P. 2
Friday 29 June 2018
More conservative court may weaken, not kill abortion rights
By MARK SHERMAN someone who will get rid of
Associated Press Roe v. Wade."
WASHINGTON (AP) — Is Roe A onetime supporter of
v. Wade really in peril? The abortion rights, Trump at-
worst fears — and high- tracted support from social
est hopes — excited by conservatives during the
the prospect of a new Su- presidential campaign in
preme Court justice may large part because of his
well be overblown. strong opposition to abor-
Democrats and liberal inter- tion.
est groups, gearing up for But now, with a seat open
President Donald Trump's and a golden opportu-
choice for the seat opened nity to cinch conservative
up by Justice Anthony Ken- control of the high court,
nedy's retirement, are treat- Trump's supporters are
ing the moment as one of downplaying the issue.
utmost danger for abortion Leonard Leo, a Trump ad-
rights in the United States. viser on judicial nomina-
More quietly, abortion op- tions, said liberal groups
ponents are confident the bring out the abortion issue
next justice will be a vote to every time a Republican
uphold additional restric- president gets to make a
tions on abortion, if not to Supreme Court nomina-
actually jettison the land- Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., joins activists at the Supreme Court as President Donald Trump tion, including when Ron-
mark Roe decision. prepares to choose a replacement for Justice Anthony Kennedy, on Capitol Hill in Washington, ald Reagan nominated
Just one member of the Thursday, June 28, 2018. Kennedy in 1987.
current court, Clarence Associated Press "You see this over and over
Thomas, is on record in again and it's the usual rank
support of overturning the member court has been so would ban a common pro- 25 people he previously speculation," Leo said.
45-year-old high court rul- closely divided on abortion, cedure for second-trimes- identified as candidates. Whatever Trump said dur-
ing. And justices often are and Kennedy has been a ter abortions. "He is going to put some- ing his campaign, Leo said
cautious about blowing up crucial fifth vote. Trump himself has predict- one on the court who will abortion did not come up
precedents. Still, a more At present, lawmakers in ed Roe would be over- be the fifth vote to criminal- in the president's interviews
conservative court may be several Republican-led turned because "I am put- ize abortion, punish women with prospective nominees
more willing to chip away states have passed ag- ting pro-life justices on the and throw them in jail," de- when he chose Justice Neil
at abortion rights by up- gressive regulations. They court." clared Ilyse Hogue, presi- Gorsuch last year.
holding state restrictions could be emboldened by At a rally in front of the dent of NARAL Pro-Choice "The president has never
that Kennedy and the four the prospect of a friendlier court Thursday, speaker America. asked a prospective nomi-
liberal justices would have court. after speaker pointed to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D- nee about Roe v. Wade or
been likely to strike down. Among the issues currently abortion as a way to rally N.Y., a potential presiden- abortion in any way shape
The issue is at the forefront in the courts are Arkansas' opposition to the eventual tial candidate in 2020 said, or form. He's never dis-
of the emerging nomina- regulation of abortion pills nominee, who Trump has "President Trump has told cussed the issue with me.
tion fight because the nine- and a Kentucky law that said will come from among you he's going to nominate Period," Leo said.q
Interior watchdog reviews
Zinke's ties to Halliburton boss
tion amid reports that a Secretary," inspector gen- compliance and strives for
charitable foundation cre- eral spokeswoman Nancy full transparency. We are
ated by Zinke and run by DiPaolo said. "A preliminary confident the IG report will
his wife, Lola, was allowing review is underway." confirm that." Democrats
a company co-owned by That review will determine led by Rep. Raul Grijalva of
Halliburton chairman David whether the office opens Arizona, along with conser-
Lesar to use the founda- a full investigation into the vation groups, say it's inap-
tion's land for a commer- deal, though no timeline propriate for Zinke to be in-
U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke gestures after a woman cial development. has been set, she said. volved with a private land
interrupted his speech by shouting questions in the auditorium Zinke also met Lesar, Lesar's Interior spokeswoman deal with a man whose
at Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Keystone, S.D. during
the Western Governors Association annual meeting Tuesday, son and Montana devel- Heather Swift said Zinke company would benefit
June 26, 2018. oper Casey Malmquist in has done nothing wrong from the Trump administra-
Associated Press his Washington, D.C., office and that he resigned from tion's push to increase en-
last August, according to his charitable foundation's ergy drilling on public lands.
By MATT VOLZ the head of energy servic- emails the Democrats re- board of directors before Halliburton spokeswoman
HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The es giant Halliburton in Zin- ceived in a public records the land deal was made. Emily Mir has said Lesar's
U.S. Interior Department's ke's hometown of Whitefish, request. "The Secretary adheres to commercial development
inspector general is looking Montana, a spokeswoman "On June 20th, the OIG all applicable laws, rules in Whitefish has nothing to
into a complaint about a said Thursday. opened an investigative and regulations," Swift do with Halliburton, nor did
land deal that links Interior Democratic lawmakers complaint into purported said. "He goes above and Lesar's meeting with Zinke
Secretary Ryan Zinke and called for an investiga- business activities by the beyond mere technical in August.q