicit  conduct
            Lindsey the address where    danger  to  the  public  who  the  judge  to  put  Weiner’s  ous level of denial and lack  by  video  chat  and  photo
            the vehicle responsible for   deserves two years in prison  claims  of  a  therapeutic  of self-control.”           — is far from mere ‘sexting.’
            the  hit-and-run  had  gone,   for encouraging a 15-year-  awakening in a context of  “This  is  not  merely  a  ‘sex-  Weiner’s  criminal  conduct
            and  that  Sanchez  was  on   old girl to engage in online  a  man  who  made  similar  ting’  case,”  prosecutors  was  very  serious,  and  the
            the porch when Lindsey ar-   sex acts, prosecutors told a  claims  after  embarrassing,  wrote. “The defendant did  sentence  imposed  should
            rived.                       judge Wednesday.             widely  publicized  interac-  far  more  than  exchange  reflect that seriousness.”q
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