P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Friday 29 June 2018

            NFL suspends Buccaneers QB

            Jameis Winston for 3 games

            By FRED GOODALL              interviews with several per-  me  grow,  mature  and
            AP Sports Writer             sons,  including  the  driver,  learn." Winston added that
            TAMPA,  Fla.  (AP)  —  The  Winston  and  others  with  he  has  eliminated  alcohol
            Tampa  Bay  Buccaneers  relevant  information,"  the  from his life.
            will  open  the  season  with-  NFL said in a statement an-  Winston,  who's  thrown  for
            out  quarterback  Jameis  nouncing  the  suspension.  11,636 yards and 69 touch-
            Winston, who has been sus-   "The league also examined  downs in three NFL seasons,
            pended  three  games  for  an  extensive  amount  of  has started 45 of the Bucs'
            violating the NFL's personal  other  evidence,  including  past  48  games.  He  missed
            conduct policy.              telephone  records,  busi-   three  games  last  season
            Winston said in a statement  ness  records,  data  from  with  a  shoulder  injury  and
            released on Facebook that  electronic     devices   and  the Bucs finished 5-11, miss-
            the  NFL  informed  him  of  other communications."       ing the playoffs for the 10th
            their  decision  on  Thursday.  The  Bucs  drafted  Winston  straight season.
            The  discipline  stems  from  No.  1  overall  in  2015,  de-  He will miss the Bucs' season
            the  league's  investigation  spite  questions  about  the  opener at New Orleans on
            of  an  accusation  that  the  young  quarterback's  be-  Sept.  9,  as  well  as  homes
            2013  Heisman  Trophy  win-  havior  during  his  college  games  against  defending
            ner groped a female Uber  career at Florida State.        Super Bowl champion Phil-
            driver  during  a  ride  the  Winston,  24,  was  accused  adelphia  and  Pittsburgh.
            quarterback  took  in  Arizo-  of  raping  a  fellow  student  He will be eligible to return
            na, where Winston was at-    at  FSU,  but  was  never  to  the  team  on  Sept.  25,
            tending  a  charity  event  in  charged. The university set-  the  day  after  Tampa  Bay
            March 2016.                  tled a Title IX lawsuit over its  plays the Steelers.     In  this  June  14,  2018,  file  photo,  Tampa  Bay  Buccaneers
                                                                                                   quarterback Jameis Winston (3) throws during an NFL football
            The  driver  did  not  file  a  handling of the allegations  The  league  said  Winston   minicamp in Tampa, Fla.
            criminal  or  civil  complaint,  with   Winston's   accuser,  is  also  required  to  have                                      Associated Press
            however  she  reported  the  Erica  Kinsman,  in  January  a  clinical  evaluation  and
            incident  to  Uber.  The  NFL  2016 for $1.7 million.     cooperate  in  any  recom-   conduct policy of the NFL,"  sion by the commissioner."
            learned  of  the  allegation,  Winston  said  in  his  state-  mended program of thera-  the  Bucs  said  in  a  state-  The  suspension  will  cost
            when it was reported pub-    ment  Thursday  that  "in  the  peutic intervention.      ment.  "We  are  disappoint-  Winston  $124,411  of  his
            licly last November.         past  2½  years  my  life  has  "All  members  of  our  orga-  ed that Jameis put himself  base salary of $705,000 for
            "The  league  promptly  initi-  been  filled  with  experi-  nization  are  expected  to  in a position that has been  the upcoming season. The
            ated  a  comprehensive  in-  ences,  opportunities  and  conduct themselves in ac-     found to violate the policy  quarterback  is  set  to  earn
            vestigation  that  included  events  that  have  helped  cordance with the personal  and  accept  today's  deci-    $20.9 million in 2019.q

            EASTBOURNE                   years, lost 6-3, 2-6, 7-6 (5) in                                                       ty returned into the net.
            Continued from Page 18       2 hours, 12 minutes.                                                                   Wozniacki  will  play  fourth-
            Cecchinato,  who  is  seed-  It  was  Sabalenka's  first  win                                                       seeded  Angelique  Kerber,
            ed  fourth,  will  face  Lukas  over a top-10 player.                                                               who  prevailed  over  Daria
            Lacko in the other semifinal  Sabalenka,  who  is  ranked                                                           Kasatkina  6-1,  6-7  (3),  7-6
            after beating John Millman  45th  in  the  world,  fought                                                           (3). Kerber seemed on her
            of Australia 5-7, 6-3, 6-2.  back  from  a  4-1  deficit                                                            way  to  a  comfortable  win
            Lacko,     who    knocked  in  the  deciding  set  and                                                              as  the  German  powered
            out    top-seeded    Diego  clinched  the  match  when                                                              through the first set in just 19
            Schwartzman  in  the  sec-   Pliskova  sent  a  forehand                                                            minutes.
            ond round on Wednesday,  wide.  Sabalenka  will  face                                                               But  the  seventh-seeded
            comfortably     dispatched  2008  champion  Agnieszka                                                               Kasatkina  recovered  from
            British No. 2 Cameron Nor-   Radwanska  in  the  semifi-                                                            her  terrible  start  and  the
            rie 6-3, 6-4.                nals  after  the  Pole  eased                                                          Russian  pushed  Kerber  all
            There were also surprises in  past  fifth-seeded  Jelena   Agnieszka  Radwanska  of  Poland  in  action  against  Latvian   the  way.  Both  players  ap-
            the  women's  draw  as  de-  Ostapenko 6-2, 7-5.          player  Agnieszka  Radwanska,  during  day  five  of  the  Nature   peared to struggle on their
                                                                      Valley International at Devonshire Park in Eastbourne, England,
            fending champion Karolina  Top-seeded  Caroline  Woz-     Thursday June 28, 2018.                                   serve  —  with  Kasatkina  in
            Pliskova  was  upset  by  Ary-  niacki  survived  a  scare  to                                     Associated Press  particular  racking  up  10
            na Sabalenka of Belarus.     beat Ashleigh Barty of Aus-                                                            double  faults.  There  were
            The second-seeded Czech  tralia 6-4, 6-3.                 set  but  Wozniacki  broke  four  successive  games  to  several breaks of serve be-
            player,  who  has  reached  The  eighth-seeded  Barty  straight  back  each  time  book  her  semifinal  spot,  fore  Kerber  triumphed  in
            the  final  in  the  past  two  broke twice in the second  and the Danish player won  sealing the result when Bar-  little over two hours.q
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