P. 8

                      Tuesday 10 July 2018

            US, Europe clamp down on migration even as arrivals drop

            By KARL RITTER                                                                                                      to make the perilous cross-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing  is  dwindling.  Sea  arriv-
            ROME  (AP)  —  As  NATO  al-                                                                                        als  in  Italy  were  already
            lies convene, one issue not                                                                                         down by 80 percent when
            on  their  formal  agenda                                                                                           the  new  government  took
            but  never  far  from  their                                                                                        office.  Across  the  Medi-
            thoughts  is  immigration  —                                                                                        terranean,  about  45,000
            even though illegal border                                                                                          migrants  arrived  by  sea  in
            crossings  are  decreasing                                                                                          Italy,  Greece  and  Spain  in
            on both sides of the Atlan-                                                                                         the first half of the year, ac-
            tic.                                                                                                                cording to the U.N. refugee
            The  separation  of  families                                                                                       agency.  That’s  the  lowest
            at  the  U.S.-Mexico  border                                                                                        level since 2013 and down
            and  Italy’s  refusal  to  let                                                                                      from  about  100,000  in  the
            shipwrecked  migrants  dis-                                                                                         same  period  last  year.  So
            embark in its ports illustrate                                                                                      far this year, 1,400 migrants
            the hardening positions on                                                                                          are believed to have died
            border control  in  Washing-                                                                                        trying to cross the Mediter-
            ton and European capitals.                                                                                          ranean.
            Lost  in  the  heated  politi-                                                                                      Even  German  Chancel-
            cal debate is the fact that                                                                                         lor Angela Merkel, who re-
            migrant  arrivals  in  Europe                                                                                       fused  to  close  Germany’s
            across  the  Mediterranean                                                                                          borders at the height of the
            from Africa and Turkey are   In this June 12, 2018 file photo, Italian Coast Guard approaches the French NGO “SOS Mediterranee”   migrant  crisis  in  2015,  has
            at  their  lowest  level  in  five   Aquarius ship as migrants are being transferred, in the Mediterranean Sea.     toughened  her  stance.  To
            years,  while  arrests  on  the                                                                    Associated Press  salvage  her  government
            U.S.-Mexico  border  —  an  In Europe, the liberal immi-  remained since.              other EU nations to grapple  from  a  rift  over  migration,
            imperfect  but  widely  used  gration  policies  that  many  “2015    fundamentally  with the issue of sea arrivals,  she  has  agreed  to  set  up
            gauge  of  illegal  crossings  governments implemented  changed  Europe.  But  it  is  which  have  placed  a  dis-  transit  centers  to  process
            — are far below levels seen  until  recently  never  had  hard  to  know  how  big  a  proportionate  burden  on  migrants  and  potentially
            two decades ago.             widespread  popular  sup-    change  is  when  you  still  Mediterranean countries in  turn  them  away  at  the
            “The  numbers  don’t  sup-   port, said Ivar Arpi, a con-  are  in  the  middle  of  it,”  dealing with those seeking  Austrian  border.  German
            port the hysteria,” said Joel  servative  editorial  writer  at  Arpi  said.  “Nationalism  or  a new life in Europe. Things  police   recorded   fewer
            Millman,  a  spokesman  for  Swedish  newspaper  Sven-    globalism,  this  is  the  new  came  to  a  head  when  than  5,000  illegal  crossings
            the  Geneva,  Switzerland-   ska  Dagbladet.  But  be-    divide  between  people.  It  League leader Matteo Sal-   of  that  border  in  January-
            based  International  Orga-  cause  Europeans  cared  trumps left-right.”              vini,  Italy’s  interior  minister  May, compared with more
            nization for Migration. “Poli-  more  about  other  issues,  Immigration  is  a  major  and deputy prime minister,  than 60,000 in the same pe-
            ticians  know  what  moves  such  as  the  economy  or  theme ahead of Sweden’s  closed  Italian  ports  to  pri-   riod in 2016.
            voters, and this is extremely  education,  there  was  no  elections in September, just  vate  ships  picking  up  mi-  Guy  Verhofstadt,  a  former
            effective in moving voters.”  serious backlash.           as it has been in a series of  grants sailing from North Af-  Belgian prime minister and
            In both the U.S. and Europe,  That  changed  in  2015,  European votes in the past  rica  in  flimsy  boats,  saying  current president of an alli-
            immigration  is  increasingly  when  1  million  people  —  two years, including Britain’s  those  volunteer  rescuers  ance of liberals in the Euro-
            a  key  political  fault  line.  most  of  them  from  Syria,  referendum on leaving the  act as de facto “taxi servic-  pean Parliament, last week
            One  side  accuses  those  Iraq  and  Afghanistan  —  EU.  Far-right  and  anti-mi-    es”  for  human  smuggling  ridiculed  concerns  over
            cracking  down  on  illegal  crossed  into  Europe  from  grant  parties  have  made  networks.  As  a  result,  two  what  he  referred  to  as  a
            immigration of scapegoat-    Turkey and used the lack of  gains in Austria, France and  rescue vessels have had to  “so-called” crisis.
            ing immigrants for problems  border controls in the Euro-  Germany,  while  Hungary’s  carry  rescued  migrants  on  “Why I am saying so-called?
            such  as  crime  and  unem-  pean Union to roam freely  Prime Minister Viktor Orban,  a  much  longer  journey  to  Because I don’t think it is a
            ployment,  even  when  the  from  the  Balkans  into  Aus-  known for his tough stance  Spain,  and  another  spent  real  migration  crisis  what
            correlation  is  weak.  The  tria and onward to Germa-    on migrants, easily won re-  days in limbo off Malta until  we  are  living  in  Europe  for
            other  side  says  politicians  ny  and  Scandinavia.  That  election in April.        European countries agreed  the  moment,”  he  told  the
            are simply recognizing vot-  surge  and  the  pressures  Just  weeks  after  taking  of-  to  share  the  responsibility  assembly,  noting  that  the
            ers’  concerns  about  na-   it  put  on  the  destination  fice in Italy’s coalition gov-  for the more than 200 peo-  flow is a tiny fraction of the
            tional  identity  and  poor  countries pushed migration  ernment,  the  League  —  a  ple on board.                 68 million displaced people
            integration  that  have  long  to  the  top  of  Europe’s  po-  party  vowing  to  put  “Ital-  The  crackdown  comes  as  worldwide,  according  to
            been ignored.                litical agenda, where it has  ians  first”  —  has  forced  the number of those trying  U.N. figures.q
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