P. 20

                        Friday 29 June 2018

            Belgium beats England 1-0, moves into tougher side of draw

            By ROB HARRIS                                                                                                       letdown.
            AP Global Soccer Writer                                                                                             England  goalkeeper  Jor-
            KALININGRAD,  Russia  (AP)                                                                                          dan  Pickford  made  an
            — England barely seemed                                                                                             early  save  on  a  shot  from
            troubled by losing. Belgium                                                                                         Youri  Tielemans.  And  after
            appeared  to  be  a  reluc-                                                                                         a fumble by Pickford, Gary
            tant winner.                                                                                                        Cahill  made  a  goal-line
            Such was the curious con-                                                                                           clearance.
            clusion to the group stage                                                                                          On  the  other  end,  Kane's
            at the World Cup on Thurs-                                                                                          replacement  up  front  for
            day. Neither team needed                                                                                            England, Jamie Vardy, tried
            to win and there was good                                                                                           his luck with a header. Mar-
            reason  for  neither  to  even                                                                                      cus Rashford came closest
            want to win.                                                                                                        for  England  at  the  start  of
            Belgium  did  collect  the                                                                                          the second half but his low
            three  points,  beating  Eng-                                                                                       shot was tipped around the
            land  1-0,  and  secured  first                                                                                     post by Belgium goalkeep-
            place in the group on Ad-                                                                                           er Thibaut Courtois.
            nan  Januzaj's  curling  shot.                                                                                      If  the  script  was  to  avoid
            But that might not turn out                                                                                         winning,   Januzaj   didn't
            to  be  the  desirable  out-                                                                                        read  it.  Picking  up  posses-
            come  since  the  victory  di-                                                                                      sion  on  the  edge  of  the
            verted  Belgium  onto  the   England goalkeeper Jordan Pickford fails to make a save as Belgium's Adnan Januzaj scores the   penalty  area,  he  shifted
            tougher  potential  path  to   opening goal during the group G match between England and Belgium at the 2018 soccer World   the  ball  around  Danny
            the final.                   Cup in the Kaliningrad Stadium in Kaliningrad, Russia, Thursday, June 28, 2018.        Rose and curled it into the
            Although    Belgium    gets                                                                        Associated Press  corner of the net in the 51st
            what  appears  to  be  an                                                                                           minute.
            easier  match  against  Ja-  ing  they  were  already  in  and Switzerland.            goals  watched  the  match  JANUZAJ'S RE-EMERGENCE
            pan  in  the  round  of  16,  it  the second round. Belgium  "We  don't  suffer  for  (the  from  the  bench.  So  did  Januzaj  was  briefly  one
            could get trickier with a vic-  made  nine  changes  and  loss),"   Southgate   said.  Romelu  Lukaku,  who  has  of  the  most  talked  about
            tory  in  Rostov-on-Don  on  still  won.  England  lost  the  "When  you  are  a  leader  scored four for Belgium.  players  in  the  world  when
            Monday.  Brazil,  Portugal,  top  spot  after  dropping  and  a  manager  you  have  "We  don't  like  to  lose,  but  he scored twice in his Man-
            France  and  Argentina  are  Harry  Kane,  the  tourna-   to make decisions that are  tonight  there  were  other  chester  United  debut  in
            possible future opponents.   ment's leading scorer, and  right  for  your  group  and  factors that were more im-   2013.  There  was  even  talk
            "I don't think you can plan  seven others.                your  primary  objectives.  portant,"  Southgate  said.  of  him  becoming  eligible
            the  ideal  scenario,"  Bel-  England  coach  Gareth  Sometimes  those  decisions  "We know our strongest 11,  to play for England on resi-
            gium  coach  Roberto  Mar-   Southgate  could  barely  will be criticized ... but you  but  what's  pleasing  is  that  dency grounds.
            tinez  said.  "You  have  seen  contain  his  delight  in  find-  have  to  think  about  the  there  are  guys  that  have  Januzaj opted for Belgium,
            big  nations  coming  very  ing himself on the less chal-  bigger picture."            put their hand up tonight to  but his career faltered. Af-
            close  to  elimination,  or  al-  lenging side of the draw. His  For  Southgate,  it  was  as  really push for a place."  ter  a  detour  at  Borussia
            ready eliminated."           team  will  face  Colombia  much about ensuring play-     KEY TO SUCCESS               Dortmund and Sunderland,
            Thanks  to  a  pair  of  open-  on Tuesday in Moscow, fol-  ers  like  Kane  did  not  pick  What  could  have  been  a  he found a new home last
            ing  victories  for  both,  Eng-  lowed  by  possible  match-  up  injuries  in  a  game  that  tantalizing match between  year at Real Sociedad.
            land  and  Belgium  entered  ups  against  Spain,  Russia,  wasn't  essential.  The  lead-  two strong European teams  "In  England  I  had  a  lot  of
            the Group G match know-      Croatia, Denmark, Sweden  ing scorer in Russia with five  turned out to be a bit of a  criticism. q

             With World Cup field halved, here's a look at what's next

             MOSCOW  (AP)  —  The  loaded France squad plays                                                                   Group  C  vs.  Group  D,
             World  Cup  started  with  Lionel Messi and Argentina                                                             Group G vs. Group H
             eight groups of four, 32 na-  in  Saturday's  early  game,                                                        Sunday  starts  with  Russia
             tions in all seeking to make  followed  by  Uruguay  and                                                          hosting  Spain  in  Moscow's
             it  to  the  knockout  stage.  Luis  Suarez  against  Portu-                                                      main stadium, with the late
             Colombia and — just bare-   gal  and  Cristiano  Ronaldo                                                          game  pitting  Denmark,
             ly  —  Japan  grabbed  the  , with the winners meeting                                                            which hasn't lost since the
             two spots from Group H in  July 6. Belgium — one of the                                                           fall  of  2016,  against  Croa-
             Thursday's  early  matches,  few top-tier teams to deliv-                                                         tia, which eased through its
             and  England  and  Belgium  er on its hype so far — plays                                                         group with three wins. The
             sorted out the top of Group  Japan, which sneaked out                                                             winners meet July 7.
             F later that night to solidify  of its group because it got                                                       England will carry high ex-
             the field going forward.    fewer  yellow  cards  than                                                            pectations  into  its  match
             Here's a look at what's next,  Senegal.  Monday's  later                                                          Tuesday  against  a  talent-
             starting  with  the  round  of  match  pits  Neymar  and  a                                                       ed  Colombia  team  after
             16 :                        Brazil  lineup  that  seems  to                                                       essentially  choosing  that
             Group A vs. Group B, Group  be  finding  its  form  against                                                       matchup  by  fielding  a
             E vs. Group F               a  mercurial  Mexico  squad   England  goalkeeper  Jordan  Pickford  fails  to  make  a  save  as   squad of reserves in its last
                                                                      Belgium's  Adnan  Januzaj  scores  the  opening  goal  during  the
             This  half  of  the  bracket  that knocked off Germany   group  G  match  between  England  and  Belgium  at  the  2018   group  game  against  Bel-
             features  big  names  in  two  and  South  Korea  but  got   soccer  World  Cup  in  the  Kaliningrad  Stadium  in  Kaliningrad,  gium. The winners play July
             high-powered      matches  hammered  by  Sweden  .       Russia, Thursday, June 28, 2018.                         7 for the right to go to the
             right  out  of  the  gate:  A  The winners play July 6.                                           Associated Press  semifinals.q
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