P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 29 June 2018

            Thai rescuers search for other entrances to flooded cave

            By TASSANEE VEJPONGSA                                                                                               led  a  prayer  for  relatives,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    many  of  them  red-eyed
            MAE  SAI,  Thailand  (AP)  —                                                                                        and crying.
            Rescuers  punched  a  hole                                                                                          Medics sat in a tent nearby,
            into the side of a mountain                                                                                         and  bicycles,  backpacks
            on  Thursday  in  a  desper-                                                                                        and soccer cleats the boys
            ate  attempt  to  drain  rising                                                                                     left behind remained at the
            water from a flooded cave                                                                                           entrance.
            in northern Thailand where                                                                                          Anmar  Mirza,  national  co-
            12  boys  and  their  soccer                                                                                        ordinator  of  the  National
            coach  have  been  missing                                                                                          Cave  Rescue  Commission
            for five days.                                                                                                      in the U.S. and editor of the
            But  the  effort  appeared                                                                                          Manual  of  U.S.  Cave  Res-
            unsuccessful and the situa-                                                                                         cue  Techniques,  said  that
            tion remained dire, with no                                                                                         in a situation like this there
            guarantee  that  the  water                                                                                         are  likely  to  be  only  two
            will  soon  recede  from  the                                                                                       things  that  can  be  done:
            cave  with  months  left  in                                                                                        attempt to pump the water
            Thailand's rainy season.                                                                                            down and search for alter-
            Divers  have  been  unable                                                                                          native entrances.
            to navigate passages filled                                                                                         Drilling would be extremely
            with muddy water, and res-   Rescue personnel walk out of the entrance to a cave where it's believed that 12 soccer team   difficult  for  a  number  of
            cuers  are  seeking  alterna-  members went missing, Thursday, June 28, 2018, in northern Thailand.                 reasons  and  could  also
            tive  ways  of  entering  the                                                                      Associated Press  take  days  to  weeks,  he
            sprawling  cave,  hoping  to                                                                                        said, adding that it was im-
            find  hidden  shafts  in  the  to  flood  severely  in  the  deep  inside  the  cave  has  Thursday's drilling from out-  portant  not  to  take  need-
            mountain  that  might  offer  rainy season.               filled  with  water,  blocking  side  the  cave  was  aimed  less risks.
            a back door into the cav-    Still,  authorities  have  ex-  searchers from proceeding  at  removing  water  from  Mirza  said  the  boys'  youth
            erns.                        pressed hope there are dry  further into the cave com-    where it was accessible —  and health are to their ad-
            Deputy    national   police  places  on  higher  ground  plex.                         near  the  cave's  entrance,  vantage and if the cave is
            chief  Wirachai  Songmet-    within the cave where the  Giant  pumps  attached  to  where  equipment  can  be  not  too  cold,  they  should
            ta  said  he  will  join  more  group may be able to wait.  long hoses were deployed  easily deployed — in hopes  be  able  to  survive  four  to
            than  600  people  combing  Thai  searchers  have  been  to drain that chamber, but  of draining it away from ar-   five days with no water and
            the  mountain  for  possible  joined  by  a  U.S.  military  could  not  keep  up  with  eas further inside the cave,  a month or more with wa-
            cracks.  A  few  shafts  that  team  and  British  cave  ex-  flooding  caused  by  the  said Suratin Chaichompoo,  ter but no food.q
            were found were ruled out,  perts,  along  with  several  heavy rains. Water backed  president  of  the  Thai  Well
            but  Interior  Minister  Anu-  other private teams of for-  up into areas leading from  Water Association. But wa-
            pong  Paojinda  said  rescu-  eign "cavers."              the  cave  entrance  to  the  ter levels continued to rise.
            ers are still looking at three  At a morning briefing, Thai  filled  chamber,  causing  a  The  U.S.  Indo-Pacific  Com-
            locations. They will  explore  SEAL  divers  explained  to  further disruption to the res-  mand in Hawaii confirmed
            further with the geological  the  U.S.  team  that  water  cue effort.                 that  a  U.S.  team  of  about
            department  using  equip-    levels had been rising over-  Authorities  also  had  to  30 people was sent to assist
            ment  such  as  small  cam-  night at a rate of about 15  switch off the power to the  the search. Navy Lt. Cmdr.
            eras, he said.               centimeters  (6  inches)  per  pumps for safety as teams  Nicole  Schwegman  said
            The   missing   boys   and  hour,  complicating  efforts  worked to raise the power  Wednesday that the team
            coach  entered  the  Tham  to  squeeze  through  tight  cables above the floodwa-      had  been  sent  at  the  re-
            Luang  Nang  Non  cave  in  passages,  some  of  which  ters.                          quest of Thailand's govern-
            Chiang  Rai  province  after  require  divers  to  contort  "There's  not  much  we  can  ment.
            a  soccer  game  on  Satur-  their  bodies  around  L-    do  right  now,"  Interior  Min-  Some  parents  of  the  miss-
            day  afternoon.  The  cave  shaped bends.                 ister  Anupong  said.  "We  ing  children  have  been
            complex  extends  several  Near-constant  rains  have  have to wait for the water  spending the nights in tents
            kilometers  (miles)  with  nar-  stalled search efforts inside  level  to  decline.  (Divers)  outside the cave entrance
            row  passageways  and  un-   the  cave  by  raising  wa-  can't  do  anything  right  as  rain  pours.  On  Thursday
            even ground and is known  ter  levels.  A  key  chamber  now."                         morning,  a  Buddhist  monk
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