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            Thursday 21 sepTember 2017
            Maria devastates regions of Puerto Rico                                                 Maria thrusts Dominica

            Continued from Front         going  to  pass  before  we   and     other    austerity   leader into the spotlight
                                         can recover from this,” he   measures  imposed  by  a
            “The     information   we    said.                        federal  board  overseeing    By CARLISLE BAPTISTE
            have    received   is   not   Gov.   Ricardo    Rossello   the island’s finances.       PETER ORSI
            encouraging.      It’s   a   imposed  a  curfew  from  6   Rossello   urged   people    ROSEAU,  Dominica  (AP)  —  As  Hurricane  Maria  ham-
            system that has destroyed    p.m.  to  6  a.m.  daily  until   to   have   faith:   “We   mered Dominica with 160 mph (260 kph) winds Mon-
            everything in its path.”     Saturday  to  allow  rescue   are  stronger  than  any     day, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit hunkered down in
            There  were  no  immediate   crews  and  officials  to    hurricane.  Together,  we     his official residence and turned to social media to tell
            reports  of  any  deaths  or   respond to the hurricane’s   will rebuild.”              of the storm’s fury, each post more dire than the previ-
            serious injuries on the island.  aftermath.               He asked President Donald     ous.
            As   people    waited    in   “We  are  at  a  critical   Trump to declare the island   Maria’s “merciless” winds were turning sheet metal into
            shelters  or  took  cover    moment  in  the  effort  to   a disaster zone, a step that   deadly  projectiles  and  “we  dare  not  look  out,”  Sker-
            inside stairwells, bathrooms   help  thousands  of  Puerto   would  open  the  way  to   rit said on Facebook, praying for the tempest to end.
                                                                                                    “Rough! Rough! Rough!”
                                                                                                    Less than 30 minutes later, he wrote that his roof had
                                                                                                    been torn off and the home was filling with water: “I am
                                                                                                    at the complete mercy of the hurricane.”
                                                                                                    “I  have  been  rescued,”  he  finally  said  late  Monday,
                                                                                                    without giving details.
                                                                                                    Skerrit’s dramatic posts drew the attention of many in
                                                                                                    the  outside  world  and  at  least  momentarily  shined  a
                                                                                                    spotlight  on  the  45-year-old  leader  of  this  tiny  Carib-
                                                                                                    bean nation, as it was ravaged by the second cyclone
                                                                                                    to clobber the island in the last three years.
                                                                                                    His messages were practically the only information the
                                                                                                    world had about Dominica’s fate as the massive storm
                                                                                                    roared across a ruggedly beautiful landscape at the
                                                                                                    eastern edge of the Caribbean and cut off communi-
                                                                                                    cations with the outside world.
                                                                                                    “Initial  reports  are  of  widespread  devastation,”  he
                                                                                                    wrote in a longer statement Tuesday morning after the
                                                                                                    posts about his roof and rescue.
                                                                                                    Skerrit is no stranger to the medium. Even before the
                                                                                                    hurricane hit, his Facebook page frequently featured
                                                                                                    multiple new posts each day, sharing everything from
                                                                                                    photos of public works projects to Skerrit meeting with
            One of 19 municipal police officers arrives at the Emergency Management Agency after being
            removed from their flooded station by rescue personnel during the impact of Maria, a Category 5   constituents, visiting dignitaries or a Jamaican reggae
            hurricane that hit the eastern region of the island, in Humacao, Puerto Rico, Wednesday, Sept. 20,   musician who uses the stage name “Sizzla.”
            2017. The U.S. National Hurricane Center says Maria has lost its major hurricane status, after rak-  As of Tuesday afternoon the page had attracted more
            ing Puerto Rico. But forecasters say some strengthening is in the forecast and Maria could again   than  35,000  “likes”  and  38,000  followers  —  together
            become a major hurricane by Thursday.                                                   nearly  the  equal  of  Dominica’s  entire  population  of
                                                                           (AP Photo/Carlos Giusti)  around 74,000 — though it’s not clear how many came
            and closets, Maria brought   Ricans  that  urgently  need   federal  aid.Many  people   as a result of Skerrit’s newfound celebrity.
            down  cell  towers  and      aid  and  to  assess  the    feared  extended  power       Born  in  1972  in  the  village  of  Vieille  Case  on  Domini-
            power     lines,   snapped   great damage caused by       outages would further sink    ca’s north coast, Skerrit studied at the University of New
            trees,  tore  off  roofs  and   Hurricane  Maria,”  he  said.   businesses  struggling  amid   Mexico  before  transferring  and  graduating  from  the
            unloaded at least 20 inches   “Maintaining  public  order   a recession that has lasted   University of Mississippi with degrees in psychology and
            (50 centimeters) of rain.    will be essential.”          more than a decade.           English.
            Widespread  flooding  was    As  of  5  p.m.  EDT,  Maria   “This  is  going  to  be  a   After returning to Dominica, he became a member of
            reported,  with  dozens  of   had  weakened  into  a      disaster,” said Jean Robert   Parliament, a minister of Youth Affairs and Sports and a
            cars  half-submerged  in     Category 2 hurricane with    Auguste,  who  owns  two      minister of education. He was sworn in as prime minis-
            some  neighborhoods  and     winds  of  110  mph  (175    French  restaurants  and      ter in 2004 after then-leader Pierre Charles died of an
            many  streets  turned  into   kph).  It  was  centered  just   sought  shelter  at  a  San   apparent heart attack. At just 31 he was the youngest
            rivers.  People  calling  local   off the northwestern corner   Juan  hotel.  “We  haven’t   prime minister since the country became independent
            radio stations reported that   of  Puerto  Rico,  moving  at   made  any  money  this   of the United Kingdom in 1978.
            doors  were  being  torn  off   12 mph (19 kph).          month.”                       Skerrit  has  won  re-election  multiple  times  since  then,
            their  hinges  and  a  water   It was expected to pass off   More  than  11,000  people   and  today  his  close-cropped  hair  is  thinning  and  re-
            tank flew away.              the  northeastern  coast  of   —  and  more  than  580     ceding at the front.
            Felix   Delgado,    mayor    the  Dominican  Republic     pets  —  were  in  shelters,   Married with two children, according to his Facebook
            of  the  northern  coastal   late   Wednesday      and    authorities said.             bio,  he  is  a  self-described  liberal  and  Roman  Catho-
            city  of  Catano,  told  The   Thursday.                  Along the island’s northern   lic who peppers his public remarks with references to
            Associated  Press  that  80   Even  before  the  storm,   coast,   an    emergency      God, which is common across the Caribbean.
            percent of the 454 homes     Puerto Rico’s electrical grid   medical  station  in  the   This  isn’t  the  first  time  Skerrit  has  become  the  public
            in  a  neighborhood  known   was  crumbling  and  the     town  of  Arecibo  lost  its   face of his country during disaster. In August 2015, Trop-
            as  Juana  Matos  were       island was in dire condition   roof, while communication   ical Storm Erika devastated the island with floods and
            destroyed.    The   fishing   financially.                was  severed  with  several   landslides  that  destroyed  more  than  370  homes  and
            community near San Juan      Puerto Rico is struggling to   emergency  management       killed 30 people.
            Bay  was  hit  with  a  storm   restructure  a  portion  of  its   posts.  A  hospital  and  a   The prime minister made frequent videos and posted
            surge  of  more  than  4  feet   $73  billion  debt,  and  the   police  station  reported   them to social media to give updates and try to raise
            (1.2 meters), he said.       government has warned it     broken  windows,  and  a      aid for his country.
            “Months  and  months  and    is running out of money as   tree fell on an ambulance.    “We will need help, my friend, we will need help of all
            months  and  months  are     it  fights  against  furloughs   q                         kinds,” he wrote Tuesday. q
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