P. 28

                        Friday 29 June 2018

            More delay, cost for NASA's next-generation space telescope

            By MARCIA DUNN                                                                                                      Besides  improved  over-
            AP Aerospace Writer                                                                                                 sight,  he  said  there  will  be
            CAPE    CANAVERAL,      Fla.                                                                                        more  quality  control  and
            (AP) — NASA's next-gener-                                                                                           more  NASA  engineers  will
            ation space telescope has                                                                                           be taking part in everything
            been delayed yet again at                                                                                           moving forward.
            a staggering cost of $1 mil-                                                                                        "We  have  to  get  this  right
            lion a day.                                                                                                         here on the ground, before
            For the third time in less than                                                                                     we  go  to  space,"  Zurbu-
            a year, the space agency                                                                                            chen  said.  "Webb  is  worth
            announced a lengthy post-                                                                                           the wait."
            ponement  Wednesday  for                                                                                            Northrup  Grumman  ac-
            the  James  Webb  Space                                                                                             knowledged that problems
            Telescope  .  The  observa-                                                                                         have  put  the  project  be-
            tory  will  now  fly  no  earlier                                                                                   hind  schedule.  The  com-
            than  2021;  until  last  fall,  it                                                                                 pany  said  it  has  changed
            was on the books for a 2018                                                                                         the way it works to prevent
            launch.                                                                                                             future issues.
            The telescope's overall cost                                                                                        "We will not sacrifice quality
            is  now  expected  to  reach                                                                                        for  schedule.  Mission  suc-
            nearly  $10  billion.  Devel-                                                                                       cess is our number one pri-
            opment cost alone will ex-                                                                                          ority," spokesman Tim Payn-
            ceed the $8 billion cap set                                                                                         ter said in a statement.
            by Congress by more than     This 2015 artist's rendering provided by Northrop Grumman via NASA shows the James Webb   The  review  board  has  is-
            $800 million, and require re-  Space Telescope. On Wednesday, June 27, 2018, NASA announced that the next-generation   sued 32 recommendations
            authorization.               telescope will now fly no earlier than 2021 and the its lifetime cost is now expected to reach   and NASA intends to imple-
            An  independent  review      nearly $10 billion.                                                   Associated Press   ment them all, officials said.
            board  cites  worker  error                                                                                         Last  September,  NASA  an-
            and  embedded  hardware      valves  had  to  be  repaired  tions.  Worker  morale  also  cessor to the Hubble Space   nounced  it  was  delaying
            problems  for  much  of  the   or replaced.               took a hit as the problems  Telescope  —  is  meant  to   Webb's  launch  from  2018
            escalating  costs  and  de-  Spacecraft  sensors  were  mounted;  the  team  had  peer  farther  into  space        to  2019.  Then  in  March,
            lays.                        also  zapped  with  excess  limited  time  off  because  and deeper into time than     the launch was postponed
            In  a  vibration  test  of  the   voltage  due  to  improper  of  excessive  overtime,  the  ever before. It will operate   from 2019 to 2020. Now it's
            telescope  earlier  this  year   wiring.  The  inspector  on  board said.              from a point 1 million miles   March 30, 2021.
            in California by prime con-  duty  relied  on  the  techni-  NASA   repeatedly   was  (1.6 million kilometers) from   The  observatory's  original
            tractor Northrop Grumman,    cian's word that he'd wired  over-optimistic  in  the  work  Earth,  unreachable  by  as-  launch date was 2010 and
            dozens  of  loose  fasteners   it  correctly  and  did  not  schedule,  especially  giv-  tronauts  like  the  low-orbit-  the cost under $1 billion. It
            — some 70 pieces in all —    double-check  the  work,  en  the  complexities  and  ing  Hubble  —  launched  in     was  named  after  NASA's
            came  off.  A  few  pieces   the board said.              unique  features  of  the  1990 with a misshapen mir-     second  administrator,  who
            are  still  missing  and  could   These are just some of the  Webb  telescope,  Young  ror — was.                   spearheaded  the  Apollo
            well be inside the observa-  "seemingly  small"  mistakes  said.  Its  sunshield,  the  size  "Make  no  mistake,  I'm  not   moon landings.
            tory. The lock nuts were not   that  could  and  should  of a tennis court once un-    happy  sitting  here  having   Young  said  if  the  board's
            tightened  properly  before   have  been  avoided,  the  furled  in  space,  is  needed  to share this story. We never   recommendations are "rig-
            the test, according to a re-  board  said.  The  loose  and  to  keep  the  infrared  tele-  want to do this. We always   orously implemented," then
            port by the board.           lost  nuts  and  bolts  alone  scope cold and is a major  want to talk about the suc-  the newest date is feasible.
            In  another  mishap,  the    were enough to bump the  risk area, he said.              cesses that we have," said   He  warned  the  new  date
            wrong  solvent  was  used    mission  into  2021,  officials  Despite  the  many  prob-  NASA's   science   mission   does  not  allow  for  any
            to  clean  spacecraft  pro-  noted.                       lems,  the  review  board  chief Thomas Zurbuchen.        more  major  problems  or
            pulsion  valves.  No  one    The  29-month  delay  from  urges that the project con-   Zurbuchen     said   NASA    mistakes, or extra excessive
            bothered     checking    to   2018  to  2021  represents  a  tinue given its "compelling"  should  have  been  provid-  testing.
            see  whether  the  cleaner   $1 billion hit — not including  scientific potential and na-  ing  better  oversight  and  is   "The  complexity  and  risk
            might  damage  the  equip-   the  cost  of  implementing  tional importance.           part  of  the  problem  along   cannot  be  overstated  or
            ment,  said  review  board   the  board's  recommenda-    Webb — considered a suc-     with  Northrop  Grumman.     overestimated," he said.q
            chairman  Tom  Young.  The
            Redwood grove on California coast to become public park

             STEWARTS POINT, Calif. (AP)  quiring a grove in Northern  some taller than the Statue  sprawling forest in Sonoma  a lot we can't save, but we
             — An environmental group  California  with  hundreds  of  Liberty,  and  is  planning  County   matches     Muir  can save this."
             said  Tuesday  that  it  is  ac-  of  ancient  redwood  trees,  to  preserve  it  and  open  a  Woods' majesty. One of its  The tallest of the 1,450 trees
                                                                      public park.                 oldest  trees  in  the  grove  in the grove is 313 feet (95
                                                                      Save     the    Redwoods  has  a  diameter  of  19  feet  meters), taller than the Stat-
                                                                      League said it is purchasing  (6 meters) — wider than a  ue of Liberty, Hodder said.
                                                                      the  738-acre  grove,  which  two-lane road.              The tallest at Muir Woods is
                                                                      is  a  third  larger  than  Muir  "The  unique  element  of  258 feet (79 meters).
                                                                      Woods     National   Monu-   this  property  is  that  it's  an  The land has been owned
                                                                      ment  and  has  47  percent  undisturbed  ancient  for-   for  a  century  by  the  Rich-
                                                                      more old-growth trees, the  est  ecosystem,"  said  Sam  ardson family, whose patri-
                                                                      San Francisco Chronicle re-  Hodder,  president  of  the  arch,  Herbert  Archer  Rich-
                                                                      ported.                      Redwoods  League.  "This  is  ardson, first bought the for-
                                                                      Known  as  Harold  Richard-  a  special  place.  We  want  est in 1918.q
                                                                      son Redwoods Reserve, the  people to see it. ... There's
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