P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Friday 29 June 2018
            High time for Cheech's art museum: California gives millions

            By JOHN ROGERS                                                                                                      to Riverside's historic Mission
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Inn, a stopping point since
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Just                                                                                         it  opened  in  the  1870s  for
            months  after  California  le-                                                                                      numerous  celebrities  and
            galized  recreational  mari-                                                                                        presidents  including  Theo-
            juana  the  state  is  giving                                                                                       dore  Roosevelt,  Richard
            stoner  comedian  Cheech                                                                                            Nixon and George W. Bush.
            Marin's  Chicano  art  muse-                                                                                        Marin,  a  lifelong  art  lover,
            um $9.7 million.                                                                                                    began  collecting  soon  af-
            It must be kismet.                                                                                                  ter he and cannabis com-
            The  money  was  rolled  up                                                                                         edy partner Tommy Chong
            in the $139 billion California                                                                                      became  famous  in  the
            budget  for  2018-2019  that                                                                                        1970s.
            Gov.  Jerry  Brown  signed                                                                                          He's said over the years he
            Wednesday.                                                                                                          focused  on  Chicano  art
            The  Cheech  Marin  Center                                                                                          not so much because he's
            for  Chicano  Art,  Culture                                                                                         a Chicano but because of
            and  Industry  is  scheduled                                                                                        how  brilliant  he  found  the
            to open in 2020 in Riverside,                                                                                       artists to be and how, in the
            east of Los Angeles.                                                                                                early years, so few people
            "The Cheech," as Marin pre-                                                                                         were aware of their work.
            fers to call it, will include ap-                                                                                   That  began  to  change  as
            proximately  700  paintings,                                                                                        Marin,  71,  persuaded  mu-
            drawings,  sculptures  and   In this Sept. 6, 2013, file photo, Cheech Marin speaks of his personal art collection at the   seums  across  the  country
            other  works  he's  collected   University of Wyoming Art Museum in Laramie, Wyo.                                   to  stage  exhibitions.  After
            over more than 30 years.                                                                           Associated Press  one at the Riverside Art Mu-
            Among  them  are  works                                                                                             seum  last  year  drew  more
            by such internationally ac-  years of finding a home for  around  the  world,"  Marin  raised  approximately  $3  than  double  its  normal
            claimed  Chicano  artists  as  the  hundreds  of  pieces  of  said   Wednesday.   "The  million  since  plans  for  the  attendance  officials  ap-
            Gilbert "Magú" Lujan, Frank  art that I have spent much  Riverside  community  has  museum were unveiled last  proached  him  about  per-
            Romero  and  Carlos  Alma-   of  my  life  collecting,  pro-  made this dream a reality."  year.                    manently  housing  his  col-
            raz.                         tecting and showing, when  Marin  and  the  Riverside  It will be located in a refur-  lection there.q
            "I have dreamed for many  possible, at major museums  Art  Museum  had  already  bished  building  next  door

            Giffin ventures into new territory in 'All We Ever Wanted'

            By LINCEE RAY                into  wealth.  She's  always  husband  tries  to  throw  the  more  she  realizes  that
            Associated Press             worked hard to make sure  money  at  the  problem  her marriage is broken and
            "All We Ever Wanted" (Bal-   her  only  son  doesn't  take  to  make  it  go  away.  She  her elite community is a fa-
            lantine Books), by Emily Gif-  their good fortune for grant-  doesn't believe Finch's be-  cade of real life.
            fin                          ed.  Finch  is  on  the  brink  havior can be categorized  "All We Ever Wanted" is an
            Best-selling author Emily Gif-  of starting his life at an Ivy  as  "bad  judgment."  More-  emotional   journey   that
            fin ventures into new territo-  League college, just like his  over, there's a young wom-  forces  readers  to  think
            ry in "All We Ever Wanted."  father dreamed. The world  an out there who's crushed.  through  certain  scenarios.
            If you're looking for a book  is at his feet. Unfortunately,  Nina ignores her husband's  The novel analyzes the intri-
            about    romance,    single  he takes a cruel photo of a  wishes and reaches out to  cacies of parenthood and
            parenthood,  race,  gender  young girl passed out at a  the girl.                      the pain of standing beside
            injustice,  lost  love,  or  high-  party and it spreads around  Lyla  wants  to  forget  what  a child in need, no matter   This cover image released by
            class privilege, this novel is  the school. Suddenly, his fu-  happened,  but  her  father  what  —  even  if  that  child   Ballantine shows "All We Ever
            for you.                     ture is in jeopardy.         has  other  plans.  The  more  isn't your own.q           Wanted," a novel by Emily
            Nina    Browning   married  Nina  is  mortified  when  her  Nina tries to set things right,                         Giffin.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            Jury: Dr. Dre's Beats headphones owes ex-partner $25 million

            By ANDREW DALTON                                                                       founder  of  Interscope  Re-  argued he was only owed
            Associated Press                                                                       cords, were not in court for  for  one  product,  the  origi-
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — A jury                                                              the  verdict.  Both  testified  nal Studio model, and was
            on Wednesday found that                                                                during  the  three-week  trial  already paid.
            Dr.  Dre,  music  mogul  Jim-                                                          and sat in the audience for  "The  jury  really  validated
            my  Iovine  and  their  head-                                                          opening statements.          our theory of the case, that
            phone    company     Beats                                                             The suit said Lamar in 2006  Mr.  Lamar  was  involved
            Electronics  LLC  owe  a  for-                                                         came  to  Dr.  Dre,  whose  in  the  founding  of  Beats,"
            mer partner $25.2 million in                                                           real name is Andre Young,  Lamar's  attorney  Stephen
            royalties.                                                                             with the idea for celebrity-  E.  Morrissey  said  outside
            The  Los  Angeles  Superior                                                            endorsed headphones. At-     court.  "It's  not  everything
            Court  jury  found  Wednes-                                                            torneys for Lamar contend-   we  were  asking  for,  but
            day  by  a  9-3  margin  that                                                          ed he was owed over $130  we're happy."
            Beats breached a contract                                                              million for a dozen different  Lamar  said  the  award
            with Steven Lamar and his                                                              models of headphones.        could grow because of fu-
            company Jibe Audio.          In this Nov. 5, 2014 file photo, Jimmy Iovine, left, and Dr. Dre,   The  defendants  acknowl-  ture  sales  of  headphones
            Dr.  Dre  and  Iovine,  the   right, attend the WSJ.                  Associated Press  edged  that  Lamar  was  in-  still on the market.q
            music  producer  and  co-                                                              volved  in  initial  plans,  but
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