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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 21 sepTember 2017

            Chabad Aruba:

            High Holidays Free Service and Shofar on the Beach

            PALM BEACH - Offering ser-   Aruba.                       be  blowing  the  Shofar  on
            vices  geared  for  Jews  of   As  well  as  traditional  Rosh   the  beach  between  the
            all  backgrounds,  Chabad    Hashana services with sho-   Ritz-Carlton  and  Marriott
            Aruba  is  pleased  to  an-  far  blowing,  meaningful    Resorts at 5:30pm on Thurs-
            nounce  no-cost  services    insights  and  followed  by   day.
            for the Jewish high holidays   a delicious kiddush buffet,   Rosh Hashana Dinner:
            and shofar on the beach.     which will take place Thurs-  Where:  Hilton  Resort  Ball-
            With just a few hours to the   day  at  10am,  Chabad     room.
            onset  of  the  Jewish  New   will be hosting a very rea-  When:  September  20  at
            Year,  the  question  of  how   sonably  priced  full  course   6pm  Lechaim  and  Servic-
            to celebrate is high on the   Rosh  Hashana  Dinner  on   es, 7pm Dinner.              holiday    commemorates  ish  New  Year.  According
            list for many Jewish people.   Wednesday at 6pm at the    Rosh  Hashana  Prayer  Ser-  the  creation  of  the  world  to  tradition,  G-d  decides
            Chabad  of  Aruba  is  offer-  Hilton Resort Ballroom. And   vices:                    and  marks  the  beginning  each  person’s  fate  on
            ing  their  friendly  and  wel-  then,  for  those  who  can-  Where: Chabad Aruba.    of  the  Days  of  Awe,  a  10-  this day, so Jews mark the
            coming  services  for  free   not  make  it  to  services,   When:  September  21  at   day period of introspection  day  by  making  amends
            for individuals of all ages in   Rabbi  Ahron  Blasberg  will   10am.                  and  repentance  that  cul-  and  asking  forgiveness  for
                                                                      Shofar and Tashlich at the   minates in the Yom Kippur  sins  committed  during  the
                                                                      beach:                       holiday.                     past  year.  The  holiday  is
                                                                      Where:  Palm  Beach  be-     Yom  Kippur—the  Day  of  observed  by  fasting  and
                                                                      tween  Ritz-Carlton  and     Atonement—is  considered  prayers.
                                                                      Marriott.                    the  holiest  day  of  on  the  For  more  information  and
                                                                      When:  September  21  at     Jewish calendar. Beginning  to sign up to Rosh Hashana
                                                                      5:30pm.                      this year on the evening of  Dinner  please  visit:  www
                                                                      About the High Holidays:     September  29  until  after
                                                                      Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish    nightfall  on September 30,  HolidaysAruba  or  email
                                                                      new  year,  is  observed  this   it marks the culmination of
                                                                      year on the eve of Septem-   the Days of Awe, a 10-day  or call us on 592-7613.
                                                                      ber 20 through September     period of introspection and  Wishing  everyone  a  Sha-
                                                                      22. Literally meaning “head   repentance  that  follows  na Tova Umetuka - a very
                                                                      of  the  year,”  the  two-day   Rosh  Hashanah,  the  Jew-  sweet new year!
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