P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 21 sepTember 2017

               Mexico quake rescuers race to free girl, other survivors

            By CHRIS SHERMAN             he  could.  Asked  if  that   pulling  debris  aside  to  try   stop.”  Among  them  were   the  collapse,  the  debris
            PETER ORSI                   made  him  optimistic,  he   to reach the living and the   11  people  rescued  at  the   being  removed  from  the
            MARK STEVENSON               said, “I hope so.”           dead.                        Enrique Rebsamen school,     school  began  to  change
            Associated Press                                                                                                    as crews worked their way
            MEXICO  CITY  (AP)  —  The                                                                                          inside:  From  huge  chunks
            wiggling fingers of a young                                                                                         of  brick  and  concrete,
            girl  trapped  in  the  rubble                                                                                      to  pieces  of  wood  that
            of  her  collapsed  school  in                                                                                      looked  like  remnants  of
            Mexico  City  raised  hopes                                                                                         desks  and  paneling,  to  a
            among  hundreds  of  res-                                                                                           final  load  that  contained
            cuers   working    furiously                                                                                        a  half-dozen  sparkly  hula-
            Wednesday  to  try  to  free                                                                                        hoops.
            her — a drama that played                                                                                           Volunteer  rescue  worker
            out  at  dozens  of  buildings                                                                                      Dr.  Pedro  Serrano  man-
            toppled  by  the  powerful                                                                                          aged  to  crawl  into  the
            earthquake  that  killed  at                                                                                        crevices  of  the  tottering
            least 223 people.                                                                                                   pile of rubble and make it
            But it was the ongoing res-                                                                                         to  a  classroom,  where  he
            cue at the Enrique Rebsa-                                                                                           found no survivors.
            men school, where 25 peo-                                                                                           “We  saw  some  chairs
            ple  including  21  children                                                                                        and  wooden  tables.  The
            perished, that was seen as                                                                                          next  thing  we  saw  was  a
            emblematic  of  Mexicans’                                                                                           leg,  and  then  we  started
            rush  to  save  survivors  be-                                                                                      to  move  rubble  and  we
            fore time runs out.                                                                                                 found a girl and two adults
            Helmeted  workers  spotted                                                                                          — a woman and a man,”
            the  girl  buried  in  the  de-  Rescue workers search for children trapped inside the collapsed Enrique Rebsamen school in   he said. All were dead.
            bris early Wednesday and     Mexico City, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017. The earthquake stunned central Mexico, killing more than   “We  can  hear  small  nois-
                                         100 people as buildings collapsed in plumes of dust.
            shouted to her to move her                                                               (AP Photo/Carlos Cisneros)  es,  but  we  don’t  know  if
            hand if she could hear. She                                                                                         they’re coming from ... the
            did, and a rescue dog was    It  was  part  of  similar  ef-  By mid-afternoon, 52 peo-  where  three  people  re-  walls  above,  or  someone
            sent  inside  to  confirm  she   forts at the scenes of doz-  ple  had  been  pulled  out   mained  missing,  two  chil-  below  calling  for  help,”
            was alive.                   ens of collapsed buildings,   alive since Tuesday’s mag-  dren and an adult. Earlier,   Serrano said.
            Hours later the crews were   where  firefighters,  police,   nitude  7.1  quake,  Mexico   journalists saw rescuers pull   A  helicopter  overflight  of
            still laboring to free her, as   soldiers  and  civilians  wore   City’s  Social  Development   two  small  bodies  from  the   some of the worst-hit build-
            images  of  the  rescue  ef-  themselves  out  hammer-    Department  said,  add-      rubble, covered in sheets.   ings revealed the extent of
            fort were broadcast on TV    ing, shoveling, pushing and   ing in a tweet: “We won’t   More  than  24  hours  after   Continued on Page 27
            screens  nationwide.  Work-
            mets  used  ropes,  pry-bars  Philippine troops kill 9 rebels in village clash
            ers  in  neon  vests  and  hel-

            and other tools, frequently
            calling on the anxious par-  MANILA,  Philippines  (AP)  said recently he was open  am not averse to the idea,  Troops  are  searching  for
            ents  and  others  gathered   —  Philippine  troops  killed  to  resuming  the  peace  but let me sort out first the  the  militiaman,  Jonathan
            around  to  be  silent  while   nine communist guerrillas in  talks but had to consult the  other  branches  of  govern-  Manlabao,  and  his  cap-
            they listened for any other   a clash in a northern prov-  military  and  police,  along  ment,” Duterte said.      tors, the military said.
            voices  from  beneath  the   ince  on  Wednesday  and  with lawmakers and the ju-      Duterte  has  demanded  The  government  is  de-
            school.                      a  government  militiaman  diciary.  He  has  suspended  that  a  cease-fire  be  in  manding  that  the  rebels
            At  one  point,  the  workers   was  abducted  by  rebels  the talks a number of times  place while talks are held.  “desist  from  extortion,  de-
            lowered  a  sensitive  micro-  in the latest flare-ups in the  due  to  continuing  attacks  The nine rebels  were killed  sist  from  killing  soldiers,  es-
            phone  inside  the  rubble   decades-long  insurgency,  by the guerrillas on govern-   during a two-hour gunbat-    pecially those that are not
            to  scan  for  any  noise  or   military officials said.  ment  forces  and  rebel  ex-  tle  that  also  wounded  a  in combat operation,” Are-
            movement. A rescuer said     Military  spokesman  Col.  tortion  of  mining  and  agri-  soldier in northern Carrang-  valo said.
            they  thought  they  had     Edgard  Arevalo  said  the  cultural companies.           lan  town  in  Nueva  Ecija  The communist rebellion in
            located  someone,  but  it   violence   involving   New  Duterte’s  latest  change  province,  regional  military  the  Philippines  has  raged
            wasn’t clear who.            People’s  Army  guerrillas  of  heart  came  over  the  spokesman Lt. Col. Isagani  for 48 years, making it one
            “It would appear they are    would not help the possible  weekend  after  meeting  Nato said.On Monday, sus-        of  Asia’s  longest.  Founded
            continuing  to  find  chil-  resumption of peace talks,  a  police  officer  who  was  pected  rebels  abducted  in  1968,  the  rural-based
            dren,”  said  Carlos  Licona,   which have been suspend-  freed  by  the  guerrillas  fol-  the militiaman while he was  guerrilla  group  has  tried
            a  burly  sledge-hammer      ed  for  about  two  months  lowing weeks of captivity in  having  dinner  in  his  house  unsuccessfully to negotiate
            wielding  volunteer  who     due to sporadic clashes.     the country’s south. “If you  in   Occidental   Mindoro  with  five  Philippine  presi-
            came  to  help  in  any  way   President  Rodrigo  Duterte  want to resume the talks, I  province,  south  of  Manila.  dents before Duterte. q
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