P. 25

BUSINESS                 Friday 29 June 2018

             2Q Fund : Better, but still not easy, for investors

            By STAN CHOE                                                                                                        versus  2.6  percent  for  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    S&P 500.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Invest-                                                                                         — Small was big.
            ing in funds was still nerve-                                                                                       One  of  the  darkest  clouds
            wracking  in  the  second                                                                                           hanging  over  the  market
            quarter, but at least it was                                                                                        is the threat of a trade war
            a bit more rewarding                                                                                                between the United States
            As  the  quarter  comes  to                                                                                         and its global allies and ri-
            a  close,  most  stock  funds                                                                                       vals  alike.  Investors  found
            are showing gains, making                                                                                           refuge  in  companies  that
            up  for  losses  they  incurred                                                                                     do  most  of  their  business
            in  the  first  three  months  of                                                                                   at  home,  which  ostensibly
            the year. Surprisingly strong                                                                                       would be hurt less by trade
            profit reports from compa-                                                                                          restrictions  than  big  multi-
            nies  and  an  accelerating                                                                                         national companies.
            economy  helped  provide                                                                                            Enter small-cap stock funds.
            support.  Losses  for  bond                                                                                         All  the  interest  in  smaller
            funds  were  milder,  mean-                                                                                         companies  drove  the  iS-
            while,  and  many  investors                                                                                        hares Russell 2000 ETF to its
            with  balanced  portfolios                                                                                          best  quarterly  return  since
            came out of the spring with                                                                                         2016,  as  of  Wednesday.
            better  returns  than  they                                                                                         The   average    small-cap
            had during the first quarter.                                                                                       growth stock fund returned
            Fund  investors  had  to  en-  In this April 5, 2018, file photo, a screen above the floor of the New York Stock Exchange shows   8.5  percent  over  the  last
            dure  another  topsy-turvy   the closing number for the Dow Jones industrial average.              Associated Press  three  months,  easily  top-
            quarter;  any  gains  they                                                                                          ping  the  5.1  percent  and
            made  didn't  come  eas-     where  it  lost  more  than  1  share  for  the  first  quarter  are  getting  the  most  at-  4.2  percent  returns  for  its
            ily.  Worries  about  a  pos-  percent, as of Wednesday.  that  were  roughly  20  per-  tention from investors, and   large-  and  mid-cap  coun-
            sible trade war weighed on   That's one more than it had  cent  higher  than  a  year  stock  funds  that  focus  on   terparts, respectively.
            markets  around  the  world,   in all of last year.       earlier. They gave credit to  technology and other high-  —  Emerging-market  funds
            and  the  Federal  Reserve   Here's  a  look  at  some  of  lower tax rates and a strong  growth areas had some of   took a beating.
            surprised much of the bond   the trends that shaped the  global  economy,  and  ex-    the quarter's best returns.  Stocks  from  China,  Bra-
            market with a more aggres-   quarter:                     pectations are high for simi-  American  Funds'  Growth   zil  and  other  developing
            sive plan for rate increases.  — Growth was king.         lar gains for the remainder  Fund  of  America,  one  of   countries  are  notorious  for
            How  chaotic  was  it?  Van-  Profit   growth   exploded  of the year.                 the  largest  growth  stock   having high highs and low
            guard's  Total  Stock  Mar-  across  the  economy,  with  Companies  that  are  deliv-  funds, returned 4.8 percent   lows.  They've  lived  up  to
            ket  Index  fund,  the  largest   companies  in  the  S&P  500  ering  even  bigger  growth  for  the  quarter  through   that  reputation  so  far  this
            fund by assets, had six days   reporting   earnings   per  than the rest of the market  Wednesday,  for  example,   year.q

            Goodbye, Geoffrey: Toys R Us closing its last stores

            By ANNE D'INNOCENZIO         But  many  of  the  children  after  a  leveraged  buyout  to  fill  the  hole,  while  Party  Will the Toys R Us name and
            Associated Press             who  happily  sang  the  "I  that left it unable to invest  City  is  opening  50  pop-up  mascot disappear forever?
            NEW YORK (AP) — Toys R Us  don't wanna grow up, I'm a  and keep up.                    toy shops this fall.         An  auction  for  the  com-
            is closing its last U.S. stores by  Toys R Us kid" jingle grew into  As the last of the U.S. stores  Toys  R  Us  filed  for  Chapter  pany's name, baby shower
            Friday, the end of a chain  busy  parents  who  found  close,  more  than  30,000  11  reorganization  last  fall  registry  and  various  trade-
            known  to  generations  of  shopping online more con-     workers  will  be  looking  for  and pledged to stay open,  marks is set for late July. q
            children  and  parents  for  venient.   The   company,  work.  Toys  R  Us'  troubles  but  had  poor  sales  during
            its sprawling stores, brightly  which  also  owned  the  Ba-  have also shaken some big  the  critical  holiday  season
            colored logo and Geoffrey  bies  R  Us  chain,  was  hob-  toy makers like Mattel and  as  customers  and  vendors
            the giraffe mascot.          bled  by  $5  billion  in  debt  Hasbro.                  shied  away.  In  January,  it
                                                                      Customers  who  were  still  announced  plans  to  close
                                                                      devoted  will  be  looking  about  180  stores,  but  then
                                                                      elsewhere to shop. Retailers  in March it said it would liq-
                                                                      like Walmart and Target are  uidate  the  rest  of  the  700-
                                                                      expanding  their  toy  aisles  plus stores.

             This Jan. 24, 2018, file photo shows a person walking near the
             entrance to a Toys R Us store, in Wayne, N.J.
                                                     Associated Press
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