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A6   U.S. NEWS
            Thursday 21 sepTember 2017
              Kansas shooting suspect owes almost $400K in unpaid taxes

            By ROXANA HEGEMAN            loway, a tax seizure agent,  back  said  in  a  statement  outside the state for use in  11:59  a.m.  Tuesday  seizing
            Associated Press             according  to  Wichita  po-  that  Holloway  was  “doing  Kansas.                      Wirths’  assets  in  conjunc-
            WICHITA, Kan. (AP) —         lice  officer  Charley  David-  his job” and asked the pub-  The warrants are for tax pe-  tion with Sedgwick County
            A  man  suspected  in  the  son.                          lic  to  pray  for  him  and  his  riods spanning June 2012 to  sheriff’s deputies.
            shooting  of  a  Kansas  De-  The  two  men  were  dis-   family.                      July 2015.                   Police said they got the call
            partment  of  Revenue  em-   cussing  Wirths’  case  when  The  first  tax  warrant  for  “Asset seizure is the very last  about  the  shooting  at  the
            ployee  in  Wichita  was  un-  Wirths pulled out a gun and  $196,455.46 in unpaid sales  resort,”  Revenue  Secretary  tax office around 2:40 p.m.
            der  investigation  by  the  shot  Holloway,  Davidson  tax was filed June 1 against  Sam Williams said in a news  Seized  assets  included  all
            agency  and  owed  nearly  said at a news conference  Wirths, who was doing busi-      release.                     known bank accounts, on-
            $400,000  in  sales  taxes  re-  Wednesday.               ness  as  Rick  Wirths  Con-   “Our agents work tirelessly  site  cash,  business  inven-
            lated  to  his  construction  Holloway, 35, was in stable  struction,   according   to  in  good  faith  with  the  tax-  tory  and  personal  prop-
            business, according to po-   condition  Wednesday.  He  court  records.  Another  tax  payer to try to set up pay-  erty, Revenue Department
            lice and records.            works  in  the  tax  compli-  warrant  was  filed  June  13  ment plans. If those efforts  spokeswoman    Rachel
            Ricky  Todd  Wirths,  51,  ance  division,  where  em-    against  his  company  for  fail repeatedly, we have to  Whitten  said  in  an  email.
            walked  into  the  taxation  ployees often are required  $198,250.02 in unpaid con-    comply with Kansas law to  The  property  will  be  sold
            side  of  the  Wichita  office  to  seize  property  to  pay  sumers  compensating  use  recover those debts.”      at public auction with pro-
            on Tuesday afternoon and  back taxes.                     tax,  which  is  sales  tax  for  The  state  Department  of  ceeds  going  toward  pay-
            asked  to  see  Cortney  Hol-  Kansas  Gov.  Sam  Brown-  merchandise     purchased  Revenue  said  it  began  at  ing his delinquent taxes.q
             Defense: Man accused of terror plot an ‘idiot,’ not fighter

                                                                                                   his  uncle  and  a  third  man  “complete idiot,” but he is
                                                                                                   to  kill  Geller  on  behalf  of  not guilty, she said.
                                                                                                   the terrorist group because  “In  2015,  David  felt  very,
                                                                                                   they were upset she orga-    very  fat,  very  failed,  and
                                                                                                   nized  a  Prophet  Muham-    was living in a world of fan-
                                                                                                   mad  cartoon  contest  in  tastical ideas,” Hedges told
                                                                                                   Texas.  The  plot  was  never  jurors at  the  federal  court-
                                                                                                   carried out.                 house  in  Boston.  “He  hid
                                                                                                   Wright also wanted to con-   behind screens, looking for
                                                                                                   duct  other  attacks  in  the  an  escape,  looking  for  a
                                                                                                   U.S.  and  encouraged  his  distraction from who he re-
                                                                                                   uncle to kill police officers,  ally was.”
                                                                                                   officials say.               Wright, 28, is charged with
                                                                                                   Wright’s attorney told jurors  obstruction of justice, con-
                                                                                                   during  her  opening  state-  spiring  to  provide  material
                                                                                                   ment  he  was  never  really  support to a designated for-
                                                                                                   interested in helping the Is-  eign  terrorist  organization
                                                                                                   lamic State group or com-    and  conspiring  to  commit
                                                                                                   mitting violence.            acts of terrorism transcend-
                                                                                                   When Wright was allegedly  ing  national  boundaries.
                                                                                                   plotting with the other men,  He could face up to life in
            In this May 7, 2015 photo, Pamela Geller speaks during an interview at The Associated Press in   he weighed more than 500  prison if convicted.
            New York. A man accused of participating in a plot to kill Geller became consumed by Islamic   pounds, lived with his moth-  Prosecutors  attempted  to
            State group propaganda because he was overweight, lonely and desperate for an escape from   er and had no career, Jes-  portray  Wright  as  the  ring-
            his bleak life, his defense attorney said Wednesday.                                   sica Hedges said.            leader  of  the  conspiracy,
                                                                         (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)  In  the  online  world  of  the  arguing  he  recruited  his
            By ALANNA DURKIN RICHER      servative  blogger  Pamela  perate for an escape from     Islamic  State  group,  he  uncle  Ussamah  Rahim,  of
            Associated Press             Geller  became  consumed  his bleak life, his defense at-  found the attention he was  Boston,  and  another  man,
            BOSTON  (AP)  —  A  man  by Islamic State group pro-      torney said Wednesday.       craving  and  the  ability  to  Nicholas  Rovinski,  of  War-
            accused  of  participating  paganda because he was  Federal authorities say Da-        pretend  he  was  someone  wick, Rhode Island, to help
            in  a  plot  to  behead  con-  overweight, lonely and des-  vid  Wright  conspired  with   else,  she  said.  He  was  a  him commit attacks. q
             Man convicted in sex assault of 6 girls gets 30 to 87 years

            By ANTHONY IZAGUIRRE         ing at least six years marks  were  leaving  the  Amish  the first time when she was  Several of the girls, howev-
            Associated Press             the end of a set of criminal  community almost two de-    just 14.                     er,  previously  testified  that
            DOYLESTOWN,  Pa.  (AP)  —  cases  that  have  landed  cades ago and eventually  The  girls’  mother  soon  no-      the assaults began early in
            A  cult-like  figure  whose  the  victims  in  protective  opened his home to the fe-  ticed  her  other  daughters  childhood  —  officials  said
            spiritual  and  financial  hold  custody  and  their  parents  male members of the fam-  coming  and  going  from  one  of  the  victims  was  as
            over a formerly Amish cou-   in prison.                   ily, authorities said.       Kaplan’s bedroom but did  young as 6 — and that they
            ple  enabled  him  to  have  “Corrupted,     perverted,  He cast himself as a divine  not  object.  Instead,  she  considered  Kaplan  to  be
            sexual relationships with six  atrocious. Use what adjec-  prophet,  officials  said,  in-  also began having sex with  their husband. Their mother
            of their daughters was sen-  tive you would like to use,”  terpreting the girls’ dreams,  him and later said she con-  has  said  she  knew  about
            tenced to up to 87 years in  Bucks  County  Judge  Jef-   claiming to speak with God  sidered her daughters rivals  the sexual relationships but
            prison Wednesday.            frey  Finley  told  Kaplan,  52,  and instructing them about  for  Kaplan’s  affection,  ac-  believed  “it  could  be  a
            The sentencing of Lee Don-   adding  that  the  court  has  the role of women in soci-  cording to authorities.     good thing.”
            ald  Kaplan  on  multiple  classified him as a sexually  ety.                          Kaplan’s  attorney  said  af-  Daniel  and  Savilla  Stoltzfus
            counts of child rape, statu-  violent predator.           In  return,  authorities  said  ter the hearing that his cli-  were  sentenced  to  up
            tory sexual assault and oth-  Kaplan  befriended  and  fi-  the  Stoltzfus’  “gifted”  their  ent has maintained that he  to  seven  years  in  prison
            er  charges  that  authorities  nancially supported Daniel  oldest daughter to Kaplan.  didn’t have sexual relation-  on  child  endangerment
            said  were  committed  dur-  and Savilla Stoltzfus as they  He impregnated her twice,  ships with the younger girls.  charges in July.q
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