P. 21
SPORTS Friday 29 June 2018
J.D. Martinez hits 25th HR, Red
Sox rally to beat Angels 9-6
By The Associated Press in front 7-6, and scored on scored three in the bottom
BOSTON (AP) — J.D. Mar- Leon's single. Matt Barnes of the first to close the gap
tinez hit his major league- (2-2) worked a scoreless in- and got within one Evan
leading 25th home run, ning. Craig Kimbrel got four Gattis' RBI double in the
Rafael Devers delivered outs for his 23rd save, his first fifth. But Kevin Pillar singled
a tiebreaking double and of more than three outs this and scored on an error
the Boston Red Sox beat season. in the sixth to make it 6-4.
the skidding Los Angeles ASTROS 7, BLUE JAYS 6 Marwin Gonzalez snapped
Angels 9-6 on Wednesday HOUSTON (AP) — Alex Breg- an 0 for 23 slump with a solo
night after squandering man hit a two-run homer shot to the bullpen in right-
a six-run lead. Martinez's in the ninth inning to com- center off Tyler Clippard
homer capped a six-run plete a big rally in Houston's with two outs in the eighth
second for the Red Sox, victory over Toronto. inning to cut the lead to
who won for the fifth time in It was Bregman's third one.
six games. Eduardo Nunez straight game with a hom- RANGERS 5, PADRES 2
and Sandy Leon also went er and it capped a huge ARLINGTON, Texas (AP)
deep in the inning. Boston comeback for the Astros. — Mike Minor took a per-
improved to 5-0 against the They trailed 5-0 in the mid- fect game into the sev-
Angels this season and has dle of the first inning after enth inning, Shin-Soo Choo
outscored them 45-10. a terrible start by Dallas reached base for the 40th Boston Red Sox's J.D. Martinez points upward as he crosses home
Martin Maldonado Keuchel. straight game and Texas plate after belting a three-run home run off Los Angeles Angels
launched a three-run The Astros trailed by one beat San Diego. starting pitcher Andrew Heaney during the second inning of a
baseball game at Fenway Park in Boston, Wednesday, June 27,
homer and Ian Kinsler had when Tony Kemp singled Minor (6-4) was perfect un- 2018.
a solo shot for the Angels. off Ryan Tepera (5-3) with til Eric Hosmer's single up Associated Press
They lost their fifth straight no outs in the ninth and the middle with one out
and 12th in 16 games. advanced to second on in the seventh. One out fect ninth for his 20th save, got a home run from Ryon
Los Angeles reliever Jake a wild pitch. Then with one later, center fielder Delino the most in the majors this Healy and had 14 hits while
Jewell was carted off the out in the inning, Bregman DeShields preserved Minor's season without a blown improving their record in
field with what appeared sent a fastball to left field, shutout by leaping to rob save. Clayton Richard (7-7) extra innings to 7-0.
to be a gruesome injury to where it bounced off the Hunter Renfroe of a home took the loss. Jean Segura led off the
his right ankle after cover- wall above the Crawford run. Minor struck out five MARINERS 8, ORIOLES 7, 11 11th with a double against
ing the plate on a run-scor- Boxes, to give Houston the and threw 85 pitches. INNINGS Mychal Givens (0-5), and
ing wild pitch in the eighth. victory. Choo tied Philadelphia's BALTIMORE (AP) — Denard Span drove in the go-
Angels star Mike Trout went Bregman also doubled Odubel Herrera for the Span hit a tiebreaking sacri- ahead run with a deep fly
1 for 4 as a sprained right twice after hitting a homer longest on-base streak this fice fly in the 11th inning af- to center off Donnie Hart.
index finger kept him as the and doubling three times in season. Choo was hit by a ter Kyle Seager delivered a Chasen Bradford (5-0)
designated hitter for the a win on Tuesday night. pitch leading off the first in- two-run homer in the ninth, worked the 10th, and Ed-
eighth consecutive game. Will Harris (3-3) allowed one ning and also had two hits and Seattle beat Baltimore. win Diaz got three outs for
Devers doubled off reliever hit in a scoreless ninth. to extend his hitting streak Playing without injured his major league-leading
Jose Alvarez (3-3) in the sev- After the Blue Jays took a to 11 games. Nelson Cruz for a second 30th save, a club record
enth, putting Boston back 5-0 lead in the first, Houston Keone Kela pitched a per- straight game, the Mariners before the All-Star break.q
Ex-Tigers pitching coach Bosio says he's 'crushed' by firing
DETROIT (AP) — Pitching talking about him. I said, wrongful termination.
coach Chris Bosio said 'No, no, no. We're talking Bosio was in his first season
Thursday he was fired by about Stumpf.'""I swear on as Detroit's pitching coach
the Detroit Tigers for using my mom and dad's graves, after serving in the same
the word "monkey," but in- there was nothing else to role for six years with the
sists he didn't say it in a ra- it," he told the newspaper. Chicago Cubs. The Cubs
cial or demeaning context. General manager Al Avila didn't renew Bosio's con-
Bosio told USA Today he said Wednesday that Bosio tract after last season and
used the word while talk- was fired for making insen- hired Jim Hickey to replace
ing about pitcher Daniel sitive comments to another him. The 55-year-old Bosio
Stumpf, who is white. Bosio team employee. Avila de- was 94-93 over an 11-sea-
said Stumpf is nicknamed clined to offer additional son major league career,
"Spider Monkey" because details."I have to take seri- mostly as a starter, with Mil-
of the faces he makes ously what the comments waukee and Seattle.
while lifting weights. Bosio were," Avila said. "And, the The Tigers promoted bull-
said an African-American action we took was appro- pen coach Rick Anderson
clubhouse attendant over- priate." to replace Bosio. Roving
heard the conversation. Bo- Bosio told USA Today that In an April 20, 2018 file photo Detroit Tigers pitching coach Chris pitching instructor A.J. Sag-
sio told USA Today that "the he was "crushed" about his Bosio walks to the dugout during the seventh inning of game er will be the team's bullpen
kid thought we were talking firing. Bosio said he plans to one of a baseball doubleheader against the Kansas City Royals coach until Triple-A Toledo
about him. He got all up- hire an attorney to help de- in Detroit. pitching coach Jeff Pico
set. He assumed we were termine whether to sue for Associated Press takes his place next week.