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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 29 June 2018

                $  10

            US judge orders immediate release of detained Brazilian boy

            By MARTHA IRVINE and MI-     reunite more than 2,000 im-                                                            "This ... is a nightmare," she
            CHAEL TARM                   migrant  children  with  their                                                         said  in  an  interview  with
            Associated Press             families  within  30  days,  or                                                        The  Associated  Press  on
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  A  fed-    14  days  for  those  younger                                                          Wednesday.
            eral  judge  in  Chicago  on  than  5.  Souza's  attorneys                                                          For  days  and  weeks  now,
            Thursday  ordered  the  U.S.  nonetheless  moved  for-                                                              some  of  the  hundreds  of
            government  to  release  a  ward  with  an  emergency                                                               parents  separated  from
            9-year-old  Brazilian  boy  hearing  in  their  lawsuit                                                             their  children  at  the  Mexi-
            who  was  separated  from  against the Trump adminis-                                                               can  border  by  the  Trump
            his mother at the U.S.-Mexi-  tration to demand her son                                                             administration  have  been
            co border, saying their con-  be immediately released.                                                              battling  one  of  the  world's
            tinued separation "irrepara-  In  Washington,  D.C.,  on                                                            most  complex  immigration
            bly harms them both."        Thursday,  police  arrested                                                            systems to find their young-
            Judge Manish Shah mulled  nearly  600  people  after                                                                sters and get them back.
            his  decision  for  just  a  few  hundreds  of  loudly  chant-                                                      For many, it has been a lop-
            hours  before  finding  that  ing  women  demonstrat-     Lidia  Karine  Souza  watches  as  one  of  her  attorneys  speaks   sided battle, and a frustrat-
            Lidia  Karine  Souza  can  ed  inside  a  Senate  office   outside U.S. District Court in Chicago, Thursday, June 28, 2018.   ing and heartbreaking one.
            have  custody  of  her  son,  building  against  Trump's                                           Associated Press  Most do not speak English.
            Diogo, who has spent four  immigration policy. Among                                                                Many know nothing about
            weeks  at  a  government-    those  arrested  was  Rep.  tegrity with little to no ben-  two or three days to file ad-  their   children's   where-
            contracted  shelter  in  Chi-  Pramila Jayapal, the Dem-  efit to the government's in-  ditional  arguments  on  any  abouts. And some say their
            cago.  Shah  ordered  that  ocrat    from   Washington  terests."                      constitutional  issues  raised  calls  to  the  government's
            the child be released Thurs-  state said on twitter.      Souza  has  been  allowed  by  the  case  because  she  1-800  information  hotline
            day,  but  didn't  specify  a  Meanwhile, Melania Trump  to  phone  her  son  for  just  had  a  flight  to  catch  in  a  have gone unanswered.
            time. Souza's attorneys said  spent  time  with  children  20  minutes  per  week.  She  few  hours,  the  mother's  Huge  logistical  challenges
            she would pick up her son  at  a  complex  in  Phoenix  has  said  he  would  beg  lawyer balked.                   remain,  and  whether  the
            Thursday afternoon.          where  dozens  of  migrant  her  though  tears  to  do  "I appreciate that the gov-    U.S. government can man-
            The  mother,  who  has  ap-  children  separated  from  everything  in  her  power  ernment  has  flights,"  Britt  age to clear away the red
            plied  for  asylum,  was  re-  their parents at the border  to  get  him  back  to  her.  Miller  told  the  judge.  "But  tape, confusion and seem-
            leased  from  an  immigrant  are being held.              The  27-year-old  woman  I have a 9-year-old in cus-      ing  lack  of  coordination
            detention  facility  in  Texas  Souza's  son  has  spent  four  searched for weeks to find  tody who is not allowed to  and make the deadline re-
            on June 9 and is living with  weeks  at  a  government-   Diogo  after  the  two  were  see his mother. Every single  mains to be seen.
            relatives outside Boston.    contracted  shelter  in  Chi-  separated at the border in  hour that passes is a hard-  Among    the   complicat-
            "We  are  thrilled  that  Lidia  cago,  much  of  it  alone  in  late May. When she was re-  ship on her and her child."  ing  factors:  Children  have
            Souza  and  her  son  will  be  a  room,  quarantined  with  leased, she filled out nearly  Government   attorney  been  sent  to  shelters  all
            reunited today as the result  chickenpox.  He  spent  his  40  pages  of  documents  Craig  Oswald  told  the  over  the  United  States,
            of  this  afternoon's  order,"  ninth  birthday  on  Monday  that  U.S.  officials  told  her  judge  that  U.S.  officials  thousands  of  miles  from
            attorneys  Jesse  Bless  and  without his mom.            were  required  to  regain  have been "raked over the  the  border.  And  perhaps
            Britt  Miller  said  in  a  written  Shah wrote that he under-  custody.               coals ... before" for not be-  hundreds  of  parents  have
            statement.  "Judge  Shah  stood  that  volume  of  pa-    Then they told her that the  ing  thorough  about  such  already  been  deported
            has  vindicated  the  rule  of  perwork,  filings  and  forms  rules  had  changed  and  background checks, which  from  the  U.S.  without  their
            law and taken a definitive  normally  required  before  that she needed any fam-       he  said  are  meant  to  en-  children.
            step to allow Lidia's son to  the  government  can  re-   ily  members  living  with  her  sure a child's safety.   Souza  and  her  son  were
            finally  be  with  her  again.  lease a child in its custody  in  the  United  States  to  be  Souza  was  seeking  safe-  separated  after  she  re-
            We  are  hopeful  that  this  are  intended  to  ensure  fingerprinted and still more  ty  by  coming  to  the  U.S.,  quested  asylum,  arguing
            outcome  will  benefit  other  the  child's  well-being.  But,  documents.             but  it's  not  the  safety  she  her life was in danger in her
            families  facing  similar  cir-  he said, "the government's  After  a  government  attor-  sought  for  herself  and  her  native  Brazil.  "I  came  out
            cumstances."                 interests   in   completing  ney told Shah at Thursday's  son. This was not the Ameri-  of  necessity,"  she  told  the
            Shah, the son of immigrants  certain  procedures  to  be  hearing that she may need  can dream.                     AP.q
            from  India,  took  just  four  sure  that  (Souza's  child)  is
            hours  before  posting  his  placed  in  a  safe  environ-
            written  ruling  after  a  hear-  ment and in managing the
            ing Thursday morning.        response  to  ongoing  class
            "Continued  separation  of  litigation  do  not  outweigh
            ... (the) nine year-old child,  the  family's  interest  in  re-
            and  Souza,"  he  wrote,  "ir-  uniting."
            reparably    harms    them  The fitness of the mother in
            both."                       this  case  isn't  questioned,
            The  decision  came  two  he  said,  so  dragging  out
            days after a different judge  processing  "only  serves  to
            ordered the government to  interfere  in  the  family's  in-
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