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U.S. NEWS Tuesday 10 July 2018
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Trump picks Kavanaugh for court, setting up fight with Dems
Continued from Front pose Trump’s choice, the about his limited policy Kennedy provided a deci- contenders with aides and
Senate confirmation battle achievements and chaotic sive vote in 2015 on an im- allies.
A senior White House of- is expected to dominate management style. Of the portant fair housing case. The White House invited a
ficial said Trump made his the months leading up to court’s liberal justices, Ruth While the president has number of senators to at-
final decision on the nomi- tend the Monday night
nation Sunday evening, announcement, includ-
then phoned Kavanaugh ing Judiciary Committee
to inform him. Chairman Chuck Grassley,
The official said Trump de- R-Iowa, and committee
cided on Kavanaugh, a member Kennedy.
front-runner throughout the Democrats who were invit-
search process, because ed but declined included
of his large body of juris- Sens. Joe Donnelly of In-
prudence cited by other diana, Heidi Heitkamp of
courts, describing him as North Dakota, Doug Jones
a judge that other judges of Alabama, Joe Manchin
read. of West Virginia and Di-
On Monday, Trump phoned anne Feinstein of Califor-
retiring Justice Kennedy to nia. Feinstein is the ranking
inform him that his former Democrat on the Judiciary
law clerk would be nomi- Committee. The others are
nated to fill his seat. Trump Republican targets for the
signed Kavanaugh’s nomi- confirmation vote who
nation papers Monday come from Trump-won
evening in the White House states where they face re-
residence. election this fall.
Top contenders had includ- Kavanaugh is expected to
ed federal appeals judges meet in coming days with
Raymond Kethledge, Amy President Donald Trump talks with Judge Brett Kavanaugh his Supreme Court nominee, in the East senators at their offices, go-
Coney Barrett and Thomas Room of the White House, Monday, July 9, 2018, in Washington. ing door-to-door in get-to-
Hardiman. Relishing the Associated Press know-you sessions ahead
guessing game beyond the of confirmation hearings.
White House gates, Trump November’s midterm elec- Bader Ginsburg is 85 and been pondering his choice, Democrats have turned
had little to say about his tions. Senate Republicans Stephen Breyer turns 80 his aides have been pre- their attention to pressur-
choice before the an- hold only a 51-49 majority, next month, so Trump may paring for what is expected ing two Republicans, Sens.
nouncement. leaving them hardly any well get another opportuni- to be a tough confirma- Susan Collins of Maine and
Some conservatives have margin if Democrats hold ty to cement conservative tion fight. The White House Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, to
expressed concerns about the line. Democratic sena- dominance of the court for said Monday that former oppose any nominee who
Kavanaugh, questioning tors running for re-election years to come. Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl would threatens Roe v. Wade. The
his commitment to social in states Trump carried in Kavanaugh is likely to be guide Trump’s nominee two have supported ac-
issues like abortion and not- 2016 will face pressure to more conservative than through the grueling Sen- cess to abortion services.
ing his time serving under back his nominee. Justice Kennedy on a ate process. One Democrat up for re-
President George W. Bush Republican Sen. John Ken- range of social issues. At the Kyl, a former member of election, Bob Casey of
as evidence he is a more nedy of Louisiana said he top of that list is abortion. A Republican leadership, Pennsylvania, announced
establishment choice. But was bracing for a tough more conservative major- served on the Senate Ju- Monday he would oppose
his supporters have cited confirmation battle as ity could be more willing to diciary Committee before any nominee from Trump’s
his experience and wide Democrats focus on abor- uphold state restrictions on retiring in 2013. He works for list of 25 possible candi-
range of legal opinions. tion. Kennedy, a member abortion, if not overturn the the Washington-based lob- dates, drafted by conser-
Ahead of his announce- of the Judiciary Commit- 45-year-old landmark Roe bying firm Covington & Burl- vative groups. He called it
ment, Trump tweeted tee, which will get the first v. Wade decision that es- ing. The White House hopes the “fruit of a corrupt pro-
about the stakes: “I have chance to question the tablished a woman’s con- Kyl’s close ties to Senate Re- cess straight from the D.C.
long heard that the most nominee, predicted a stitutional right. publicans will help smooth swamp.”
important decision a U.S. “rough, tough, down in the Kennedy’s replacement the path for confirmation. Senate Majority Leader
President can make is the dirt, ear-pulling, nose-biting also could be more willing Trump is hoping to replicate Mitch McConnell said
selection of a Supreme fight.” to allow states to carry out his successful nomination of opponents were using
Court Justice - Will be an- Trump’s success in confirm- executions and could sup- Justice Gorsuch last year. “40-year-old scare tactics”
nounced tonight at 9:00 ing conservative judges, as port undoing earlier court The president spent the over abortion and other is-
P.M.” well as a Supreme Court holdings in the areas of ra- days leading up to his an- sues but they “will not stop
With Democrats deter- justice, has cheered Re- cial discrimination in hous- nouncement discussing the us from doing the right
mined to vigorously op- publicans amid concerns ing and the workplace. pros and cons of various thing.”q