P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 10 July 2018

            UN: 1 in 4 children live in country of conflict or disaster

            By EDITH M. LEDERER                                                                                                 ment  by  extremists  and
            Associated Press                                                                                                    armed groups.”
            UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —  A                                                                                         Virginia  Gamba,  the  U.N.
            quarter of the world’s chil-                                                                                        special  representative  for
            dren  —  about  535  million                                                                                        children  and  armed  con-
            —  are  living  in  a  country                                                                                      flict,  said  she  is  “profound-
            affected  by  conflict  or  di-                                                                                     ly  shocked”  by  the  more
            saster,  the  head  of  the                                                                                         than  21,000  violations  of
            U.N. children’s agency said                                                                                         children’s  rights  in  2017  re-
            Monday.                                                                                                             cently reported by the U.N.,
            Henrietta Fore told a Securi-                                                                                       a  significant  increase  from
            ty Council meeting on chil-                                                                                         2016.
            dren  and  armed  conflict                                                                                          “The  majority  of  these  de-
            that  it  is  “almost  beyond                                                                                       spicable  acts  were  perpe-
            comprehension”  that  one                                                                                           trated by armed groups al-
            of every four young people                                                                                          though government forces
            are caught in that situation.                                                                                       and  unknown  armed  ac-
            She  pointed  to  children                                                                                          tors  played  an  important
            and  young  people  whose                                                                                           part,” she said. “Each and
            lives  are  being  shattered                                                                                        every  one  of  them  led  to
            by  conflicts,  including  in                                                                                       unspeakable  suffering  for
            Yemen, Mali and South Su-                                                                                           children, families and entire
            dan. She also cited young-                                                                                          communities.”
            sters recruited to fight, killed   Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven addresses media at the Security Council chamber at U.N.   Gamba said the level and
            by a land mine or an attack   headquarters where he chaired a debate on children and armed conflict Monday, July 9, 2018.  severity  of  the  latest  vio-
            on their school, and “losing                                                                       Associated Press  lations  demonstrate  the
            hope  not  only  in  their  fu-  ter Stefan Lofven, who pre-  ed  with  armed  forces  and  he said.                need for united action “to
            tures,  but  in  the  futures  of  sided at the meeting, said,  armed groups.”         U.S.  Ambassador  Nikki  Hal-  change the tide of history,”
            their countries.”            stressing  that  “350  million  Lofven  said  the  resolution  ey  told  the  council  that  including  by  focusing  on
            Sweden,  which  holds  the  children  are  affected  by  also for the first time makes  “more  than  60  percent  of  prevention  and  reintegra-
            Security  Council  presiden-  armed conflict today.”      the  point  that  the  needs  people in conflict-affected  tion “to break cycles of vio-
            cy  this  month,  organized  The  resolution  states  for  and  vulnerabilities  of  girls  countries  are  under  the  lence” against children.q
            the  open  meeting  on  the  the  first  time  that  children  and boys are different and  age of 25.” In countries like
            theme “Protecting Children  recruited  or  caught  up  in  stresses  that  access  for  all  Afghanistan, an entire gen-
            Today Prevents Conflict To-  armed  conflict  should  be  youngsters  to  education  eration  has  never  lived  in
            morrow”  and  sponsored  a  treated primarily as victims,  and  physical  and  mental  peace, she said.
            resolution  unanimously  ad-  he said.                    health care is essential.    She  stressed  the  impor-
            opted  by  the  15  members  It  urges  all  countries  “to  It also sets out a framework  tance  of  education  as  “a
            to  strengthen  U.N.  actions  consider non-judicial mea-  to   reintegrate   children  way  to  recover  from  con-
            to  ensure  the  care  and  sures  as  alternatives  to  associated    with   armed  flict and prevent it in the fu-
            safety of youngsters.        prosecution and detention  groups or armed forces into  ture,” warning that children
            “We  are  not  doing  nearly  that  focus  on  the  rehabili-  society, which “places chil-  who grow up uneducated,
            enough to protect our chil-  tation and reintegration for  dren as part of the solution,  unskilled and resentful “will
            dren,” Swedish Prime Minis-  children  formerly  associat-  not  part  of  the  problem,”  be prime targets for recruit-
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