P. 9
WORLD NEWS Friday 29 June 2018
Pope to 14 new cardinals: Defend the dignity of the poor
By FRANCES D'EMILIO hand and briefly chatting newest cardinals.
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope with the emeritus pontiff. Other new cardinals in-
Francis gave the Catholic The new cardinals include clude:
Church 14 new cardinals Iraqi churchman Louis Ra- Monsignor Antonio dos
Thursday, exhorting them phael I Sako, the Baghdad- Santos Marto, bishop of Lei-
to resist any temptation to- based patriarch of Babylo- ria-Fatima, which includes
ward haughtiness and in- nia of the Chaldeans. Portugal's popular shrine
stead embrace "the great- Sako told Francis that he town;
est promotion" they could welcomed the pope's Monsignor Desire Tsara-
hope to obtain: tending "special attention" to the hazana, archbishop of
to those neglected or cast "small flock who make up Toamasina, Madagascar;
aside by society. the Christians in the Middle Monsignor Thomas Aquinas
Among those receiving the East, in Pakistan and in oth- Manyo, who was bishop of
cardinals' biretta — a crim- er countries who are under- Hiroshima before Francis
son-red square cap with going a difficult period due made him archbishop of
three ridges — was his point to the wars and sectarian- Osaka, Japan;
man for helping Rome's ism and where there are still Monsignor Luis Ladaria, a
homeless and poor. Polish martyrs." Spanish theologian who
Monsignor Konrad Krajew- A Pakistani prelate, Joseph heads the powerful Vati-
ski has handed out sleep- Coutts, archbishop of Kara- can office in charge of en-
ing bags to those spending chi, was another new car- suring doctrinal orthodoxy;
cold nights on the Italian Bolivian President Eva Morales embraces new Cardinal Toribio dinal. Monsignor Giovanni Ange-
capital's streets and driven Ticona Porco in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Thursday, June Addressing his "dear broth- lo Becciu, an Italian whose
vans taking the poor on 28, 2018. er cardinals and new car- diplomatic career includes
seaside daytrips arranged Associated Press dinals," the pope said the serving as ambassador to
by the Vatican. ter's Basilica. He lamented ties. "only credible form of au- Cuba;
The choices of many of the the "palace intrigues that After the ceremony, the thority is born of sitting at Monsignor Angelo De Do-
new cardinals reflected take place, even in curial pope and the new cardi- the feet of others in order natis, the Rome vicar gen-
Francis' determination that offices." nals took minivans to the to serve Christ." eral;
the church be known for "When we forget the mis- monastery on Vatican City In a sign of the pope's at- The three new prelates too
tireless attention to those sion, when we lose sight of grounds where Benedict tention to ordinary peo- old to vote in a conclave
on society's margins. He the real faces of our broth- XVI, who retired from the ple's suffering, Monsignor included Sergio Obeso Ri-
also turned his attention to ers and sisters, our life gets papacy in 2013, lives. Giuseppe Petrocchi , the vera, Emeritus Archbishop
countries located far from locked up in the pursuit of The cardinals each went archbishop of L'Aquila, an of Xalapa, Mexico; Spanish
the Vatican after centuries our own interests and se- up to greet the frail 91-year- Italian mountain town dev- priest Aquilino Bocos Meri-
of European dominance curities," Francis said. "The old Benedict, who was sit- astated by a 2009 earth- no; and Bolivian Monsignor
of the ranks of cardinals, church's authority grows ting in a chair, taking his quake, was among the Toribio Ticona Porco.q
honoring churchmen from with this ability to defend
Peru, Madagascar and Ja- the dignity of others."
pan, which has a tiny mi- "This is the highest honor
nority of Catholics. that we can receive, the
With Thursday's ceremony, greatest promotion that
there are now 226 cardi- can be awarded us: to
nals worldwide, 74 of them serve Christ in God's faithful
named by Francis during people," Francis said, go-
his 5-year-old papacy. ing on to cite the "hungry,
Of that total, 125 cardinals neglected, imprisoned,
are younger than 80 and sick, suffering, addicted to
can vote in a conclave for drugs, cast aside."
the next pope when the At a post-ceremony recep-
current pope dies or re- tion, Peru's new cardinal,
signs: 59 of them appoint- Huancayo Archbishop Pe-
ed by Francis, 47 by Pope dro Barreto Jimeno, a Je-
Benedict XVI, his predeces- suit like Pope Francis, was
sor, and 19 named by Pope asked which pressing ques-
John Paul II. tions churchmen should ur-
Three of those named gently address.
Thursday are too old to The cardinal told the AP
participate in selecting the that the "social exclusion"
next pope. of migrants is an issue "all
In his homily, Francis told the must address."
new cardinals to avoid the Francis recently has ap-
"quest of honors, jealousy, pealed to all nations to be
envy, intrigue, accommo- more welcoming to the ref-
dation and compromise." ugees they can adequate-
"What does it gain the ly integrate into society.
world if we are living in a The Peruvian cardinal also
stifling atmosphere of in- cited the need to fight cor-
trigues that dry up our ruption worldwide. Francis
hearts and impede our mis- has made battling corrup-
sion?" the pope asked dur- tion inside the church also
ing the ceremony at St. Pe- one of his papacy's priori-