P. 16

                      Tuesday 10 July 2018

            Renaissance Aruba presented a successful and enchanting

            second edition of ‘Long Table’

            ORANJESTAD      ―   Renais-
            sance  Aruba  Resort  &  Ca-
            sino  exceeded  all  expec-
            tations with the second edi-
            tion of ‘Long Table’, as the
            culinary  event  was  com-
            pletely  sold  out  a  month
            before  date.  For  just  one
            night  Renaissance  Aruba
            served  dinner  on  the  lon-
            gest  table  on  the  island.
            The  table  covered  a  large
            part of the L.G. Smith Boule-
            vard accommodated 1,000
            people.  This  year  all  pro-
            ceeds of the event went to
            one charity: the Casa Cuna
            Progreso Foundation.

            $25.000  donated  to  Casa
            Cuna Progreso Foundation
            The community contributed
            to the good cause by buy-
            ing a ticket for 25 dollars. All
            1,000  attendees  enjoyed
            a  three  course  dinner,  ac-
            companied by two glasses
            of  wine.  The  Renaissance
            Aruba culinary team once
            again  did  a  fantastic  job!
            At the end of the evening a
            cheque with the amount of
            $25,000  was  handed  over
            to  representatives  of  the
            Casa Cuna Progreso Foun-
            dation. Renaissance Aruba
            Resort  &  Casino,  GM,  Mr.
            Paul  Gielen,  expressed  his
            delight  for  being  able  to
            do this for the Aruban com-  another edition of the Long  eration  from  the  authori-
            munity.  “This event fits per-  Table  a  success.  I  would  ties  to  close  the  road  and
            fectly within the philosophy   also like to thank everyone  set  up  the  elegant  table
            of  the  Renaissance  Aruba   who bought a ticket so that  just  in  front  of  the  resort.
            Resort  &  Casino,  which    we  could  raise  funds  for  Around 10 pm the road was
            is  now  part  of  the  Wind   Casa  Cuna  this  year.  We  opened again to the pub-
            Creek  Hospitality  Group;   hope  to  be  able  to  count  lic. The music was provided
            to  give  back  to  the  com-  on you again next year! “  by  Lilly  Love  Band  and  DJ
            munity  and  contribute  to                               Joa and Erin Croes, the di-
            the  positive  development   Thank you!                   rector  of  Magic  96.5FM,
            of  our  people.  I  would  like   As  far  as  the  long  table  is  was  MC  for  the  night.  An
            to thank all colleagues who   concerned,   Renaissance  event such as ‘Long Table’
            have worked hard to make     Aruba  received  the  coop-  Aruba,  would  not  have

                                                                                                   been  possible  without  a  Communications, E2 Events
                                                                                                   few  sponsors,  who  have  &  Celebrations,  EcoTech,
                                                                                                   once  again  supported  this  Express Events & Party Rent-
                                                                                                   beautiful  project.  Renais-  als, Elite Productions, Elsa’s
                                                                                                   sance  Aruba  Resort  &  Ca-  Flowershop,   Island   Girl,
                                                                                                   sino thanks its staff and per-  New  York  Laundry,  Scaff
                                                                                                   sonnel, the Tropical Bottling  Pro, The Greatest Inter Em-
                                                                                                   Company  and  Caribbean  ployment Agency, Thunder
                                                                                                   Overseas. Also a thank you  &  Lighting,  Wolff  Indepen-
                                                                                                   to High Performance, And-    dents and Zen Designs. For
                                                                                                   mar,  ARTN  Photography,  pictures  of  the  successful
                                                                                                   Aqua Panna & S. Pellegrino,  culinary  event  please  visit
                                                                                                   Aruba Laundry, ASD Aruba
                                                                                                   Supplies & Distribution, Bite!  naissanceAruba . q
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