P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 10 July 2018

            Yemen demands Emirates shut down prisons where abuses rife

            By AHMED AL-HAJ                                                                                                     several  prisoner  releases,
            MAGGIE MICHAEL                                                                                                      apparently  aimed  at  eas-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing some of the pressure. So
            SANAA, Yemen (AP) — Ye-                                                                                             far 80 prisoners have been
            men’s  interior  minister  on                                                                                       freed,  according  to  pros-
            Monday  demanded  the                                                                                               ecutors  and  family  mem-
            United  Arab  Emirates  shut                                                                                        bers.
            down  or  hand  over  secret                                                                                        In  the  latest  release,  three
            prisons that The Associated                                                                                         people  who  had  been
            Press  reported  are  under                                                                                         forcibly  disappeared  re-
            the control of the UAE and                                                                                          turned home to their fami-
            its allied militias.                                                                                                lies three days ago, saying
            At least 80 detainees have                                                                                          they  were  freed  from  the
            been freed from the facili-                                                                                         Wadah  Nightclub  deten-
            ties  in  recent  weeks  since                                                                                      tion  facility,  their  families
            an  AP  investigation  de-                                                                                          told the AP.
            tailed  sexual  abuse  and                                                                                          The  Wadah  facility  was
            torture at the sites.                                                                                               found  empty  Sunday  dur-
            It  was  the  first  time  Interior                                                                                 ing  a  visit  by  the  state-run
            Minister  Ahmed  al-Maysari                                                                                         National  Commission  to
            has  gone  public  with  the   This May 9, 2017 file photo, shows a view through a mesh window over part of Aden Central Prison,   Investigate  Alleged  Viola-
            demand  in  talks  with  an   known as Mansoura, in Aden, Yemen.                                                    tions  in  Human  Rights,  the
            Emirati  official,  seeming  to                                                                    Associated Press  commission  said.  It  is  not
            contradict  the  UAE’s  re-  In  June,  the  AP  revealed  on  network,  has  previously  tional  cooperation,  Reem  clear how many detainees
            peated  denials  that  it  has  that  hundreds  had  been  said  he  has  no  authority  al-Hashemi, in talks also at-  were  there  or  what  hap-
            authority  over  any  prisons  subjected to sexual abuse,  over  the  prisons  and  that  tended  by  the  top  Emirati  pened to them. Former de-
            in Yemen.                    including  one  incident  in  he  can’t  even  enter  the  military  commander  in  Ye-  tainees say there were sev-
            The  AP  first  reported  in  an  the  Beir  Ahmed  prison  in  southern city of Aden with-  men,  Brig.  Gen.  Moham-  eral cells, some containing
            investigation  last  year  that  the  southern  city  of  Aden,  out Emirati permission.  med al-Hassani.           up to 70 people.
            the  UAE  and  its  allied  mili-  where   detainees   were  In  Yemen’s  three-year  civil  Al-Maysari stressed the “ne-  In recent weeks, there ap-
            tias were running a network  lined  up  naked  as  guards  war, the UAE is part of the  cessity  to  shut  down  the  pears to have been an ef-
            of secret detention facilities  probed  their  anal  cavities.  Saudi-led  coalition  bat-  prisons and put them under  fort to paper over the con-
            around  southern  Yemen,  Sexual  abuses  were  filmed  tling  Iranian-backed  reb-    the authority of the Yemeni  ditions at Beir Ahmed. Pris-
            beyond  the  control  of  Ye-  as  a  way  to  turn  suspects  els  known  as  Houthis  who  judiciary and prosecution,”  oners say on one occasion,
            meni  President  Abed  Rab-  into  informants,  detainees  have  taken  over  most  of  the  state-run  SABA  news  wardens  forced  detain-
            bo Mansour Hadi’s govern-    reported.  On  Sunday,  An-  northern  Yemen.  Ostensi-   agency said.                 ees  to  play  volleyball  and
            ment. Former prisoners and  war Gargash, the UAE state  bly, the Emiratis and Hadi’s  Al-Maysari  visited  the  Emir-  chess  in  front  of  cameras,
            security  officials  described  minister  for  foreign  affairs,  government  are  allies  in  ates last month for talks that  and  that  TV  screens  were
            widespread  torture  at  the  dismissed  as  “fake  news”  that fight. But tensions have  officials said drew up plans  installed  to  allow  them  to
            facilities, which are housed  reports  that  his  country  been  high  between  them.  to shut down the prisons. His  watch the World Cup. The
            in  locations  ranging  from  controls  prisons  or  has  set  The UAE has built up militias  visit  came  after  repeated  prisoners  spoke  on  condi-
            Emirati-run  military  bases  up  a  base  on  the  Yemeni  across southern Yemen that  TV  appearances  in  which  tion  of  anonymity  for  fear
            to  a  former  nightclub  run  island of Socotra.         government  officials  say  he  said  he  has  no  control  of reprisals.
            by  a  UAE-backed  security  “In  Yemen,  the  Emiratis  are  only  loyal  only  to  the  over the prisons.         Al-Maysari  was  expected
            chief  and  his  anti-terrorism  have  been  subjected  to  Emiratis. Those forces have  A  senior  government  of-  to  visit  the  prison  on  Sun-
            squad.  Thousands  of  Ye-   an unjust smear campaign  taken over wide  swaths  of  ficial  told  the  AP  on  Mon-  day, according to three rel-
            menis swept up in the U.S.-  because it bears its respon-  territory in the south, includ-  day  that  “the  prisons  are  atives of prisoners who met
            backed campaign against  sibility  toward  regional  se-  ing  towns  and  cities.  The  still  under  the  Emiratis’  full  with  him  on  Wednesday.
            al-Qaida have been held in  curity  with  courage  and  official  security  forces,  by  control.”                  “He  told  us  he  will  get  in,
            the prisons without charges  boldness,” he said.          contrast,  are  fragmented  “There are promises by the  search for the missing ones,
            or  trials.  Some  have  been  Al-Maysari,  who  has  come  and poorly funded.         Emiratis to hand them over.  and get a full list of detain-
            interrogated  by  U.S.  per-  under  pressure  from  fami-  On  Monday,  al-Maysari  We hope so,” he said. “All  ees. He will be in charge,” a
            sonnel  inside  the  facilities,  lies of detainees who have  met in Aden with the UAE’s  we have are promises.”    mother of one of the three
            the AP found.                disappeared  into  the  pris-  state  minister  for  interna-  Recent  weeks  have  seen  said.q
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