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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 10 July 2018

            U.S.  will reunite and release over 50 immigrant children

            By ELLIOT SPAGAT                                                                       pleased  and  disappoint-    President Donald Trump re-
            Associated Press                                                                       ed” with the government’s  versed  course  on  June  20
            SAN  DIEGO  (AP)  —  More                                                              progress  toward  meeting  amid  an  international  out-
            than 50 immigrant children                                                             the deadline.                cry and said families should
            under age 5 will be reunited                                                           “Tomorrow there will hope-   remain together.
            with  their  parents  by  Tues-                                                        fully  be  more  than  50  ba-  Late  last  month,  Sabraw,
            day’s court-ordered dead-                                                              bies  and  toddlers  reunited  an  appointee  of  Republi-
            line for action by Trump ad-                                                           with their parents, and that  can  President  George  W.
            ministration,  and  the  fami-                                                         is  obviously  an  enormous  Bush, set a 14-day deadline
            lies  will  then  be  released                                                         victory,”  he  said.  But  he  to reunite children under 5
            into the U.S., a government                                                            said those who remain split  with their parents, and a 30-
            attorney said Monday.                                                                  from  their  parents  are  “in  day deadline for older chil-
            That’s  only  about  half  of                                                          for a long process.”         dren.  The  30-day  deadline
            the 100 or so toddlers cov-                                                            U.S.  District  Judge  Dana  is up July 26.
            ered by the order.                                                                     Sabraw ordered both sides  Monday’s  hearing  set  the
            At a court hearing, Justice     In  this  June  18,  2018  file  photo,  dignitaries  take  a  tour  of   back in court on Tuesday to  stage for a dramatic day of
                                         Southwest Key Programs Casa Padre, a U.S. immigration facility
            Department  lawyer  Sarah    in Brownsville, Texas, where children who have been separated   give another update.   reunifications  on  Tuesday
            Fabian      acknowledged     from their families are detained.                         The ACLU was drawing up  across the country, though
            the  government  wouldn’t                                             Associated Press  a  proposal  to  shorten  the  they  are  likely  to  occur
            meet  the  deadline  for  all  It was the first time the gov-  space to hold families.  wait for the remaining chil-  largely outside public view.
            the  children,  citing  a  va-  ernment  indicated  wheth-  ICE  has  three  family  de-  dren.  Gelernt  said  some  Fabian  did  not  disclose
            riety  of  reasons,  including  er the parents and children  tention  centers  with  room  procedures — such as DNA  where  the  reunions  would
            that  the  parents  of  some  would  be  released  or  de-  for  about  3,000  people  in  testing,  fingerprinting  and  take place.
            of  the  youngsters  have  al-  tained  together.  They  will  all,  and  the  places  are  al-  requests  for  other  informa-  As for most of the rest of the
            ready been deported.         be set free in the U.S. pend-  ready at or near capacity.  tion  —  were  designed  for  under-5 children who have
            Fabian said that 54 children  ing the outcome of their im-  The Trump administration is  releasing children to distant  yet  to  reunited  with  their
            will be joined with their par-  migration cases, which can  trying to line up thousands  relatives, not to parents.  families,  Fabian  said  that
            ents  by  the  end  of  Tues-  take several years.        more  beds  at  military  bas-  More  than  2,000  children  their parents have already
            day at locations across the  Fabian didn’t say why they  es.                           in all were separated from  been released into the U.S.,
            country and that an addi-    were  being  released,  but  American    Civil   Liberties  their  parents  by  U.S.  immi-  have  been  deported,  or
            tional five were undergoing  U.S.  Immigration  and  Cus-  Union attorney Lee Gelernt  gration  authorities  at  the  are behind bars on criminal
            final background checks.     toms Enforcement has little  told reporters he was “both  border  this  spring  before  charges.q

            Baby survives 9 hours buried

            in western Montana woods

            MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) — A  man,  who  indicated  that  Brenda  Bassett  said  in  a
            5-month-old infant who mi-   a  baby  was  buried  some-  statement Monday.
            raculously  survived  more  where in the woods.           The  baby  was  taken  to  a
            than nine hours being bur-   The  sheriff’s  office  hast-  hospital.
            ied  under  a  pile  of  sticks  ily  put  together  a  search  Custody  of  the  child  has
            and debris in the woods of  crew of federal, state and  been  referred  to  the  state
            western  Montana  suffered  local officials that combed  Division  of  Child  and  Fam-
            only  minor  injuries  despite  the  forest  outside  the  hot  ily  Services,  whose  spokes-
            wearing  wet  and  soiled  springs for six hours before a  man,  Chuck  Council,  did
            clothes  in  cold  weather,  deputy heard a baby’s cry  not  immediately  return  a
            authorities said Monday.     at about 2:30 a.m. Sunday.   call for comment on Mon-     This Sunday, July 8, 2018 photo provided by the Missoula County
            The  baby  boy  is  otherwise  He  found  the  baby  face-  day.                       Sheriff’s Office shows a 5-month-old infant with dirt under their
            in good condition, authori-  down under the pile of sticks  Francis  Crowley,  32,  was   fingernails  after  authorities  say  the  baby  survived  about  nine
            ties said.                   and debris, dressed only in  being  held  on  $50,000     hours being buried under sticks and debris in the woods.
            Missoula  County  Sheriff’s  a wet and soiled onesie in  bail  on  a  charge  of  crimi-                                       Associated Press
            deputies were called about  the  46-degree  (8-degree  nal  endangerment.  Addi-       a  miracle,”  the  statement  The  nature  of  Crowley’s
            8  p.m.  Saturday  about  a  Celsius) weather.            tional  charges  will  follow,  said.  “For  the  officers  who  relationship  to  the  baby
            man  threatening  people  “He  suffered  some  minor  the sheriff’s office said in a  were present for this event,  was not immediately clear.
            in the Lolo Hot Springs area  scrapes  and  bruising  but  statement Sunday.           it’s especially hard knowing  There  was  no  information
            of the Lolo National Forest.  overall  is  in  good  health,”  “For all of us at the sheriff’s  what  this  small  baby  en-  on  whether  Crowley  had
            Deputies apprehended the  sheriff’s       spokeswoman  office,  this  is  what  we  call  dured in the last 24 hours.”  an attorney.q
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