P. 10

            Thursday 21 sepTember 2017
             Battle against IS in Raqqa in ‘final stages,’ force says                                                           Moody’s:
                                                                                                                                Egypt economy
            By SARAH EL DEEB             particularly  in  the  last  few   der with Iraq, is caught up   Press  his  troops  have  redi-  still recovering
            Associated Press             days,  according  to  the    in  a  race  with  Syrian  gov-  rected  their  battles  away   from 2011 crisis
            BEIRUT (AP) — The battle for   head  of  the  Britain-based   ernment  forces  and  allied   from  the  river  for  now  to
            the  Islamic  State  group’s   Syrian  Observatory  that   troops, who are also vying   fight  IS  militants  deeper   CAIRO (AP)—Egypt’s econ-
            de-facto    Syria   capital,   monitors the war.          for control.                 in  the  eastern  desert.  He   omy has started to improve
            Raqqa,  has  reached  its    The  campaign  to  take      In the past two weeks, the   said with the Raqqa battle   but has yet to recover from
            “final  stages,”  the  Syr-  Raqqa  began  in  June  in   pro-government      forces,   nearing an end, he hopes    the  country’s  2011  upris-
            ian   Democratic    Forces   a  quick  advance  after  a   backed by Russian air cov-  troops fighting there would   ing and the years of unrest
                                                                                                   come to boost his ranks.     that  followed,  an  interna-
                                                                                                   “We  hope  that  the  SDF    tional credit rating agency
                                                                                                   fighting  in  Raqqa,  includ-  said.Moody’s  hailed  re-
                                                                                                   ing our own fighters taking   cent  economic  and  fiscal
                                                                                                   part  in  Raqqa,  finish  there   reforms in its annual report
                                                                                                   so  they  can  come  and     released  Tuesday,  saying
                                                                                                   boost our advance on the     they  point  to  “improved
                                                                                                   eastern bank of the river,”   government  effectiveness
                                                                                                   said  Ahmed  Abu  Khawla,    and  policy  predictability.”
                                                                                                   the  commander  of  the      Weak  finances,  however,
                                                                                                   SDF  unit  Deir  el-Zour  Mili-  remain  a  “key  challenge”
                                                                                                   tary Council, which is lead-  for  the  government,  it
                                                                                                   ing the fight on the oil-rich   added.Egypt   embarked
                                                                                                   province.                    on  an  ambitious  eco-
                                                                                                   Meanwhile,  the  U.S.  and   nomic  reform  plan  shortly
                                                                                                   its  international  coalition   after  President  Abdel-Fat-
                                                                                                   partners  intensified  their   tah  el-Sissi  took  office  in
                                                                                                   air  raids  on  the  militants’   2014. The government has
                                                                                                   last  remaining  enclave  in   slashed subsidies, imposed
                                                                                                   Raqqa, according the Ob-     a value-added tax and al-
                                                                                                   servatory. The U.S. also has   lowed  currency  devalua-
                                                                                                   hundreds of forces embed-    tion in order to qualify for a
                                                                                                   ded with the Syrian fighters   $12 billion bailout loan from
            In this July 27, 2017 photo, a U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces fighter runs in front of a dam-  who  provide  artillery  fire   the International Monetary
            aged building as he crosses a street on the front line, in Raqqa, Syria. The Syrian Democratic   and other support.  Fund.The  austerity  mea-
            Forces said in a statement Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2017, that the battle for the Islamic State group’s   Observatory  director  Rami   sures  have  hit  the  public
            de-facto capital, Raqqa, has reached its “final stages” with the opening of a new front.   Abdurrahman  said  there   hard,  however,  with  infla-
                                                                          (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)  are less than 300 remaining   tion  hovering  around  30
            said  Wednesday,  almost     breach  of  the  wall  of  the   er and Iranian-allied militia,   in  an  enclave  in  Raqqa,   percent  for  months,  many
            four months after the U.S.-  Old City, a major fortifica-  gained  control  of  most  of   which  is  now  90  percent   import  products  unavail-
            backed  force  launched      tion for  the militants.  But  it   the city of the same name   controlled by the SDF.  able, and soaring electric-
            an  assault  on  the  self-pro-  has since slowed down as   and  crossed  over  the  Eu-  The   Observatory    on   ity  and  fuel  costs.Moody’s
            claimed capital of the mili-  the  forces  faced  mount-  phrates River to the area of   Wednesday  accused  the    said  reforms  and  financial
            tant group.                  ing resistance from the mili-  operations of the SDF.     U.S.-led  coalition  of  killing   support  provided  by  in-
            The Kurdish-led Syrian Dem-  tants.                       Coalition  and  SDF  officials   more  than  1,000  civilians   ternational  lenders  have
            ocratic Forces said it cap-  Three  months  after  the    say  they  want  to  avoid   in airstrikes on Raqqa since   helped in restoring Egypt’s
            tured  Raqqa’s  last  grain   Raqqa  campaign  began,     clashes   with   pro-Syrian   the SDF first entered the city   foreign reserves, which are
            silos from the militants in a   the  SDF  began  a  sepa-  government  forces,  which   in  June.  The  claim  could   currently above $36 billion,
            surprise  offensive  on  the   rate  campaign  earlier  this   crossed  to  the  eastern   not be independently veri-  their  highest  level  since
            city’s  northern  neighbor-  month to take the other IS   side of the river earlier this   fied. The coalition has said   December  2010.“We  also
            hoods, mounted five days     stronghold in Syria, Deir el-  week, bringing them just ki-  repeatedly that it relies on   expect  that  Egypt’s  high
            ago. Less than 300 militants   Zour.                      lometers (miles) away from   the  latest  intelligence  to   fiscal  deficits  and  govern-
            remain holed up in the city,   The SDF’s campaign for oil-  SDF forces.                minimize  civilian  casual-  ment debt levels will grad-
            which has witnessed an in-   rich  Deir  el-Zour  province,   An SDF commander in Deir   ties  and strike only military   ually  reduce,”  said  Stef-
            tense bombing campaign,      which  straddles  the  bor-  el-Zour told The Associated   targets.q                   fen  Dyck,  a  Moody’s  vice
                                                                                                                                president.Egypt’s  Finance
            Report:                                                                                                             Minister  Amr  el-Garhy  an-
                                                                                                                                nounced  earlier  this  week
            Iran group hacks aviation, petrochemical industries                                                                 that  the  country  will  face
                                                                                                                                a  $10-$12  billion  budget
                                                                                                                                deficit  for  the  current  fis-
            By JON GAMBRELL              hackers  left  behind  a  new  report on the claims. How-  FireEye,  which  often  works   cal  year  2017-18,  which
            Associated Press             type of malware that could  ever,  suspected  Iranian  with      governments    and    started in July. He also said
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-  have been used to destroy  hackers long have operat-      large corporations, refers to   the  government  plans  to
            ates  (AP)  —  A  group  of  the  computers  it  infected,  ed without caring if people  the group as APT33, an ac-  plug the gap by increasing
            hackers suspected of work-   an echo of two other Iran-   found it was them or if there  ronym for “advanced per-   foreign debt issuance, and
            ing  in  Iran  for  its  govern-  attributed   cyberattacks  would  be  consequences,  sistent  threat.”  APT33  used   will announce future bond
            ment is targeting the avia-  targeting  Saudi  Arabia  in  making  them  incredibly  phishing email attacks with    offerings  in  the  coming
            tion  and  petrochemical  2012  and  2016  that  de-      dangerous, said Stuart Da-   fake  job  opportunities  to   weeks.Egypt’s   sovereign
            industries  in  Saudi  Arabia,  stroyed systems.          vis, a director at one of Fire-  gain  access  to  the  com-  rating by Moody’s remains
            the U.S. and South Korea, a  Iran’s  office  at  the  United  Eye’s   subsidiaries.“Today,  panies affected, faking do-  unchanged  at  B3,  far  be-
            cybersecurity  firm  warned  Nations  did  not  immedi-   without  any  repercussions,  main names to make it look   low investment grade and
            Wednesday.                   ately respond to a request  a neighboring country can  like  the  messages  came       subject  to  high  credit  risk,
            The  report  by  FireEye  also  for  comment  Wednesday  compromise and wipe out  from Boeing Co. or defense        but  the  outlook  remains
            said  the  suspected  Iranian  and its state media did not  20  institutions,”  Davis  said.  contractors.q         stable. q
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