P. 22

                        Friday 29 June 2018
            Dodgers hit 3 homers for 51 in June, beat Cubs 7-5

            Associated Press                                                                                                    lowed Starlin Castro's lead-
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Max                                                                                          off homer in the ninth and
            Muncy and Cody Bellinger                                                                                            walked  the  ensuing  bat-
            each  hit  a  solo  home  run,                                                                                      ter  before  retiring  the  next
            Joc  Pederson  added  a                                                                                             three for his 19th save.
            two-run shot and Los Ange-                                                                                          Wei-Yin Chen (2-5) was the
            les defeated Chicago.                                                                                               loser.
            The   Dodgers    improved                                                                                           ROYALS 5, BREWERS 4
            to  17-6  in  June  and  have                                                                                       MILWAUKEE  (AP)  —  Mike
            slugged  a  major  league-                                                                                          Moustakas'   solo   homer
            leading  51  homers  this                                                                                           opened a five-run seventh
            month.  That's  the  second-                                                                                        inning that snapped an ex-
            most  during  any  month  in                                                                                        tended  run-scoring  slump
            franchise  history,  and  with                                                                                      for  Kansas  City,  and  the
            three  days  remaining  they                                                                                        Royals held off Milwaukee.
            have  a  chance  to  over-                                                                                          Danny  Duffy  (4-7)  allowed
            take  last  year's  team  that                                                                                      five hits over six effective in-
            set the record with 53.                                                                                             nings for the Royals.
            Alex  Wood  (4-5)  allowed                                                                                          Wily Peralta, a former Brew-
            three  runs  and  seven  hits   Los Angeles Dodgers' Justin Turner advances to third on a single by Cody Bellinger during the first   er, closed it out the game
            in seven innings to earn his   inning of a baseball game against the Chicago Cubs in Los Angeles, Wednesday, June 27, 2018.   after Brad Miller hit a three-
            third  straight  win.  The  left-                                                                  Associated Press  run  homer  off  reliever  Tim
            hander  struck  out  six  and                                                                                       Hill with nobody out in the
            walked none, retiring the fi-  added a sacrifice fly in the  PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Zach  14.                          ninth to get the Brewers to
            nal seven batters he faced.  ninth  as  the  Pirates,  shut  Eflin limited New York to four  DIAMONDBACKS  2,  MAR-  5-4.
            Kenley  Jansen  earned  a  down  by  Zack  Wheeler  hits  in  seven  innings,  and  LINS 1                          Brewers  starter  Brent  Suter
            four-out save, his 21st of the  most  of  the  night,  came  Rhys Hoskins hit a three-run  MIAMI  (AP)  —  Robbie  Ray  (8-5)  allowed  six  hits  and
            season.  Cubs  starter  Kyle  back  against  a  belea-    homer in Philadelphia's vic-  pitched six scoreless innings  four  runs  before  leaving
            Hendricks (5-8) gave up six  guered  New  York  bullpen  tory.                         in  his  first  game  in  nearly  with the bases loaded and
            runs and eight hits in 2 2/3  to  win  for  just  the  second  Eflin  won  his  fifth  straight  two months in Arizona's vic-  nobody out in the seventh.
            innings, failing to go at least  time in eight games.     start and kept the surprising  tory over Miami.           GIANTS 1, ROCKIES 0
            five innings for the first time  Wilmer   Flores   homered  Phillies in the thick of the NL  Ray  (3-0)  allowed  two  SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —
            in 16 starts this season. The  and Asdrubal Cabrera had  East race.                    hits  and  issued  two  walks.  Brandon  Crawford  hom-
            team has lost five of his last  three  hits  for  New  York,  Eflin  (6-2)  became  the  first  He  struck  out  six  in  his  first  ered  with  one  out  in  the
            six starts.                  which  has  dropped  eight  Phillies  pitcher  to  win  five  game  since  April  29.  Ray  ninth  inning  to  give  San
            PIRATES 5, METS 3            of nine. Mets relievers have  starts  in  a  month  (he  had  had been on the disabled  Francisco  its  fourth  straight
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  David  21 losses this season, most in  a  1.76  ERA  in  June)  since  list  with  a  strained  right  victory. After starters Madi-
            Freese  hit  a  go-ahead,  the majors.                    Cole  Hamels  went  5-0  in  oblique.                     son  Bumgarner  for  San
            two-run  single  and  Pitts-  Felipe Vazquez (3-2) threw  May 2012.                    Daniel   Descalso    hom-    Francisco  and  Kyle  Free-
            burgh  rallied  for  four  runs  two scoreless innings for the  Searanthony   Dominguez  ered  and  Deven  Marrero  land  for  Colorado  put  up
            in  the  ninth  inning  to  beat  win.                    finished  for  his  fifth  save.  knocked  in  a  run  to  help  matching performances of
            New York.                    Jeurys Familia (3-4) took the  Luis Cessa (0-1) lasted only  the   Diamondbacks   win  seven  spotless  innings,  the
            Gregory  Polanco  had  an  loss.                          three innings in his first start  for  the  sixth  time  in  seven  game was decided by the
            RBI  single  and  Josh  Bell  PHILLIES 3, YANKEES 0       for the Yankees since Aug.  games. Brad Boxberger al-     bullpens.q

                                                                      Ohtani cleared to begin hitting

                                                                      after elbow shows healing

                                                                      practice in private.         hopes  of  avoiding  Tommy  pler  said.  "This  allows  for
                                                                      "That's news I was hoping to  John  surgery,  the  Angels  more  freedom,  structure
                                                                      hear," Eppler said on a con-  had  Ohtani's  ligament  in-  and  control."  Ohtani  has
                                                                      ference call.                jected  with  platelet-rich  not  been  cleared  to  pitch
                                                                      Ohtani was placed on the  plasma and stem cells ear-      yet.  His  last  appearance
                                                                      disabled  list  with  a  UCL  lier  this  month.  Eppler  said  came  June  6  in  a  start
                                                                      sprain  June  8.  He  will  be  he  has  not  had  additional  against Kansas City. Ohtani
                                                                      re-evaluated by doctors in  injections.                   left after four innings with a
            In this Wednesday, May 30, 2018 file photo,Los Angeles Angels   three weeks.Asked whether  Eppler  said  Ohtani  will  not  blister and also mentioned
            starting pitcher Shohei Ohtani throws during the second inning   Ohtani needs Tommy John  play  in  rehab  games  but  he  was  feeling  tightness  in
            of a baseball game against the Detroit Tigers in Detroit.  surgery  that  could  cause  will  take  batting  practice  his  elbow.  An  MRI  taken
                                                     Associated Press  him  to  miss  the  rest  of  this  in a "private and controlled  the next day revealed the
                                                                      season as well as all of the  environment"  and  could  UCL  in  his  right  elbow  had
            By BETH HARRIS               General  manager  Billy  Ep-  2019  season,  Eppler  said,  face  live  pitching  as  soon  progressed  from  a  Grade
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Shohei  pler  said  Thursday  that  "No doctor has told me that  as  this  weekend.  Because  1  strain  to  a  more  serious
            Ohtani's  elbow  injury  has  Ohtani  underwent  an  MRI  Shohei needs surgical inter-  Ohtani  is  not  a  position  Grade 2 level. Ohtani won
            healed  enough  that  the  in Los Angeles that showed  vention at this time."          player, rehab games were  four of his first five decisions
            Los  Angeles  Angels'  two-  improvement  to  his  ulnar  Ohtani  has  a  Grade  2  deemed unnecessary.             before  getting  injured.  He
            way  star  can  begin  a  hit-  collateral  ligament,  clear-  sprain,  or  partial  tear,  of  "We can control a little bit  was  batting  .289  with  six
            ting program immediately.    ing  him  to  take  batting  the UCL in his right elbow. In  more  the  progression,"  Ep-  home runs and 20 RBIs.q
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