P. 13
Friday 29 June 2018
“Under the Stars” event today at Cosecha Aruba
food and drinks so every-
There will be a variety of one can have a pleasant
ORANJESTAD ― This eve- pieces and local products performing this evening will craftsman’s and artists this time.
ning Cosecha Aruba to- like wine made right here be the famous group Nos evening. Available prod-
gether with Taste my Aru- in Aruba. Cultura (Our Culture). Nos ucts will be paintings, glass Visit Cosecha Aruba Face-
ba once again are having Cultura has been danc- artifacts, copper artifacts, book page: www.facebo-
an amazing event called Also this evening they will ing folklore music since the clay artifacts and much
“Under the Stars”. During be celebrating St.John year 2000 under the direc- more. This way visitors can or pass by this evening,
this evening our local ar- once again so the all our tion of Ms.Judith Martha distinguish local products their workers are waiting
tists and craftmans will shi- tourist can see how this is who has an ample experi- from imported one’s. Also to answer all your ques-
ne presenting their hand celebrated here in Aru- ence in dancing for almost Taste my Aruba will be hav- tion about the products for
made artifacts but also art ba. The Group that will be 40 years. ing a menu with delicious available. q
ARU- CURMIL Candidates finalize their FINEX for the first time in Fort
Amsterdam Curaçao
CURAÇAO ― The basic mili-
tary formation on Aruba
and Curaçao finalizes be-
tween the 3 and 6 of July
with their final exercise,
also named FINEX. Tradi-
tionally the FINEX consist of
a final march of 25 kilome-
ters in military clothing and
equipment. Friday July 6
the reception of the can-
didates that successfully
manage to finalize this jour-
ney is taking place. This is
the first time that this event
is being celebrated public-
ly in this case in the patio of candidates. After the inten- basic skills and drills at a in-
Fort Amsterdam Curaçao. sive formation which con- dividual level are central.
sisted of 11 months, only 37 These military formation stu-
At 8.35 am the students students will march across dents learn the ranks and
who have finalized this the Pontjesbrug on that Fri- posts and also how to help
course will march thru Bree- day. themselves and assist their
destraat and Brionplein colleagues. They’re also
across the Pontjesbrug in EMV ( Elementary Military instructed on military dis-
the direction of Fort Ams- Formation) ciplines and they are also
terdam. Between 9.15 am The “Elementary Military thought how to use military
and 10.00 am the ceromo- Formation” or EMV is a basic weapons. And soon after
ny will be held in the patio formation with a duration of this they start with combat
of Fort Amsterdam. 11 months. The first phase is formation. The third and fi-
This military formation star- where the basic formation nal phase consists of secu-
ted in August 2017 with 67 happens, this is where the rity and surveillance. q