P. 14
Tuesday 10 July 2018
Master in Meat brings Texas Top BBQ to Ritz Carlton’s Beach
PALM BEACH — A man The Caribbean manager of July 4th to July 7th with
with a cowboy hat who U.S. Meat Export Federation, each day another themed
is wearing an apron is Elizabeth A. Wunderlich, menu. This event was
standing on the beach explains that Bryan is not organized in partnership
of Ritz-Carlton, Aruba, just any pit master, he is with Beef Loving Texans
concentrated in cutting well-known all over Texas and Southside Market &
wonderful pieces of meat and together with his wife Barbeque.
on a cutting board. Behind they run Southside Market
him stands a big smoker & Barbeque and a second “The USDA Prime Beef
barbeque. Meet Bryan joint in Bastrop, TX. “This is brisket is smoked for over
Bracewell from Southside all about authentic Texas 9 hours over real Texas
Market & Barbeque, Inc., a barbeque, full dedication oak wood. Widely known door-to-door from a horse- The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba is
special pit master who flew to create a meat that and popular is the original drawn wagon. Much may always seeking for that
over to our dushi island to smooth and tender with beef sausage stuffed with have changed in the extra mile to run for their
pamper the hotel’s guests a wonderful texture. The jalapenos, known by local world since 136 years, but guests and with bringing
with the best BBQ Texas way Bryan prepares the as ‘Hot Guts’. The Southside the quality, commitment, this real American taste to
style you can imagine in meat is bringing out all Market & Barbeque started hospitality and true Central Aruba on Independence
the light of the 4 of July big flavors.” The pit master in 1882 when William Moon Texas culture have been Day the hotel again
celebration. treated the guests from started selling fresh meats kept in place.” marked the difference. q
Big Laughs & Mighty Music for Special Children
PALM BEACH — The com- writer Trijntje Oosterhuis,
bination music and laughs Dutch-Surinamese stand-
is a healing one. Both are up comedian, actor and
uplifting and create a hap- presenter Jörgen Raymann
py feeling. If you add top and stand-up comedian
stand-up comedians, one Tony Woods from the Unit-
even singing, and one of ed States. Raymann show-
the most known singers of cased more than his striking
the Netherlands to this pic- humor as he was the MC as
ture, your result will be an well as the singer in some
amazing show. Cherry on duets with Oosterhuis. The
the pie however is the fact audience laughed their
that part of the profits go heart out with Raymann’s
to a foundation that helps typical sarcastic humor
special children who need and Surinamese accent. A
intensive specialized thera- golden combination and
py: Micky’s Foundation. guarantee for big laughs.
His performance was in
The show A Night of Mu- Dutch, while Woods –natu-
Left to right: sic and Comedy last Sun- rally- did his act-de-pres-
day brought it all together. ence in American English.
Dutch ex-football player Dirk Kuyt, singer Trijntje Oosterhuis, comedian Jorgen Raymann, therapist Dutch singer and song Continued on Page 15
Micky’s Foundation Esther and comedian Tony Woods.