P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 29 June 2018

            Stimami, Sterilisami spay and neutering

            program wins major Caribbean Award

             EAGLEBEACH ― The Carib-                                  wants  to  help  reduce  the
             bean Hotel & Tourism Asso-  Since the program’s imple-   population  of  abandoned
             ciation  recognized  Bucuti  mentation,  Bucuti  &  Tara  animals  and  promote  re-
             & Tara Beach Resort with an  has  donated  more  than  sponsible  pet  ownership
             award for Social Responsi-  AFL 475,000 (US$265,000) to  on Aruba,” says Ewald Bie-
             bility  at  its  annual  CHIEF  Stimami,  Sterilisami.  By  the  mans,  CEO  and  owner  of
             Conference  in  Miami.  The  end of 2018, the anticipat-  Bucuti  &  Tara  Beach  Re-
             Eagle Beach resort consid-  ed  total  surgeries  is  9,200.  sort.  “Stimami,  Sterilisami
             ers  the  community,  par-  The projected unborn pup-    spay  and  neutering  pet
             ticularly  the  beloved  furry  pies  and  kittens  over  five  program  provides  an  ethi-
             four-legged  members,  to  years  is  107,000,000  —  a  cal solution allowing island
             be  the  true  winners  since  feat  for  the  tiny  Dutch  is-  dogs  and  cats  to  thrive  in
             the  award  recognizes  the  land  of  just  100,000  resi-  a  healthy  manner  helping
             resort’s  successful  spay  dents.                       to  curb  the  heartbreaking
             &  neutering  program,  Sti-                             lives so many have faced.”
             mami, Sterilisami.          As the program has grown,
                                         sponsors have joined Bucu-   This  latest  CHIEF  Award
             In  January  2016,  Bucuti  &  ti & Tara’s efforts. Contribu-  joins  Bucuti  &  Tara’s  previ-
             Tara  introduced  the  com-  tions  from  the  Aruba  Tour-  ous wins  for Environmental
             munity  outreach  program  ism  Authority  and  Aruba  Sustainability  and  Social
             providing  subsidies  for  the  Tourism  Product  Enhance-  Responsibility.  As  an  eco-
             sterilization  surgeries  along  ment Fund have helped in-  pioneer  in  the  region,  the
             with  microchipping  for  is-  crease the resort’s support  resort’s  commitment  to
             land dogs and cats. Team-   of the foundation allowing  sustainability  continues  to
             ing  up  with  the  island’s  more cats and dogs to be  include  both  the  property
             veterinarians,   to   date,  sterilized in a shorter period  and  community  endeav-
             more than 7,000 pets have  of time.                      ors.
             been  sterilized  and  micro-                            To  learn  more,  visit  Bucuti.
             chipped.                    “Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort  com.  q
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