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A4   U.S. NEWS
            Thursday 21 sepTember 2017
                                                                       Trump: GOP health bill short of votes

                                                                      By ERICA WERNER              ing at it very positively.”  ers,  saying  glumly:  “I  think
                                                                      AP  Congressional  Corre-    Trump’s  comments  came      we’re  one  or  two  votes
                                                                      spondent                     several  hours  after  McCo-  short and I don’t see those
                                                                      WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     nnell’s  office  announced   other  votes  coming  and  I
                                                                      dent  Donald  Trump  said    that  the  majority  leader’s   hope I’m wrong.”
                                                                      Wednesday  the  Republi-     “intention”  is  to  bring  the   This  time  is  different  for
                                                                      cans’  last-resort  “Obam-   legislation  to  the  Senate   McCain  because  his  clos-
                                                                      acare”  repeal  effort  re-  floor  next  week,  a  ques-  est  friend  in  the  Senate,
                                                                      mains  two  or  three  votes   tion  McConnell  was  non-  Graham, is a co-author of
                                                                      short,  forecasting  days  of   committal on a day earlier.   the bill. Graham was over-
                                                                      furious  lobbying  ahead     After the embarrassing de-   heard  on  his  cellphone  at
                                                                      with  a  crucial  deadline   feat of an earlier repeal bill   Reagan  National  Airport
            In  this  June  21,  2017  photo,  special  counsel  Robert  Mueller   looming next week.  in  July,  some  Republicans   on  Wednesday,  appar-
            walks on Capitol Hill in Washington. Mueller’s team of investi-  The  legislation  by  Sens.   believe  McConnell  would   ently  talking  to  McCain
            gators is seeking information from the White House related to   Bill  Cassidy  of  Louisiana   bring a bill to the floor only   and  pleading  with  him  to
            Michael Flynn’s stint as national security adviser and about the
            response to a meeting with a Russian lawyer that was attended
            by President Donald Trump’s oldest son, The Associated Press
            has learned.
                                         (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
            AP: Mueller investigators seek

            documents from White House

            By ERIC TUCKER               journalists in July, which the
            Associated Press             White House has said Trump
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Spe-       played  a  role  in  drafting,
            cial  counsel  Robert  Muel-  said  the  meeting  was  pri-
            ler’s  team  of  investigators  marily to discuss a disband-
            is seeking information from  ed program that used to al-
            the White House related to  low American adoptions of
            Michael Flynn’s stint as na-  Russian children, but emails
            tional  security  adviser  and  released  days  later  by
            about  the  response  to  a  Trump Jr. show that he ar-
            meeting with a Russian law-  ranged the encounter with
            yer  that  was  attended  by  the  expectation  of  receiv-
            President  Donald  Trump’s  ing  damaging  information
            oldest son, The Associated  about Hillary Clinton.
            Press has learned.           The person also said inves-
            Mueller’s  office  has  re-  tigators  appear  interested   Sen.  Bill  Cassidy,  R-La.,  center,  speaks  to  the  media,  accompanied  by  Sen.  Lindsey  Graham,
                                                                      R-S.C., left, Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., and Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mc-
            quested  a  large  batch  of  in White House interactions   Connell of Ky., on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017, in Washington.
            documents from the White  concerning       Flynn,   such                                                                (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
            House  and  is  expected  as  what  officials  includ-
            to interview at least a half  ing Trump knew about the
            dozen  current  and  former  Justice  Department’s  in-   and  Lindsey  Graham  of     with the votes in hand.      support the bill “with all its
            aides in the coming weeks.  vestigation  into  him.  Flynn   South  Carolina  would  re-  In a Senate split 52-48 be-  imperfections.”
            Lawyers for the White House  was forced out as national   peal major pillars of former   tween  Republicans  and    “We’re  going  to  vote.  Ev-
            are in the process of trying  security adviser in February   President Barack Obama’s   Democrats,     McConnell    eryone  will  be  held  ac-
            to cooperate with the doc-   after  White  House  officials   health law, replacing them   has  little  room  for  error.   countable,”  Graham  said.
            ument requests and to turn  concluded  that  he  had      with block grants to states   GOP  Sen.  Rand  Paul  of   Graham’s  office  did  not
            over that information.       misled them about his con-   to design their own health   Kentucky  has  already  an-  dispute  the  quotes  or  say
            Though the full scope of the  versations  with  the  Russian   care  programs.  Majority   nounced  his  opposition,   who  was  on  the  call  with
            investigation  is  not  clear,  ambassador  to  the  United   Leader Mitch McConnell is   saying  the  bill  doesn’t  do   the  senator,  but  a  refer-
            the  information  requests  States.Former  Deputy  At-    trying to round up 50 votes   enough to repeal “Obam-     ence  to  working  “for  Ari-
            make clear at least some of  torney  General  Sally  Yates   to  pass  the  legislation  be-  acare,”  while  moderate   zona”  suggested  it  was
            the areas that Mueller and  has said she warned White     fore Sept. 30, when special   Republican   Sen.   Susan   McCain.
            his team of prosecutors in-  House  counsel  Don  Mc-     rules  preventing  a  Demo-  Collins of Maine is also seen   The  developments  came
            tend  to  probe  and  reveal  Gahn  in  January  that  that   cratic filibuster will expire.  as a likely “no” vote.  as  Cassidy  defended  the
            an interest in certain Trump  deception  left  Flynn  and   “We  think  this  has  a  very   With  Democrats  unani-  health  care  bill  against
            decisions as president.      the White House in a com-    good    chance,    Obam-     mously  opposed,  McCon-     criticism from late-night TV
            A  person  familiar  with  the  promised position, and that   acare   is   only   getting   nell  cannot  afford  to  lose   host  Jimmy  Kimmel,  who
            investigation  who  spoke  she  expected  him  to  take   worse,”  Trump  told  report-  even  one  more  Republi-  jumped  into  the  heath
            to The Associated Press on  action.  That  conversation   ers covering the U.N. Gen-   can  senator.  The  focus  is   care  debate  after  his  son
            condition  of  anonymity  took  place  two  days  after   eral  Assembly  meeting  in   on  Sens.  John  McCain  of   was born with a congenital
            said  investigators  want  in-  FBI agents had interviewed   New York, as he prepared   Arizona and Lisa Murkowski   heart defect in April.
            formation on, among other  Flynn.  But  Flynn  was  not   to  meet  Egyptian  Presi-   of  Alaska,  both  of  whom   “I am sorry he does not un-
            topics,  a  June  2016  meet-  asked to resign until several   dent  Abdel-Fattah  el-Sissi.   opposed earlier versions of   derstand,”  Cassidy  said  of
            ing  at  Trump  Tower  that  weeks later, following news   “At some point the Senate   repeal legislation.          Kimmel  on  CNN,  arguing
            Donald Trump Jr. attended  reports  that  said  he  had   is  going  to  be  forced  to   One  leading  Republican,   that  his  bill  would  in  fact
            with  a  Russian  lawyer  as  discussed  sanctions  during   make a deal.”             Chuck  Grassley  of  Iowa,   protect  people  with  pre-
            well  as  on  the  administra-  the  transition  period  with   By his reckoning, “we’re at   voiced pessimism Wednes-  existing conditions, a claim
            tion’s response to it.       the  ambassador,  Sergey     47 or 48 already, senators,   day  in  a  phone  interview   that  leading  health  advo-
            A  statement  provided  to  Kislyak.q                     and a lot of others are look-  with  home-state  report-  cacy groups dispute. q
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